Tag Archives: impeachment

Hey, Dems, THIS puts the kibosh on your impeachment fear-mongering frenzy

http://twitter.com/#!/markknoller/status/493756361554280448 Pitiful. As Twitchy reported, Dems are in a “red alert” impeachment fundraising emailing frenzy. And just won’t stop. http://twitter.com/#!/hale_razor/status/493759565192642562 http://twitter.com/#!/ZekeJMiller/status/493755041007030272 Ludicrous. Here is a dose of reality for you, Dems, that should put the kibosh on your fear-mongering for cash scheme: http://twitter.com/#!/redsteeze/status/493760863409434624 Serious you guys. Related: Pathetic! Dems in ‘red alert’ impeachment emails frenzy;…

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