Category Archives: SCIENCE

Sometimes Nature Is Awesome. Other Times, It’ll Scare The Life Out Of You. Like This.

If you’re a skeptic, prepare to have your socks knocked off. The insane photographs you see below aren’t photoshop or the creation of a science fiction artist. They are actually very real and very natural occurrences in nature. But that doesn’t stop them from being hellishly scary. 1. Supercells: Supercells are gigantic, spinning storms that…

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Wow, Earth… You’re Looking Really Hot… Call Me Sometime ;)

While going about our busy lives, it’s easy forget the fact that this planet we live on is SUPER GORGEOUS. In fact, after just looking at handful of the natural beauty Earth has produced, I’m convinced that aliens definitely don’t exist…or if they do, they’re very dumb for not trying to steal this amazing place from us. I mean, just look at…

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Did You Know These 4 Animals Are Actually Older Than Trees? What In The..?!

When you think about life on Earth, it’s natural to think of trees as the dominant life form on the planet. Trees are everywhere, giving us rich oxygen and something pleasant to look at in otherwise lifeless places. The first modern tree appeared nearly 360 million years ago, and as strange as it sounds, it wasn’t the…

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Here Are The 11 Most Blatant Signs That Summer Is Over.

Who doesn’t love summer? It’s a time for vacation, fun in the sun, and no school. Unfortunately, summer will eventually end for everyone. You’ll have to come back from vacation, school will start and (if you live in unlucky parts of the world) the weather will begin to suck. These are the signs that summer…

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By Wearing This, You Can Actually Make The World A Better Place.

The BBSuit 0.2, created for the 2014 Beijing Design Week, is not only a cutting edge piece of technology; it’s also able to clean the air around the wearer. Using cold plasma technology, as well as built-in WiFi and GPS, the suit neutralizes harmful pollutants and germs. The technology is integrated into the fabric via…

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What This Guy Just Caught In Florida Reminds Me How Terrifying Nature Is.

Steve Bargeron was fishing in Fort Pierce, Florida one night when he realized he had hooked something big. He had no idea just how big until he wrangled it out of the ocean. At 18”, the size of the catch would have been cause for excitement if it were most any kind of fish, but Bargeron…

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These People Think They Have Found The Secret To Immortality. It’s Pretty Cool.

There is a rumor that Walt Disney had his body frozen so it could preserved for the future. As fitting as it would be for the history’s weirdest media tycoon to be frozen, Han Solo style, Walt is buried in Glendale, California. But, but, but! Cryogenics are a real thing. There are celebrities that have…

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