Is please? Yes, you’re gonna, be the first ones investigating this museum. As long as you, ‘re being respectful, not challenging you’re gonna be all right.


Okay and protecting yourself, I mean, do not challenge the demonic um.


I have somebody in here that did challenge the demonic and he was possessed and he ended up killing somebody jeez.


Now I want you guys to meet him and he could tell you what happens when you do that so come inside into the kitchen.


I got Arnie Johnson waiting in the kitchen.


Um, johnson is right: yeah yeah yeah, so that’s the one that made the movie the devil made me do it.


You know what I have my video I’ll do a video yeah yeah, I’ll.


Have him come out here and um well, we’re gonna go in there.


I didn’t know about that.


Dude I did. I did not know that he was coming, and this is amazing.


This is breaking through the wall of what we know.


This is a first-hand source yeah, we’ve.


We talked to people who have been possessed.


We’ve talked to people that have had blackouts in time, but we’ve never spoken to someone who’s.


You know like absolutely no disrespect to who he is as a human, but without any doubt, he did murder someone exactly and we’re gonna talk to him and everyone that says he’s, just amazing things to say about it.


As far as I know, he was sentenced to 20 years and got off after five years for just being like a model prisoner model inmate.


So this is, this is not planned and we’re still going to make sure we can do an investigation and still like walk around and there’s so much more to see.


But this is absolute yeah.


So let’s just go inside and everybody around him believes that the devil made him. Do it, everybody I mean I mean bro after going in there.


How could you not believe that this might be one of the biggest nights of our entire life? It already is, I’m, just gonna say right now.


It already is.


This is holy a lifetime bro and the fact that we’re gonna be the only people to investigate here.


Besides, every people have come here, you have to visit, but they come here and investigate the only decides them, bro.


I got this door.


How’s it going? Hey guys.


How are you good, good school grab school cool? Thank you.


We’re about to meet Arne Johnson from the infamous case otherwise known as the devil made me do it, which made international headlines, as it was the first time in American history with the plea of not guilty by way of demonic possession was used in court.


The importance of Ed and Lorraine Warren to this case is tremendous. Arnie was dating Debbie Glatzel and her family was concurrently dealing with the demonic possession happening in their own home Debbie’s 12-year-old brother David was believed to be possessed by a demon, and they desperately sought help from Ed and Lorraine Warren, as well as three Other priests, attempted to perform exorcisms on the boy during which a fatal mistake was made with photos of Arnie Johnson during the exorcism.


He is seen kneeling over David with the crucifix and helping hold him down.


Attempt after attempt was made to free the young boy, but in a final attempt of desperation, to remove the demon Arnie offered for this demonic entity to leave David and enter him.


Instead, seemingly, it worked a few months later in the quiet, ordinary town of Brookfield’s, Connecticut, where everything was rather pleasant, quaint, and friendly until that changed overnight on February 16th, 1981, an argument was stirred up between Alan Bono and Arne Johnson, with Debbie Glatzel attempting To stand between the two: according to police reports, Arnie started growling like an animal and then drew a five-inch pocket knife stabbing.


Alan repeatedly Allen died several hours later he had suffered four or five tremendous wounds mainly to his chest, with one that stretched from his stomach to the base of his heart Johnson was later found two miles from the site of the killing and then held on bail.


He expressed having no memory of what he had just done.


This was the first unlawful killing in the history of the town and Arnie was tried for first-degree, murder, pleading insanity, stating the devil made him do it.


November 24 1981 marked the beginning of the court case for murder, due to the involvement of not only the Warrens but also the clergy of the catholic church.


It captured international attention making headlines as the courts brought the devil and god into the fold.


Dwarfs backed his testimony as a courtroom was filled with controversy over speculation surrounding the case. The plea that a demon-possessed Ernie was tossed aside as it was deemed unprovable and unable to be held in a court of law.


He was sentenced to 10 to 20 years in prison, but released after only five years for good behavior, and tonight we will have the opportunity to not only meet Arnie but to sit down and have a conversation with him about the night.


The devil made him.


Do it pleasure, Corey big query Corbin.


What was that Corbin? Oh yeah, dave you don’t know it that’s, fine man, it’s all good even nice to meet you.


Why did I ask you to come inside and uh meet Art Johnson? When I said you know when you’re doing your investigation does not challenge the demonic, so Arnie here, as you know, is from the devil.


Maybe Dylan’s case.


You know the Brookfield murder case: Arnie challenged the demonic, the devil, the beast Arnie was trying to protect his family.


He challenged the devil, say come into me.


Fight me leave David alone. Now Arnie explained, you know what the consequences were.


Well, when I challenged them.


You know there are a lot of moving objects, so it was thrown out of the door.


All kinds of things used to happen, ways of trying to take my life, because I was a threat at that time to David and trying to protect him.


There’s been another k, incident that I don’t recall but came under a demonic possession with which I was told by other people, never to challenge it, because you bring something out to you that doesn’t come right away.


It just comes in very slowly and it’s very damaging yeah there’s, nothing good about it.


Are you going to tell the whole side of the story, a story that’s never been told before um? So when we at the paragon Arne’s going to be one of the speakers and he’ll go more into detail about, you know what he went through so yeah guys come on purchase your tickets to warren seekers of supernatural, go to warrens net and Uh purchase your tickets come to visit, Arnie and we have multiple.


You know speakers coming as well yeah good speakers, yeah, and we appreciate this.


This is a truly incredible experience to have yeah Arnie doesn’t talk to just anybody, yeah, and you know he’s – kind of a quiet, shy guy, actually yeah that’s.


What Eddie used to say about it. He said Ari’s a good kid: he’s a hard-working kid and he was trying to do the right thing and said he’s trying to protect his girlfriends, brother yeah and he’s trying to protect everybody, because he felt like the man Of the house – and that was his only mistake because he didn’t know any better if he knew better.


Of course, he wouldn’t do it, but he didn’t know what he was up against, so it had dire consequences.


After that, we love Arnie, I mean it’s good.


I love these guys too yeah that’s great, I mean I’ll be honest.


If I was probably in your situation and I feel like I could do something to protect the people.


I care about it, I would have done the same thing this way.


You know never the results.


You know there is a victim involved and it was all bad, yeah, and if I didn’t do that same results when it came in, but maybe it would have been a little better than where it led yeah.


But at that time, when you see something going on like this, you just try to protect yeah.


You know the first instinct is anger and frustration because you’re fighting something you can’t see and the strength and the power is unbelievable. Knocked me out across the kitchen out the door jeez yep it was.


It was coming slowly to him yeah.


I was doing tree work and this was predicted by David.


He said they’re going to kill you tomorrow.


So I was in a trade 80 feet up pruning it.


So you have a lifeline, so you have enough.


The knot came untied just right in front of me just untied and I dropped bouncing off the branches, but luckily my ankle got stuck in a crotch.


Oh, my god, so I was a little bruised up and everything, but it could have been a lot worse when David was under oppression, he was telling us what the beast had said and he said we’re going to kill him at work tomorrow.




I think god protected him at that time. Yeah.


That’s what I was doing, what are the odds of getting caught in the cracks your ankle caught across, and stopping from just certain death?


Exactly he wasn’t meant Cathy and mommy go.


Then there you go.


I was like when you challenge the demonic it’ll come to you, you don’t know when it’s, coming it’s going to catch you at your weakest point: yeah.


Were you just trying to like fight it off? Like you mentally think, I can fight this off and I can push it away, or when you come under a demonic attack.


You don’t know what’s happening.


It’s, just like you’re there and then all of a sudden, you’re, not there yeah and you lose the whole period.


Yeah, it takes over your body.


It takes over your vessel right like you pushed out like he knew nothing about what happened right of the incident himself. Yeah I mean murder happened, yeah, Arnie, didn’t even know anybody.


He woke up in jail.


All I know is we were leaving.


We were walking down the stairs the next thing.


I know you lose that period and then when I came to or came back, I was dead, exhausted could barely move and I was in jail being charged with murder.


I said you got you kidding me, I couldn’t believe it yeah.


There was no way yeah, so it’s just a blackout yeah.


What that must feel.


Like you know, just all of a sudden.


You know nothing, not knowing anything and then you’re being in charge of murder. It was um, terrifying, yeah, yeah, and when you come out, you can’t, you can barely stand or anything.


When you come back.


You’re just totally trained when you.


Finally, came too, did you feel as though you were yourself and like the demonic possession was over, or was there something that had to happen after it kind of? Well, I wasn’t myself.


I was total uh exhausted, like I said, like um, but I was me yeah yeah.


There were times when he was in the cell and other prisoners were saying.


You know this.


What was happening to you and you had no recognition?


You know you didn’t even know that it was happening to you yeah.


I had a couple of other prisoners say I was floating around the south wow yeah wow. Well, stop asking questions, so you can share the full story.


If you know I’ll just think keep asking yeah most.


That’s, why I want you guys to meet Arnie this way.


He could explain that to you yeah, who better explain it?


Of course yeah, I’ve heard nothing but good things about you from everyone.


That knows you.


Wow looks good yeah.


You guys are careful what you’re doing.


Of course, yeah.


You know, try to capture some good evidence. You know yeah but be respectful because you’re dealing with a demonic.


You know some of those items in that museum.


You know they’re bad, always protect yourself.


Hey can, I add something yeah?


If you guys are inside and you don’t feel comfortable, don’t hesitate to step back and get away from it.


Okay, um, and uh.


We’re close by.


So something does happen.


You hit something knock something over.


Let us know well yeah. Maybe two at a time get too many people in a small location like that things will tend to pull away from you because there are just too many bodies in there Eric.


You said you investigated down there once before right?


Well, we all did okay, that was about a year ago, tony yeah um.


It was around 3 am doing a spirit box session and I was at the tail end of the um.


The passageway and a voice came out of the spirit box, said Annabelle clear as day, and I always run my boxes backward.


So what are the odds of that happening in the occult museum where Annabelle is at 3 am, yeah, and just said Annabelle? No matter what equipment you’re going to use, who wants to communicate with, you is going to communicate with you?


You know if you hear the voice, sometimes it doesn’t come up.


Doesn’t pick up on the recorder.


It was just meant for you to hear it yeah I’m glad uh.


To be honest. You didn’t ask us to come here four years ago.


I don’t think we would have been prepared right now.


We’ve, be you know, different countries and yeah right.


It’s, good timing, you know, and you guys were able to grow as well, really um.


This is just putting the icing on the cake yeah.


This is literally at the tail end of like 13 nights of some of the more surreal moments we’ve ever had doing this yeah, so it’s kind of I don’t know just perfectly lined up just got to keep raising that bar Yeah next yeah, I don’t know what’s.


What, hopefully you know, we’re able to teach you a different way of investigating how to approach things yeah.


So you can also take that knowledge and continue what you’re doing and just add that to it.


Any of you want to join us.


I’m hungry. Well, do something together.


I would love that I would love.


Maybe we could start with one of you there so that way we definitely will go with it.


Yeah I mean I just.


I would love to do that honestly to be sure and be safe and understand it and until and to learn.


Okay, so yeah, we’ll work something out yeah before you just leave us in there alone at three in the morning.


You always bless yourself before you go inside of yourself.


We’ll bless you guys.


We’ll give you some um holy water bless yourself and when before you leave, bless yourself again.


Okay, all right! This way there are, no attachments that you’re going to bring with you, okay, but you’re asking questions through the name of Jesus Christ. You know just remember that you got to protect yourself, so do your normal investigation, but just remember that these items are not like any other items that you confronted before.


So just be careful to go home without any attachments.


It’s demonic.


It’s very knowledgeable how you would say Tony, where some of the ages wisdom of the ages.


Only god knows everything it’s, Monica it’s a lot.


So thank you all right guys.


Thank you all seriously.


Thank you.


We’ll go get some of our get ready and then we sure join you.


Thank you so much they have to go across America and all this stuff is like the summit. This is the summit of everything man, yeah guys are here until four o’clock in the morning so, as I said, we’re bringing a little bit over with all the interviews and whatnot.


So you know maybe we can join eric until we need to get you to know I mean to let you guys move in for that and then after yeah, that sounds good yeah that’s good.


Yes, okay, that works tony’s gonna do a bind.


Uh, read the binding um prayer before I move Annabelle from that case.


In the other case, hold your hands up, get we decided to cross the bottom side, and make sure you don’t bring any attachments with you.


I definitely um wish you the best.


I know your environment, you guys know it yeah.


All right museum is one of the most unique and terrifying places on earth and the most haunted area in the world due to the immense amount of items all held within this one space, the collection is so sinister, it is kept under lock and key, not only to keep people out but to keep what is held within it from escaping all items here, are considered unholy cursed and evil.


To touch an item is to condemn oneself to invite demons and evil spirits to attack.


9 pm has always been the cut-off time for being inside the museum. This lockdown continues until 6 am this isn’t about closing the museum for the night, but this is when all of the cursed items come to life and to their full-power museum in which the tables are turned.


Visitors do not only look and study each item on display, but the items watch, study, and listen to you entering the museum truly alone is impossible.


One wrong move or one disrespectful action could mean an attack on your well-being or even worse, your soul guys.


This is amazing, truly definitely probably the coolest investigation.


Do you like heads office? That was one of the coolest things in the paintings.


Amazing there’s a lot of stuff on top too.


Can you say that Lorraine made that case? Well, she he’s.


She didn’t, but she had this built to keep the Annabelle doll ed used to call it the devil, doll, yeah yeah, that makes sense right, buddy, sound, a little prayer, it’s, good yeah that’s, the original uh it’s.


The original case, like I do 39, t, really like to call it a museum.


This is just where they store their life.’s work like everything they know they took and everything that accumulated throughout the years. I do have something to say when we get into a group setting something crappy.


Why are you right? It was during the tour I didn’t want to ruin it.


We don’t keep secrets even.


We share.


We share.


This is how people get hurt even when you don’t speak up and you’re like hey heaven, you’re no longer heaven, you’re back to even it’s a call back to a video that’s coming out in 10 Weeks famous cases, all those cases you guys have heard about you know all the movies like this, the Snedeker case, you know haunting in Connecticut yeah that’s all and Lorraine uh, so Evan has something to share with us that he decided to withhold from Us for hours, how would you touch? No, I didn’t touch anything when we were not.


No, when we were in the corner.


I’m talking about the white lady.


I was standing in the corner by myself and I felt like something did that and so squeeze my arm.


So the first thing I do is look behind me. I’m, like okay, cool nothing.’s there, like here,’s a like the by the mirror by the mirror area.


So at first, I’m, like oh, I bumped into something.


So I look, nothing was there and then it’s like wait there’s, absolutely nothing.


I can bump into okay um, but you’ll see on camera.


I was startled and jumped thank you for sharing.


So thank you for sharing hours later I’m.


Sorry, you know where you are right?


Yeah, are you surprised and just jump in so uh yeah? This is all good.


It’s all good.


Why’d? You never tell us that even, I didn’t want to ruin the tour and I was kind of nervous. You’re not supposed to look at it for too long the most haunted and infamous doll in history.


At a glance, Annabelle looks like an ordinary raggedy ann doll.


However, it is anything but ordinary.


This doll is said to be responsible for the death of a young man and for causing pain and suffering to anyone that challenges it never holding back.


The warrens acquired the doll in 1970 from a student nurse shortly after the terrifying tale began, purchased as a present by Angie for her daughter donna.


The new gift was placed on her bed, as would any pillow or stuffed animal and it wasn’t long after that they would begin to notice, strange and unsettling occurrences happening around the doll donna would sleep with the doll tucked into her arms and over time.


She began to include it in more of her daily activities.


As the doll became more at home, they began realizing that when no one was watching it, it would move unexplainably.


It would disappear and reappear sometimes with its legs, crossed arms folded, or even standing perfectly upright Annabelle not only moved but was capable of writing and leaving messages.


After a month of noticing, her moving into different rooms, pieces of paper lying around would begin to appear. Despite there being no parchment paper in the home, the words would say things, like help us or help you with the writing style, as if it were a child, the possibility of it being donna playing a trick on her mother was finally discarded.


She came home to uncover the doll covered in blood on its hands and chest without having any idea where it could have come from.


They sought out help from someone skilled in the paranormal.


They were introduced to a medium that could help them understand more about Annabelle and who or what might be inhabiting the doll upon meeting the medium.


The seance was held with the doll, and this was the beginning of many.


Through the medium.


They got the name Annabelle Higgins, who was the spirit of a seven-year-old girl whose body was found on the property where their apartment was.


This opened the door to an active communication between the doll and the girls, sending them down a path of no return.


The rule with spirits and demons is once you begin to acknowledge them.


They know, and they will continue to make themselves known once this door is open. It is extremely hard to close again the medium expressed that Annabelle wanted to stay with them and be loved because she felt comfortable around them and after hearing the story, donna and Angie couldn’t help but care for and treat the doll like a child.


They permitted Annabelle to stay with them.


They took care of her and brought her extra clothing and jewelry.


They started to even take Annabelle on rides to enjoy the scenery.


The two girls became frightened.


However, when the paranormal activity began to increase in intensity around them, they began to hear lots of knocking banging disembodied voices whispers, and far more as the activity increased.


It took it as a sign that it was time to do another seance for Annabelle, which only increased their level of interaction and connection more and more.


What took things to the next level is when the girls began to return late at night after work, and they would find the doll standing waiting for them.


It was when the fiance of one of the girls began to state that they should burn and throw out the doll.


Did violence and aggressive activity begin after this proclamation, the fiance had gone to sleep, with the doll across the room from him and in the room? The girls were playing, and they called out to Annabelle and said, come help us clean up they said, that the fiance woke up from a nightmare and exclaimed that he had dreamed.


Annabelle was strangling him and, as he said, Marx appeared, he then threw the doll, and he said you’re, just a doll.


You can’t hurt anyone.


However, he was mistaken.


Some slashes appeared on his torso and blood seeped through his shirt.


The girls and their fiance then called father Richard Nolan, who in turn called the warrens to help him investigate Warren’s after meeting the girls argued that god, doesn’t allow the spirit of a child to enter adult instead, ed warren said it was A devil or a demon entered the doll and was impersonating a child.


They said the doll was manipulated by something, inhuman, and thus the girls should relinquish the doll to them.


They then performed an exorcism over the house and the people within it.


After ed warren brought Annabelle back to his home, he had it sitting nearby one day when a priest came to visit the priest mocked the doll and threw it just as the fiance did.


He proclaimed that god is more powerful than the devil. However, ed noted that the priest was not a god but a man.


Unfortunately, the priest, on his way home in a brand new car, almost got into an accident with a tractor-trailer that nearly claimed his life, his car was demolished, and the priest mentioned that, as the accident happened, all he could see was a doll.


Another incident occurred with Annabelle before she was placed under special holy protection.


A detective was visiting the Warrens to get help on a case and noticed a doll sitting nearby.


He kept saying that he couldn’t take his eyes off of it during this time.


The phone suddenly rang and ed warned the detective to touch nothing in the room after about 10 minutes, while ed was still on the phone, he heard the sound of the detective moving out of the room and threw the passageway when he saw the detective.


He was sweating and trembling.


He wouldn’t speak to ed about what had happened but did to Lorraine.


It was found out that he ended up picking up the doll when ed returned to the main room he found things knocked over and it looked like a battle had ensued.


Just touching the doll can change your life because it mingles with the energy of anyone that touches it and is said to taint it. This particular detective after touching the doll, ended up resigning from the police force and moved across the country to California.


Annabelle is now housed in a holy box with three crosses around it and holy water surrounding it.


At all times, this box is said to keep the doll from wreaking havoc.


Even with all these warnings and protections surrounding the doll, a group of college students visited the museum and one of the young men came to the room up to the doll tapped the glass, and challenged it to do its worst to him, because he didn’t believe that it could Ed Warren sent him out of the building nearly three hours after challenging the doll the man was proclaimed dead through an accident.


The young man was driving his motorcycle with his girlfriend on the back laughing about the doll when he suddenly went out of control and died instantly when he hit a tree.


His girlfriend survived.


However, she was hospitalized for over a year.


After all of these occurrences, it was clear that protection had to be in place as well as a caution to anyone that decided to visit the museum.


One thing is clear: you never challenge anything that is a part of this room, especially not Annabelle.


Yet tonight Annabelle will be set free from her protective enclosure, if only for a moment as she is transferred from her current case. That needs repairs into the original case made by ed warren.


This process is not to be taken lightly, with extreme measures and preparations in place.


A balance must be held while moving Annabelle quickly to ensure she cannot wreak any more havoc upon this earth or those within the room while still handling her relocation with ease and respect to not infuriate the evil within it and strengthen its ability to break free.


This relocation will be the sixth time to ever happen in the last 50 years.


This room is just full of so much history.





Do you not touch anything, be like hey tony? If you run out of room just use my p o box, you know just forward them to me or just yeah.


The victim accepts it.


They also accept the curse that comes with it.


It’s made from graveyard clay and bones that touched Evan before here to see if anyone’s with us tonight, I thought that was you. I thought you ran into something you did too right?


It was a dragon noise.


Someone in the passageway – nothing in here is allowed to harm any of us.


Is there a woman here with us? Yeah? Oh yeah, can you tell me your name? Please is underlay or Lorraine Warren here with us this evening?


It sounds like a woman singing who is who are we communicating with right? Now? Do you want to speak to any of these gentlemen that are here tonight?


The spike was used to kill the baby by its mother and sacrificed the devil.


Is anybody hearing someone move over? All items have the energy of some nature and I wonder if all the blessings that happen just completely suppress it, it’s like a boxer with his hand side behind his back.


So it makes me wonder that if anything can push through, you know how, like the strength, it has to do that.


Oh, look at that whoa, it doesn’t even sound.


Like anything you don’t even hear it and warren are you with us tonight? We’re here with respect. Did you hear that yeah? Did you guys hear that a knock sounded like it said, and warren is that you, it’s so loud to think about what this room is used for that he would fit in here and review all the tapes, let alone to think What’s in all those boxes right all the records? Oh yeah! Look it even says under dark place.


The Dublin, Connecticut wow another one.


Who is that he wants to get out in the name of Jesus Christ? Can you tell us your name, okay out of here, felt, cooped up in here so tight in this. Look at this.


It’s catching a figure top left who’s standing in front of us right now, a huge figure stretching across the entire room right here.


What’s in front of us right now in the name of Jesus Christ, tell me your name.


It has a hand on its hip and its other hand.


Just waved look, yeah there are.


Two, there are two right here on the wall.


Who are these entities that are in here? They both like stood up.


You want us to leave there that’s so weird it’s like it’s so dark. I couldn’t feed it.


Oh, see literally on the Annabelle case in the name of Jesus Christ.


Are you on this casing for Annabelle? Are you on top of the roof? Can you film that Evan, oh wow, it’s in both cases?


Well, Evan.


Look at that.


The whole thing is like the entire screen is kind of losing focus.


It’s waving it’s waving at you Corbin at me.


Yes, it’s waving it’s, glitching that you no, I did not touch you did somebody just touch you in the name of Jesus Christ?


Can you please tell us your name and see that again you did?


I did in the name of Jesus Christ if there is an entity, in that case, please show yourself it’s as if both cases have this energy in it looks like that one trying to get out that was wild. It looked like it tried to break its way out of the cave.


I just got freezing and it was warm when we walked in, is that here like it sounded like, and my brain wants me to think it said.


Annabelle sounded like that sounds like yeah.


What about Annabelle that was kind of the first clear female voice. You guys heard that.


Did it sound like that to you I didn’t want to say I thought I was going to be reaching out saying that I mean we know what’s going on yeah I just want to see like I mean right now?


There are only two different locations that have had the SLS register.


Anything right it, like won’t even pick up the mannequins.


Here it’s only picking up the energy on that wall, man, it literally will not even pick up the mannequin, the one at the end of the hallway.


No, it will not it’s not registering it.


I can completely see it here like this. One is not picking up shapes it’s.


Picking up thermal-like energy that’s insane.


I want to go back again.


Do it again, oh I’ve just walked the entire hallway and it didn’t register a single mannequin, and now both cases are in the frame and it’s only registering the one with the actual Annabelle in it.


I walked the entire hallway and I didn’t register a single man.


Again it’s only registered you right here and nothing else.


The portal’s like glitching hardcore, I’m gonna walk around for a minute, sounded like it was a voice at Annabelle.


When I was in Ed’s office, did you hear that something’s coming haunted? I heard that on the camera in the name of Jesus Christ, if there are any good spirits here, could you please let us know by making this device in my hand, spike? There are good spirits here.


Is this picking up audio yeah that has to do that. Was read four times that was incredible? I’ve, I’ve walked the whole place.


I put this to every single mannequin. It has not registered any mannequins, it’s only registered humans, and right here hear it.


Did you hear how that sounds? It keeps sounding like it says, haunted my eyes are a little watery, I’m, getting that that was.


That was amazing.


Thank you for communicating with us um in the name of Jesus Christ.


Were you a victim of one of these tragedies that come along with these objects, dude? That was amazing.


That was incredible.


I said in the name of Jesus Christ.


If there are any good spirits here, can you let me know by making this device go off in my hand, and it went red red red red?


I know dude good starting point.


If we know there’s an entity there clearly on this, then we bring out the other devices. We just got some crazy stuff in the name of Jesus Christ.


If there is any energy attached to these paintings, can you please make the device, in my hand, go off in the name of Jesus Christ? Is there some being inside of this coffin that’s, how I’m setting up right there? Do you want to come out so okay hi guys tony sparrow here, uh your moderator for the youtube channel for Ed Lorraine Warren.


I’m here with a bunch of guys tonight, first Dan Rivera who’s going to do this.


He’s going to move the doll out of this case into that original case that Ed Warren had set up.


Why we’re doing it because we need to do a few repairs on this.


We need to restain the entire case and when dan does it, he restains it with holy water and holy oil infused in the stain, and we need to do some little minor repairs to reinforce it.


So we need to take the dial out of that case.


Put it in the original ed warren case, so that’s what we’re going to do tonight now people ask me a lot of times.


Well, how are you going to do it? Why do you do it? Well, we have to do it because of the movement of the case for repairs.


Ed Warren told me how to do it. If I ever had to move the dial and dan just got recently blessed this morning by a priest, and so did I and what we’re going to do – is drench dan’s, hands and bless holy water dan will also put on gloves because we Don’t want direct contact with the skin that’s.


The way ed told me don’t touch it with your bare skin, move it as quickly as possible.


Don’t just linger with the thing and don’t give it a lot of recognition when you do it so the first thing I think we should do.


Dan, though, is get this open, get it ready to place the doll in there we have to go in and up with the head up there.


Okay, this! When I open this up, I’m going to grab the sign.


Yeah and you’re going to grab the doll with the gloves on, but I’m going to read a ritual first.


I’m gonna read this that’s the binding ritual prayer.


First, before we do any of this Elton is holding my camera.


I have all the other guys here too Jonah I got Corbin Corey and uh Evan, we’re all set.


Can I miss anybody, Arnie Johnson’s spirit, the spirit in the name of Jesus Christ with the authority Jesus Christ gave me as a Christian and by the power of his precious blood? I bind any entity not of the lord Jesus christ, nor in worship to the trinity residing in on and around this property or within any building on this property.


I take authority over all human and nonhuman spirits, not of Jesus Christ in the air-water ground below the ground, fire ice, electricity, netherworld, and satanic forces in nature operating within this dwelling building and land.


I claim this dwelling building and land for Jesus Christ, you, as a dwelling building and land, belong to and must submit to Jesus Christ in his name.


I also bind all evil spirits, including communication and interaction operating and residing within this place and command.


You immediately depart from here in Jesus’ holy name.


I claim the blood of Jesus Christ over this place and, after all, spirits, not in worship to the trinity are gone.


We seal all entrances with the blood of Jesus Christ and the seal of the holy spirit and purify you in his precious name, all enemies and unwanted residents of Jesus Christ are forbidden to return the heavenly father Mark, not our sins, but the faith of your church and Send your warrior angels to rebuke all forces of evil presently among us, let them clear a path before us and link arms around this building and property to prevent all communication between the enemy and elsewhere.


We ask this in Jesus Christ’s name, not for our ego reputation or to impress any being but rather to know our sinfulness.


We offer this work for the glory of your name, amen, not by might nor by power but by my spirit, says the lord of hosts.


You will succeed because of my spirit that you are a few and weak fathers, the son and the holy spirit. We’re going to say the lord’s prayer, our father, who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy, will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we Forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil amen, dan, just both hands out.


I’ll take this.


As you can see, we’re dredging his hands in water in the name of Jesus Christ.


Lord protect us from any evil, inhuman or demonic entities that may surround this or infuse in this thou and your father, the son of the holy spirit, amen.


I’m gonna open up the case.


You’re gonna quickly grind, I mean quick grab.


It put it in that’s all right and the father-son, the holy ghost, no mary full of grace.


The Lord is with me blessed.


Art, thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.


jesus holy Mary Mother of GOD, pray for us sinners. Now, at all of our death amen Dan, let me see your hands again: yeah, okay, so now she’s transferred one more time.


Okay, now she’s transferred over and we’re gonna keep her in there temporarily.

Until we can do the noted repairs now behind that, just let you guys know behind that is the lord’s, prayer and printed embossed.


In this case, holy oil and holy water and holy oil are infused with the stain on both sides.


The cross is engraved on the Dan did, and also the saint Michael, the archangel prayer of protection.


It’s also there, along with there’s, one cross two crosses, and a third cross here – represents that trinity.


The holy trinity, father-son, the holy spirit so for Elton, and dan for all my team, and everybody out there watching.


This is something we don’t do very often, but we felt it was important to show you how we do it now.


Why we transferred it because we’re making this case available stronger and better? So we go to the paragon in October, at the Mohegan sun casino on October 29th.


It’ll be ready, it’ll be safe. You guys won’t have to worry.


We will have it blessed and all the artifacts that we’re going to bring we’re going to have it blessed.


Also at the paragon and just go to warrens net www warrens net, it’ll say right on the front page buy tickets they’ll.


Give you more information that you want to know.


You can buy tickets very soon.


Also, we’ll be posting.


The VIP party or all the guest speakers are going to come the night before and you can mingle with them.


Take care to have a good night that was intense.


Did you see the k2 going awesome yeah? That was interesting during the prayer that was the k2 or the rim pod.


It went off back here during the prayer. Where was that that was when I was standing back here and when they first did the prayer it went as soon as they started, saying a prayer yeah?


You know I just built that case for a little bit extra protection for all of us.


Yeah, it’s, nothing to be.


You know we can’t play around with these things.


These things cost too many bad things to happen to people for us to just take them lightly.


You know, so we try to take our precautions that’s the way he had told me to do it so that’s, how I do it.


He told me never to touch it with my physical skin.


Why? He just says your aura: will mingle with the aura of that inanimate object with the resin within it, the evil that’s in it.


So he said, stretch your hands in holy water.


Get yourself blessed before you: do it that’s important and try to remain in a state of grace before you do it, and do it quickly that’s, not how you used to put it to me, do it fast yeah? How many times have you had it? I only did it about half a dozen times so far, yeah, maybe six times removed it because usually, it stays in stays in the travel case. Yeah, we don’t mess with it.


You know yeah or Lorraine.


Had built for Ed in 1979, when he was over in Enfield, England, yeah yeah, England, no, it doesn’t happen.


I’ll tell you real quick when he was over in Enfield, England.


Lorraine had to come back because her mother had.


Called her up and.


Said hey, Lorraine your basement’s all flooded she was watching the house she said you got to come home.


So Lorraine comes home and said oh I’m not going to go back.


To England, I’ll stay here.


In the meantime, I think I’ll do something nicer ed. I think I have a little case built for the doll yeah because I thought like I said, was it a chair over there yeah? So the carpenter was here.


This is the funny story, the carpenter’s here building the case remember I talked about the wall phone yeah.


Well, the phone rang.


It was ed from England, uh huh here,’s what he says to Lorraine and Lorraine, used to like repeat things that Ed said so he’s on the phone.


He says, Lorraine, I got ta, ask you something that’s the matter! Ed! Are you playing around with that doll? Are you doing something with that doll and she goes? Am I doing something with the doll? How do you know ed? He goes.


The spirits told me and the field house.


The spirits told me she was the spirits told you that? Carphone just listened to the whole conversation he drops his tools and says I got ta leave I got ta go he left.


He never came back to finish the case she had to have another carpenter come in and finish the case.


True story, true story, I just got stepped on.


My legs are shaking a little bit go ahead. I’m gonna oh yeah dan gets a little nervous when he has to move there.


Oh, I can understand I don’t blame him.


I can’t understand why I mean I’ve moved it once or twice, but I’ll let Dan do it.


So I could say the prayer too and just watch what was happening.


Did you notice that when you were saying the prayer, this device went off yeah, okay, too yeah yeah? You know what that means.


Don’t you?


That means the spirits are close yeah.


They know what we’re doing.


They don’t like prayer.


They don’t like it if they’re, demonic. They don’t like prayer yeah, they don’t like anything holy water.


They don’t like anything to do with god, they’re anti-everything to do with god.


How many times did that be? Tell him three three three times that’s an insult to the Trinity.


It went b that.


Why? God allows the negative to encroach on us, but he only lets the demonic go so far.


You know, and then he takes over because if he didn’t this world, wouldn’t exist today.


The way, if demonic had its way there would be no humans left.


So God deals with them in his great mercy because he created those.


He created the angels that have fallen from his grace.


They’re still his children, even though they’re, they’re bad children yeah just like. If you had a child – and he was a really bad kid – you’d still love him, yeah, but you wouldn’t allow him to go helter-skelter anywhere and do whatever he wants.


Of course, he tries to control them right, so God allows the devil to go only so far that’s, why we’re all not dead by being in here and by investigating haunted locations that’s, why we’re not dead? What is that that’s, my GoPro attorney. Oh, you go okay, we have to have that universal balance of positive and negative.


Everything has an opposite.


You know there’s a is there’s, love in this hate right, just plus and minus going off again Jesus Christ says in the name of Jesus Christ.


Leave I see that thing going off like that and we’re antagonizing them see that’s, what we’re doing by talking about god so much, but it’s always a good thing to talk about anytime.


You invoke GOD’s name, you’re about you.


Invoking the power yeah that’s much greater than a demonic entity.


Yeah, demons have power, but they don’t have that kind of power.


They have more power than a human entity, but they don’t have more power than god.


God is the creator of god. If you wanted to can just get rid of the devils that are still going off right, look it just stopped.


It just stopped coming back, let’s bring it back to uh Corey right here might be your something whoa.


I think it’s, you whoa! Are you guys seeing that you were the one that just read the prayer and doesn’t like me that’s going you just read the prayer and it’s only going off for you that’s a lot in the name of Jesus Christ.


I command you to leave and go back to where you came from.


You do not have power over me.


I have power over you because I have god’s power on my side, so you can go off as much as you want, but you’re not going to hurt me because god is going to protect everyone in this place, including me, so go away.


See how you hold it back up, stop seeing it and I’m energized because of the prayer that doesn’t.


Like me, doesn’t like no it doesn’t like me at all that’s why you got to be careful.


Yeah like when I leave it, then I got to be careful driving.


Of course, I’d ask for god:’s protection same with you guys don’t just say: hey that was cool and forget about god, and then something happens on the way home, of course, yeah. I’m their drive that side that’s.


What it is, I think you’re in there, don’t mess with the devil, see the devil.


Doesn’t like me, that is crazy.


What is the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to leave and go back to where you came from in the name of Jesus Christ. I command you to leave.


God is my protector, so you can just it’s still after me, but you can’t hurt.


You know no exactly yeah it.


I think I think it’s just because yeah you’re right.


You’re energized, it’s pretty nice.




Getting he’s, getting a message a little bit, stop the name of god. Stop you guys.


Don’t realize the power of the demonic all right.


So I’m going to leave now and meet you guys here.


Thank you to continue your investigation.


Okay, thank you.


Thank you, tony and even Annabelle itself, all right so that’s hope to see you again.


I hope to see you guys again too.


We’ll stay in contact yeah.


What’s that would be interesting to see if it follows me out of here, come here exactly follow me out.


Let’s see what happens because sometimes it’s just inside the museum, see it’s inside the museum. There’s the in there so be careful in there.


Okay, the bill does say: prayers ask for gods:’s, but protection continuously doesn’t.


Just when you leave tonight, yeah say god thank you for allowing us to be in the presence of these things, and please protect us from now on going forward, and please don’t allow anything to follow us back so follow it to attach itself to us.


In the name of the lord, you know you are my savior.


You are my almighty creator and I believe in you, and I know you will protect me and just talk to them.


Like you talk to me, you know, okay, all right.


Thank you, tony okay.


Well, see you later how are you feeling yeah, I’m, still shaking my legs.


Yeah, come on Dan.


You’re all right, yeah! No! No! It’s just like every time. I deal with that scary as hell.


You’re holding something evil that’s crazy, dude, literally we’re over here it’s.


Just I know that’s insane.


I’ve never seen it before that consistently like ever we’re, we’re, taking it to everybody.


It’s not happening right, but he did the prayer.


He said the prayer, he said the prayer that would take Annabelle out and put her in there.


What do you think I’ve never seen a k2 do that flights are shaking yeah yeah, but um.


Now that’s uh, but that was intense yeah.


We don’t do that a lot yeah, we’ve done it before yeah, but now it’s not like an everyday occurrence where we grab that doll, because you never know all right.


Well, see you bye, have a good. I don’t know as night shakes me up.




Does it? Just to my core, I mean yeah.


I assume that shakes you to your soul, yeah yeah um.


I’m, still shy.


I’m Scott, I’m shaking how you making out what was that you talking to him.


No, you’re the titan.


How are you making out here good just trying to you’re, not convincing me well yeah, I’m just doing like a lot of prayers.


You don’t know a lot of stuff like that constantly just talking to god and just staying safe and watched over, I do have a question for you: yep is that two people with a cameraman or one person and one person with a cameraman okay, interesting.


You know and just break it off do 15 minutes at a time, 20 minutes at a time. Okay, you know um, and then switch up.


You know, okay, we’ll just do 15 minutes.


You know! Maybe I’ll come in there.


You know one of you, your guys or something like that, and uh see what happens.


Okay, I mean.


Usually, a lot of you know will start when I go in there at night.


I heard voices really yeah.


There were whispers.


I just like it’s almost like, and maybe it was my mind playing with me because I’m very skeptical of that stuff, so yeah, but I heard it and it sounded just like there were conversations in the background and you’re happy by yourself.


How do you feel I feel fine. So do you want the bad news or the bad news? What does that mean? Well actually, do you want the good news that’s bad news? It’s also bad news, or do you want the good news to say everything Dan said without any doubt, there should only be two people in here at a time while investigating okay, so that means one person with the cameraman, or just GoPros, and but He said the absolute best way to do. It is one person at a time.


15-minute shifts okay, okay.


He said, after that, it starts to get too much, but when there are more people in here, it’s less of an interaction that’s really what he just told us right now, okay, so the good news is more activity.


The bad news is by yourself, more literally was just what we were talking about.


Yeah yeah, go brother.


I might have to do the GoPros with you.


What did you guys hear a thud just now, uh I heard walking around yeah.


We have three hours to investigate and shift, and then it becomes three am all right: okay, let’s! Do it that’s meeting you guys like what the heck and it by the way it stops the second you walk out the door.


Oh, I was just playing with him and he said it’s only in here he said: it is in the museum, and the second he hit the threshold gone craziest part.


I already said this to even, but our paranormal toolbox is in ed’s office. Right now.


I know when I first reached out to them in 2019, yeah – and I said: hey, we’d love the opportunity and what’s crazy is.


I’m truly grateful that they did not say yes, that day yeah we wouldn’t we would not have been ready.


I don’t even think we’re ready right now, but at least we’re a bit more.


We’re way more early right now, yeah, okay dan said no.


He wants to uh just two in here: okay, okay, spend a couple of minutes right now and split out tools, and yeah yep different ways: 100 at some point, Estes method should happen in here, which means yeah.


One of two of us would just go pros that’s fine and then go from there cool, so yeah all right.


Let’s figure this out, just cut cameras, so foreign.

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