Tag Archives: walmart

So this guy goes into Walmart…

so this guy goes into Walmart and all the checkout registers are closed What you’re telling me is that the registers close at eight o’clock yes and that uh you would rather me take all those groceries right there and just leave them in the cart and leave the store than to have somebody ring…

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He went crazy in a Walmart

when did we just all lose our damn Minds so I guess this guy here is destroying all the bush light at Walmart because he's mad about trans something I don't know I've lost track about what people are mad at anymore now it's not confirmed he's doing this because he's mad at the trans…

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People who post their crimes on TikTok

why do people post their crimes on Tick Tock eating free at Walmart oh good teach the young kid to steal that's that's a good start and I'm sorry but what the hell are those dots on that woman's face did she lose a fight with a stapler tank that and that she looks like…

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