Can a Homosexual be a Christian? // Reclaiming The Rainbow 🌈(Part 2)


I’m going to continue and take one step
forward, today, in this message series that will be called “Redeeming Rainbow”. We’re
going to talk about the idea of sex today.   Now, Apple, you know, has a new icon, a
new emoji where a man can get pregnant.   Who would have thought in the 21st century? We can
fly people to, you know, the moon, to this stuff,   and believe in weird bizarre things, that men
can get pregnant. Recently, one of the sidekicks or side, Sidekicks of Mr. Beast, has
probably one of the most subscribed subscribers on YouTube over 140 million subscribers. And the
reason why I’m highlighting that is because his sidekick, you know, Chris Tyson, who, you know, came
out and publicly started to defend different forms of sexuality. He was married, has a two-year-old son,
and went from being a father to, you know, acting like a like a woman, in transgender, in embracing a
different identity. And, a lot of people, your kids watch Mr.


Beast because he makes a lot of pretty
funny videos. And somewhere behind the scenes I do see the enemy is trying to fill on this hidden
encrypted message to our children through the emojis, through the videos that, hey, it’s okay, it’s
normal, what your parents are saying is outdated,   the world is evolving, your God is oppressive, He is
harsh. There’s a different version of God that you can experience where He’s more loving, and tolerant, has
rainbow colors, and embraces every form of sexuality. Even those that are not socially
accepted or at least we’re not socially accepted. Something is shifting in
our cultures, we already know and there is a sexual revelation that produced, I
believe sexual revolution in our culture. In the 1960s, a sexual revolution broke out in America. Make Love
Not War. Free sex. Embrace your passions. Don’t try to suppress your desires. You know, don’t
clean your closet. Come out of the closet, you know, live your life loud and proud. And, around
that time, there was a person, who I believe single-handedly affected the
moral spectrum or the sexuality of our culture.   And, this guy, was a zoologist at Indiana
University, Alfred Kinsey.


He’s called the father of the sexual revolution. He redefined sexuality
for us in America, especially, in school education,   our legislation, as well as a lot of things that
are happening around the world. What he did is   through his two books, it’s called the Kinsey
The report is today being used in universities,   it’s used as the basis for legislation to change
our laws, and it’s used as the basis to change the   world view on sexuality in America, what is called
Kinsey Reports. He wrote two books. One is about the human sexuality of males, and the other one
is human sexuality of females, They were written in about 1950s. And, those books, two books, what he did,
is he brought taboo topics and shocked statistics about how the things we think are not accepted
are practiced behind the scenes and that America should change its laws to adapt to its
norms that we are afraid to admit we have. For example, one of the things that he said is that 17 percent of farm
boys have a physical relationship with animals.


He said that over 70 percent of women have an affair,
and not only it doesn’t affect their marriage, it helps their marriage. He said 10 percent of males
are practicing homosexuals. He said that in 1950.   Right now Gallup report is saying that,
In 2023 only 5.6 percent of the population in the United States are practicing homosexuals, 5.6 percent. So the fraction
of our population that is openly living the LGBTQ   community lifestyle is not 10 percent, it’s only 5.6 percent. So, this man fabricated, exaggerated reports to show to the American audience that the things
we are afraid of are happening behind the scenes. There are these Norms we should adapt to
that are sexual sins, and sexual perversions.   A few things that I will highlight, one of them
is, he told us to change our laws to fit the facts,   but his facts were off. Alfred Kinsey’s team
researched the most deviant sexual behavior in   America and passed it off as normal.


He said that
these behaviors are biologically normal. They don’t hurt anybody and they should be morally acceptable.
People should act on their impulses with no inhibition or guilt. The challenge is this is, most
of the people that he interviewed, said about   17 000 people, he interviewed for his report, most
of them were people who were locked up in jail as sex offenders and pedophiles.
One of his books used experienced experts or trained pedophiles, nine of them to tell us
information about the sexuality of children and he got that information from pedophiles. They should have locked him up in jail for that.   But, his research affected so much of the culture
that one guy was inspired by his research and started a Playboy magazine.


His research
was quoted in courts. His findings were quoted in front of the school boards to change sex education
for the children when in reality not only it was flawed, but he took the worst of the worst
of society and studied how messed up and screwed up they were in their sexuality, and
said this is how the whole society is. It’s kind of like taking a serial killer, studying his
impulses, his lusts, his passions, and saying, we all should lighten up on our laws on murder because
all of us inside are just a bunch of serial killers.   That’s exactly what happened.


Some of you say,
well, Vlad whatever he did was weird, bizarre,   it doesn’t matter. But, I’m going to share a study
that was done. In 1951 a study at the University of California, psychology students were split into three groups. One group studied Kinsey’s research for nine weeks as a form of education,
and two other groups studied normal teachings on sexual education and other stuff. After nine
weeks, they did a sex quiz on three groups and this is what they found out. Students who learned
about Kinsey’s work were seven times more open to premarital sex, and twice as accepting of adultery.
Number of students open to same-sex experience went from zero to fifteen percent. They were less
swayed by religion or parents rules about sex.   What does that tell us? The rise of millennials
wanting to identify and identify as part of the LGBTQ community. If you look at the
statistics today compared to my parent’s generation, my generation, and the generation
after me, the rise of homosexuality, you may say, where did it come from, you have to understand
one thing, When you teach people particular things something happens.


It opens them up to
particular experiences. The Bible says, you shall know the truth and the truth will set
you free. If truth sets us free, lies bind us.   When you begin to teach a culture for a long
time that you came from animals, you begin to behave like animals. And, then we begin to throw
away the sexual restraints. We begin to throw away the Judao-Christian views on sexuality, and
we let very susceptible children be filled with lies about their sexuality. For example,
sex education in the United States for children in elementary, middle school, and high school was
mainly focused on basic biology, and basic reason why sex exists, how procreation happens,
and the importance of knowing about sexually transmitted diseases. That’s what it was.


Today, it’s
different. Today, it’s about promoting other forms of sexuality tapping into everybody’s dirtiest
thoughts and impulses, and saying, that is not dirty.   That’s okay. You’re not the only one. Everybody has
them. And you should explore it. And if your mommy and your daddy tell you, that it’s wrong, they’re
oppressive, and they’re bigoted, and they are trying to control who you are. What we have instead is
we have camps, and safe houses, provided by tax dollars in Washington state, where you can run
away and the doctors can perform surgeries that will be in line with your most devious
thoughts. Instead of changing your thoughts, we can remove perfectly working body organs. That is
what’s happening in our culture and the man who helped to fashion that in the 1950s was Alfred Kinsey.
The worst part about him is that the only thing that he used pedophiles and sexually immoral people
as a form for his study, is that he believed and taught that children from birth have orgasms
and pedophilia and incest benefit children.   This is one of the reasons why the
target is on children, today in our schools, that you should trust your little
child whatever they feel shouldn’t be taught.   You should just trust those feelings and those
desires and foster them even if they go against the social norm, against biology, and if they
go against the teachings of the Scripture.   He went so far into that.


In fact in his book
1948 sexual behavior for the Human Male, recounts experiments of nine pedophiles, he employed for
his research, he includes the chart that shows that these trained pedophiles were inducing
orgasms in babies as young as five years of age. It’s sick. It’s like, the stuff when I was
studying or preparing, I almost threw up. I’m like how can somebody take this as research
to be used to change people’s minds? But, it was.   How were the children and infants judged
by having these experiences that he claims they can have? Kinsey looked for several
behaviors, violent convulsions, groaning,   sobbing violent cries and abundance of tears,
extreme trembling, fainting, excruciating pain, and screaming. What normal parent will look
at that as a sign of trauma, or abuse, he said, it’s a   sign that the child is experiencing pleasure. Sick.
Demonic. Barbaric. My friend became an apostle of sexual revelation, which I believe some degree
affected a sexual revolution that today is still gaining steam in our culture. That’s why we have to
stand by biblical values because the culture won’t.   The biblical design for sexuality as the Bible
teaches us is different.


But, I want to just for   a moment speak to those of you who are maybe
Christian and the idea that we’re talking about this makes you a little bit uncomfortable.
People who maybe feel like, this is one of   the reasons I don’t want to be a Christian
is because Christians are intolerant, bigoted,   a bunch of haters, and they’re not tolerating,
and I don’t want to be a part of a community that seems to hate everybody.


First of all, we unconditionally, like our God, love people because we were once sinners too, and there
was Christ who redeemed us. We were not born righteous. We were born sinners and many of
us have done things, you see our testimonies,   we don’t hide away the stuff God delivered
us from, we’re not ashamed of the power of the Gospel. We’re ashamed of sin. We’re not ashamed
of sharing our story and letting you know, listen that’s who I was, but that’s not who I am. Here
at Hungrygen, we don’t just show all of the people who have a perfect life, we show, and listen,
this is how perfect we can be through Jesus.   Come on somebody. In a second sanctuary, give the Lord a round of applause. [Applause]   Yes, it’s strong language. Yes, hearing from a drag
queen on Sunday morning, my slightly like man did I, was that the right service I brought
my kids to, and everything? Well, they bring those people to read stories to the children,
it would be good to hear of somebody who got delivered from a drag queen to a child of God, a
pastor, and delivered by Jesus.


Come on somebody.   So, let me make something else very clear,
disagreeing with somebody is not a form of hate,   and so for all of those who feel like, oh it’s
hateful if you disagree. Well, why is it that community when they disagree with us it’s not
hateful for them? Yes, Christians are intolerant,   we do believe Jesus is the way, not away. We are
intolerant in that sense. We believe, there’s only one way to the Father and that is Jesus. If there
is somebody who will come, whose birth will be supernatural, walk on water, calm the storms, die
at 33, and rise again, and says, He is the way, I’ll be lean to consider it, but there has been nobody
else. Buddha’s tomb is still there. Muhammad’s tomb is still there. Jesus’s tomb is empty. So what
He says I’m willing to bank my life on that.   Not Kinsey’s reports on God’s report.


the report will you believe? I will believe the report of the Lord. Amen. With that said, do not
trade your birthright for a cultural ball of soup.   Culture will offer you temporary acceptance,
and say, if you believe our propaganda,   you will be accepted, you will fit in, you will be
a part of this, it’s cool now, it’s trendy to come out. So many people are becoming gays just because
it’s cool and it gives them, they’re not good at a lot of other things, let them stand
out, be some kind of a champion of some kind of a cause and young people want to be a part of the
cause, so they feel like a marginalized, suppressed oppressed community by the religious bigoted,
and all of those.


So it gives them a sense of identity. Now, please understand, that if you deconstruct
from Christianity to fit into your culture you will stand before God, and give an account.
What will you say then? This young man told us, he prophesied, did all these things, had a
relationship with God, but had no reverence for God.   You can know God loves you and have no
fear of God.


Because fear of God causes us to run from sin not celebrate it. Fear of God causes
us to call sin what it is, not a weakness,   not an alternative lifestyle, but its abomination.
And, we have too many people today what they did is they sanitized the Bible to the way that
it conforms to their lifestyle instead of bringing the Bible for what it is
for the Bible to transform their lifestyle.   One of the reasons at Hungrygen, is we don’t
conform, and we don’t affirm the gay lifestyle we’ve seen too many people delivered from that.
We’ve seen the Bible and Jesus gives us power to be set free from that. And our God does not change
because our culture evolves, our God is loving, but   He’s not tolerant of sin, He judged sin on the
cross, He’s a holy God. Amen. So I want to invite you to that. What is God’s design of sex? He
designed it. Not Playboy magazine, not the culture.   God designed sex to be between a husband and
a wife.


The first time we see a man saw a woman naked it was a husband and a wife. If you’re seeing
somebody naked and it’s not your spouse, it’s a sin. So the only person you should be seeing naked is
your spouse. God designed it between the husband and the wife. For what purpose was sex designed? Now
traditional teaching will tell you the only reason why God designs sex is so that you
can have children. I’ve heard of one person   boasting, his, you know, I think they had about 16
children, he says, I’ve never seen my wife naked.   How did they make those children? He said, none
of your business. Sex wasn’t just designed so that you have children, even though it was for
procreation, for pleasure, and also for protection.   Protection from, what the Bible says, in
Corinthians, a man instead of burning with lust should get married.


Now, at first, it seems
like, oh wow, the Bible tells a man to run away from lust into marriage, and everybody who’s
been married knows that marriage can’t fix your lust problem. But, Paul is saying that marriage,
marital bed, and healthy intimacy in marriage do provide a sense of protection for a man and
a woman. Come on somebody. More protection Lord.   Pleasure. Intimacy. Knowing. Sex is knowing another
person. The Bible says that Adam knew his wife. Sex is also for comfort. The Bible. says David,
slept with Bathsheba and he comforted her. And so those are the purposes why God gives us physical
relationships within marriage. Another thing that we want to highlight and that is this is that sex
is a super glue in relationships.


In Corinthians, it says, if a man joins, or has a physical relationship
with a prostitute, they will become one. That’s where we get this idea that people can have soul
bonds or some call them soul ties through sexual intimacy with somebody. That’s why the Bible says,
that man should leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and they will become one. That word
one means that there is that super glue. So those of you single people, who are like, you know, this
person that I’m interested in is like a car on the lot, I need to test drive it before I know if it’s
good, and so I need to, you know, take him to bed, and   I want to see how good they are sexual, before I
can commit to them. Well, the problem is the person is not a car you test drive. Sex in a relationship
is not a car you go for a test drive with. It’s more like a super glue. Now, how many of you went
to Walmart and bought super glue, you’re like, let me open it and try it on my fingers to see if it


Nobody does that. You trust that it works,   and if it doesn’t, you’ll return it, but I can
guarantee you every Super Glue will work. And you don’t put it on your finger to test it. You
always put it where you intend it to permanently cement and glue something. You don’t want to
practice sex. That belongs on your wedding night.   Why? Because it will permanently cement something.
If you don’t believe me, why after the breakups that had sex involved is the hardest to heal
from, to overcome and get over? Why? Something in you went into something in them.


Something in
they went into something in you. If you don’t believe it, how many deliverances do we do where
demons enter through sex? There is a transfer that happens not only to the soul but even to
the spirit of a person during that. It’s super glue, and you don’t want to glue yourself with
somebody you don’t want to be permanently with.   The Bible also tells us that sex is for service,
meaning we serve each other through sex. I love that illustration in the Bible. As a
husband and as a wife you must understand sex is not a chore, it’s part of serving
your spouse.


Their body belongs to you, your body belongs to them. Now, I do want to mention something,
because this verse in Corinthians, many times is used typically by men to demand or force sex. Paul
used this verse to encourage men and women to give each other in satisfying their spouse, not as a
right to demand it or force it from their spouse.   Christianity is not about force or demand it’s
about willingly serving your spouse.


All forced sex even within marriage, without consent, is rape,
even if it’s your spouse. It doesn’t belong in marriage, it’s not biblical, and a person like
that should be reported to the police, and go to jail.   You cannot use this Scripture to defend forcing
or making somebody have sex with you, even if they are your spouse. Each person, the Bible calls, we were called to serve each other not force each other, to meet our needs.


Amen. Amen. The Bible also
teaches that sexual desires are to be controlled.   They are not your boss and they shouldn’t be
driving you. In Colossians, in Thessalonians, I   apologize, Paul says, let each man learn to rule his
vessel. See animals are ruled by their sexuality because they have bodies and no spirit. Angels
are spirits, but nobody so they deny, that they don’t have sexuality. The Bible says, the ones in heaven,
don’t have any. The Demons, of course, have different stuff, but Angels are spirits, with no
bodies, they can take on the body but they just don’t have a physical body, that is like us, so
they don’t have that sexuality, or sexual needs.   Animals have bodies, but they don’t have spirits, so
therefore animals’ drive urges, drive them.


This is what happens in our culture. We have students who
get trained from a young age until they finish their master’s degrees. You are an
animal, you came from a family of animals, millions millions millions of years ago. When you teach
a generation that they are nothing but beasts,   it’s difficult for them to control urges when
you are conditioned to live like an animal.   But, I want to tell you you are not a beast,
you’re made in the image and likeness of God.   You can control your urges, you can control
your sexual desires. Now, sometimes they may be harder than your willpower, but that’s why we
have the Holy Ghost’s power that comes to help us to live a Crucified Life instead of carnal life.
Amen. So for those who walk around, it’s like, you know what, my body wants it, I just feel this urge
I can’t control it, this fruit of the Spirit is self-control. He gives us that control. We can
live, but it doesn’t mean that we deny it, we live like angels and see when I was younger, I wanted to
be an angel.


So the desire for the opposite sex is not a sin. It’s when you have illegitimate forbidden
desires that go outside of God’s parameters, those are sins. When I was younger I would come up
and say, Lord, make me take away my desires for a woman. I don’t want to desire a man
or a woman, I want to desire nothing, but you.   And, I said Lord, kill it. And of course, I thank God, He didn’t answer all of that prayer, because I would quickly start growing wings, and
be in heaven. See God doesn’t want to kill it.   He wants to give you power, to guard it, control
it, possess it. Why? Because you are not an angel,   at least not yet. Somebody’s like, man I am an
angel. This happened to be the bad one, the demon.   No, my friend, you’re not an angel, but you need to
not allow the culture to condition you to live like an animal. Where, oh, it’s ruling my life. No, my
friend, you can be a human being, not an animal, not an angel, but an image bearer, who has the body,
who has a soul, but is a spirit.


Therefore, I have   desires, but through the power of the Spirit
I can control those desires. Come on somebody!   Let’s give the Lord a clap offering. Those
of you in the first and second sanctuary,   somebody shouts, I’m a human, somebody shouts, I’m not
an animal, somebody shouts I’m not an angel. Amen. Now, for anything that God designs, Satan seeks to
create deviation, distraction, and distortion. Hannah plays cello. Hanna, on our team here,
plays a beautiful instrument, cello, and cello has two big parts one of them is the bow, and
the other one is the cello.


Now, I’m not a musician.   Now, imagine the first time that you see an
instrument that’s composed of two parts, how that instrument works, is that shallow cannot produce
music without the bow. The bow cannot produce music without the cello. The bow needs the cello. The
cello needs the bow. And, when they come together they make music. God created a male and a female in
such a way, that when they come together they make a baby. And there is a design that’s attached
to the way you were formed in your body as a   cisgender had a sexual male, had a sexual female
the way you were formed by God.


When we come together we make something beautiful. Now, it does
not mean that a male cannot be fulfilled without a   female. Our identity is in Jesus, but we also have
a role on this Earth to multiply, to fill Heaven and Earth with God’s image bearers. What Satan
likes to do is, he likes to take sexuality from the realm of God’s designed place and place it into
the realm that it doesn’t belong to. Think with me,   for those of you who do gardening and I don’t
do gardening, my parents do, and other people do gardening, but maybe you do gardening. In gardening,
you have to have soil for the flower bed or for anything that has to do with plants. Soil
nurtures, and soil good soil. As you put that soil there, it nurtures the flowers. Take the
same soil that nurtures flowers, and add it to your salad during dinner.


It will
no longer be nurturing, it will become dirty, and nasty and it will become
something that’s not healthy.   It becomes dirt. Why? Because in the flower
bed, it’s soil. On your dinner plate, it’s dirt.   Sex is powerful, but it’s nurturing in the flower
bed as God designed between a husband and the wife.   It causes nurture, bonding, comfort
protection, pleasure, and procreation.   When you take it outside, and you put it into
a dinner plate, or you take it into a same-sex relationship, me and my boyfriend or me and my
girlfriend, instead of a heterosexual cisgender between husband and the wife relationship.
What you begin to experience is guilt and shame.   What you begin to experience is sexually
transmitted diseases. What you begin to experience is things just don’t flow together, they’re
not, it’s not working together. Did you see that Guy who was riding a shopping cart
in San Antonio? You didn’t see that? Now a shopping cart is to put groceries in.
He decided to take it put himself in it,   and drive it.


Now, you may see that as creative
and you may say well that’s exactly what we do with sexuality we just take it outside of the
social construct, and we add it to something else.   But, the Bible calls it an abomination because it’s
different. Unlike the shopping cart, our bodies, and our emotions were created by a Creator and they have
particular designations that flow with that design.   Everything we buy we have warning labels on
them today. You know, don’t use it like this, take this pill, for example, if you take melatonin, it’s
supposed to help you sleep and you treat it like   Advil, and you take pills of melatonin and get
behind the steering wheel, you’re gonna fall asleep. If you treat the clicker of a gun like the
clicker of a pen, somebody will die. Certain things are designed in particular
ways, and if we stay within those designs and those designations the world is safe. There is
love and harmony. When they are taken out of those designations, we begin to bring harm, and we
begin to not only offend our Creator but we begin to hurt ourselves as well.


And the Bible makes
sexuality outside of God’s design as incest, adultery, fornication, bestiality,
homosexuality, prostitution, and rape. Just because sex is powerful and beautiful it doesn’t mean
you can do it with anyone, anything, when, and how.   It’s like a gun, you get it, it’s powerful. My wife
has a gun. It’s a beautiful, Kimberly company I   think, that’s what it’s called. I got a different
one though. We bought a safe yesterday. One of the reasons is that though the gun is powerful,
you can’t just walk around like your Thug. I can’t walk in on the street
with my gun like with an iPhone.   Just protection, even the concealed carry you have
to hide it. I can’t walk around, and wave it like a Bible, and I can say, but I
bought it, it’s mine.


I can do whatever I want with it well there are certain social norms that
because it’s so powerful have to stay hidden.   There are certain legislations and certain safeguards
for it. And if I would be walking in the mall and just waving it like this, you see, well it’s
mine, I can do whatever I want with it. That’s what our culture says, it’s mine. Well the thing
about it, is it’s not just about you, you belong to   God. He created you. He has certain safeguards, and
secondly, it’s not just about you, it’s about your children, it’s about your grandchildren, it’s how
your lifestyle affects people that you bring into this world, and we have to build a holy, wholesome
environment in our generation.



Somebody say, Amen. But, the real issue and the real problem guys, that
we have in our culture is what Paul had in his.   And let’s go to Romans chapter one. Paul deals
with this, in Romans chapter 1 he says the   following and I’ll read just randomly versus,
verse 22, professing to be wise they became   fools and changed the glory of the incorruptible
God, into an image made like corruptible man, and   birds and four-footed animals and creeping things,
therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness in   the lust of their hearts to dishonor their bodies
among themselves, 25, who exchanged the truth of God   for the lie and worshiped and served the creature
rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever and   Amen.


For this reason, God gave them up to vile
passions, for even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Verse 27,
likewise also the man leaving the natural use of a woman burned in their lust for one another, men
with men committing what is shameful and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was
due. Two thousand years ago the culture Christians lived in was not much different than our culture.
Romans inherited a lot of their ideas from the Greeks.   Greeks were not necessarily sexually pure, they
had gods and they also had called prostitutes.  Romans took it to another level. Their god
Zeus, at one time, transformed himself into an eagle to steal this young man whom he made
into his husband or his partner.


He was a   practicing homosexual god. So, it’s no wonder,
when Paul was writing this Nero, the emperor took one young man, castrated him, and made him into
his wife. Sometime later Nero married another man and Nero made himself a wife, and his husband
became a husband. The culture was so perverted.   It was pedophilia was very normal. Older men who
regularly had physical relationships with teenage boys. Temples were filled with prostitution, male
and female prostitutes. Please understand what you see today on the streets of America, America
is becoming more like Rome every single day.   From our government’s big Tech as well as
everywhere, perversion is becoming normal. Paul did not endorse it, he wrote stuff against it. Here,
he gives us three problems. Number one he says this,   everything started with one thing, men exchanged
the image of God for their image. Now for those days in Rome, they had gods that they built with
their hands, and they worshiped them. At first, they may seem like well what’s wrong with that? Well,
the demons would come and take the place of those idols, and now demons control those


Christians differ from Roman Pagan culture because Christians didn’t worship the gods that
they made. Christians worshiped God who made them.   And that God had a face and the
face of that God was Jesus Christ.   If you want to know the photo of God look at Jesus.
He is the image of an invisible God. The second thing   different between Christians and Romans and Pagan
Romans is that Christians differed with their sex ethic. Sexual ethics was different in the ones of
Romans. Christians believed in marriage between a man and a woman, they believed in sex between a
husband and wife, they didn’t believe in rape, they didn’t believe him incest, polygamy, and so many
other things, so Christians were different Paul begins to draw that line and then he tells
us in Romans that when we exchange the image of invisible God into an image of idol after that we
suppress the truth and we exchange the truth for a lie. And then what God does, God steps back and
gives us up to our passions, debased mind, and all other perversions. Our culture did the
same. Now, we don’t have Buddhas that we worship in our houses.


We don’t have things, wooden, what
we have is we have an image of God in our mind that we created. A God that’s tolerant, a God that
changes with times, a God that’s not oppressive,   and tells us what to do, a God that doesn’t change
because we created him, it’s an image of a God who doesn’t exist, but he exists in our mind. And this
image is actually what demons attach themselves to.   When we make this God after that we change the
truth, we suppress it first after suppressing and suppressing and suppressing, Kinsey’s
report, others’ reports came and now we change the truth into a lie, and God steps back and
He gives us up. Guess what? Our passions,   for us to self-destruct. Today our truth is
what matters, instead of God’s truth, but to follow your truth is like following
a wheelbarrow.


You’re the one guiding it.   Yeah. I know what the truth is. Are you changing it
every generation? When sailors are in the storm,   they’re not led by a candle in a ship, they’re
led by external fixed points that guide them called the Sun, the stars, and the shore. Our
culture has replaced external points,   used to guide us into lighting a
candle called being inclusive, tolerant, and affirming to everything, and we say this is our
guide to truth. And we keep tweaking in every generation, and we get confused, lost, and become
pagan, and occultic now because we know we’re not at peace with the real God, we’re only at peace with
the God we made in our mind and our hearts. Amen. If your theology has not affected your
sexuality, you haven’t truly been sanctified.   Your belief has to affect your bedroom.


That’s what
it did for Christians. Zeus was the god of the Romans.   that’s why they live a perverted life. Christ is the
God of Christians, that’s why we live a different life. For those of you, who are like, Vlad, just
talk to me about Jesus, don’t tell me anything else. What I do, who I do with, and everything.
But, you must understand, that the second thing that separates Christians from pagans is their sexual
ethics. You cannot separate your theology from your biology. You cannot separate your belief from
your bedroom. You cannot separate and say, I just believe in God, but don’t tell me what and who I
should sleep with and everything because our God is not just a spare tire in our trunk He’s not
just somebody I believe in. Just in case there is hell, I don’t want to be there. He is the Lord
of our life. He’s, they say, I’m the way the truth,   and the life.


He didn’t say I’m just one of many
gods. He says I am the truth. He says, He is the   Son of God and He proved by rising from the
dead. And therefore I’m going to bank my life on Jesus. I’m gonna trust in Jesus. I don’t know
about you, you can trust the culture, maybe you want to trust your generation, I’m going to trust
somebody who made generations, His name is Jesus   Christ. His word will not pass. The Bible says,
the flower fades and the grass withers, but the word of the Lord endures forever. It says that
this generation will pass, but not one comma and a dot will pass before they will not come


His word is eternal. Somebody give God some praise right now. In the second century, somebody
gave God some praise. [Applause] [Music]   The last thing that I want to highlight and that
is Deliverance. Beckett Cook was born in Texas, but then he moved to LA. Moved to LA because it suited
his gifts, and his creative side as well as his homosexual orientation. At a young age, he was
sexually abused by one of his father’s friends,   and he started to live as an openly gay person,
came to California, worked for ads, Nike, and Louis Vuitton, as well as helped, work with
very famous photographers for different very successful companies.


One of the things that
he constantly felt was a sense of emptiness.   Every boyfriend he had, a male boyfriend, cheated
on him. There was a sense of brokenness that was there. At one time, he was at this party in Paris,
and this emptiness became so real, that he started to question, why do I exist, is there more to life
than this? He entertained the thought of God but he knew clearly what God thought of him
because God didn’t endorse their lifestyle.


So,   he put God’s thoughts to rest. At the same
time as he was living an openly gay lifestyle,   Becket had a mother, she was a
devout Christian. She never shamed them or called him names. She loved
him, but she knew and she made sure he knew what God believed about his lifestyle, and
she prayed for him. Interestingly, he recently shared his prayer point, her prayer
points, and I’m gonna highlight them.


It was a very powerful Warfare Prayer. Prayer that went
like this, Lord deal aggressively with the Enemy,   Lord come against him an all-powerful name
of Jesus, with the sword of the spirit, with the word of God. She would say, Lord, I ask you that
you will command these things to be removed from my son Beckett, Spirit of homosexuality, desire for
homosexuality, denial of his heterosexuality, remove all the blocks of Truth, we bind you Satan in the
name of Jesus, Becket belongs to Christ. She prayed and prayed and prayed, and she died. She didn’t see her son come to know Jesus. Two years later in a coffee shop in L.A., he sees people reading
the Scripture in the coffee shop, so he comes up to them and he says, are you guys Christians? They’re
like, yes, we are.


And his second question to them was, what do you believe about homosexuality?
They said, we believe the Bible says, it’s sin.   And he says, if this would have happened five
years before that I would tell him your God   is outdated, representing you guys are stuck in the 1950s,
what’s wrong with you, but he says, because of what   happened six months or five months before
they’re in Paris, that sense of emptiness,   he says, I was willing to listen to them as they
told me the gospel right there, almost like they   were attacking me, but they were not attacking
me, so like before I would have felt like   their belief attacked me, but this time I
knew that my lifestyle was judging me.   He said I went to church, saw the
Mom’s prayers were still working,   openly gay, living in a Hollywood lifestyle, comes
to church, the pastor preaches a sermon on the cross,   he says, the conviction of God hits
me, I come and give my life to Christ.   Beckett renounces his old life, commits to follow
Jesus as a disciple wrote a book that started to help a lot of people become Christians,
and come from that community and that lifestyle.   And he says I didn’t embrace an identity as a


I embraced identity as a cisgender,   as a sexual man as God created me
to be and today he lives for Jesus.   If you are in this room today, I want to appeal to
you, if you believe that, you know, I can love God and still be a gay Christian, what is wrong
with that, well there are a few things you need to consider. Not only homosexuality was not God’s
design for sexual expression, but God called it an abomination. Practicing homosexuals will
not inherit the kingdom of God, the Bible says.   You can’t be a gay Christian any more
than you can be a lying Christian.   A homosexual is someone who identifies as homosexual
and engages in sexual activity with the members of same, or gender. Homosexuals find their identity
in their sin. A Christian is somebody who finds this identity in His savior.


We are a New Creation.
We don’t drag our old life into this new life.   The Bible says, that if you take an old piece of cloth
and attach it to the new one, you ruin the whole cloth,   meaning Jesus doesn’t want you to drag parts of
you, that you can’t change into your relationship with Christ. He wants to be the Lord of everything
about you, not 98 percent of you. Can somebody say Amen?   Being tempted by homosexuality is not the same
thing as identifying as homosexual. Every Christian can be tempted by all kinds of bizarre sinful
and wicked things, but we can find assurance that being tempted by something doesn’t mean you
are sinning.


Our Christ-savior was tempted to worship the devil in the wilderness. It didn’t
make him sinful. Being tempted by something sinful doesn’t make you sinful. But when
you take on the sinful nature, sinful inclination,   and desires and say, this is the way God made me,
this is the way that I was born, this is the way that I am, and now Christ has to change himself to
accommodate me. My friend what you just did is, exchange the truth of God for a lie. You exchanged
it for the lie.


All of us were born in sin. Maybe you claim that you were born gay. All of us were
born with some kind of a gene within our sinful nature that needs to be redeemed and killed first, and then Christ gives us a new nature. For those of you who are here and maybe you find yourself in
the alphabet community, you’re living and you’re proud because it’s accepting you, and you’re enjoying
the pleasure of fitting in. I want to tell you that   Christianity is rebellious. Christianity is the
opposite of culture. To go up you have to go down.   To live you have to die. It’s not going to be like,
if you think that I can just come to Christian faith and be popular, you don’t become Christian to
be popular.


You become Christian to be saved. Amen. In the genealogy of Jesus, the Bible mentions four
women. Interestingly out of those four, three of them,   lived a sexually immoral life. Tamar slept with
her father-in-law, Bathsheba committed adultery, and Rahab was a temple-called prostitute, we see Ruth
was a Moabite, they practiced taking children   through the fire and practiced sexual immorality,
and Christ came through all these women.


Do you know one thing about these women? God changed them. When
they were transformed by being connected to the lineage of Jesus. If you think that Christians are
just people who are walking around, they just hate this thing. Christians are all used
to be sinners who were redeemed by Jesus. We all had traumas, we all had dramas, we all had demons
and curses, but when we came to Jesus, he set us free. He delivered us because our Savior loves us, and our
Savior has grace and He has helped and He has hope.   The final verse that I’m going to read then
we’re going to give a call to salvation. First   Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 9, do you not know
that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God, do not be deceived, neither fornicators,
nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards,
no revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.


Now it’s interesting when you
read that list, you’re like, yeah that’s right, of   course not the fornicators, not those who worship
idols, definitely not the ones who cheat on their   husbands or wives, definitely not the thieves, I know
somebody who stole something from me, they’re not   going to heaven, not the covetous, drunkards,
no, I know somebody who was drunk and killed somebody. They are bad people, extortioners
like they extort all the people, especially   now to their social security, and all of this stuff,
bad people, but the homosexuals and the sodomites,   I don’t think about that. But, the Bible puts them
all in one category because they’re all sinners.


In   God’s mind, it’s sin, but I love that it doesn’t end
there, it says, this and such were some of you. It’s not just saying, look at these bad people, it says,
look at your past, such were some of you, but guess what happened, God didn’t become tolerant, we became
transformed. It says this, but you were washed, you were justified, you were sanctified in the
name of Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit.   Repent of your sin, and place your trust in Jesus, if
you’re coming today, our goal as Christians is not to make you straight, our goal is to bring you to
Jesus/ Now it is true, if you’re living a homosexual life, you are against God’s design, but if you
choose to rebel against God, make up your own   God and go to hell, honestly, it’s your decision.
You can do as you will, you’re your own God.


You make rules as you go. I remember a young person
met me in the lobby one time, and he asked me a   question. He says, Pastor, is it a sin to smoke weed?
I said, for you, it’s bad. He says, but I can still do it, right? I said. He looked at me
with these eyes, and he said, you’re telling me, I can smoke weed. Now, I knew his parents. I knew they
were praying for him and this boy was as lost as anybody can be and I liked him. I
said, you know you’re going to hell.   You know that, your mama knows, that half of your
school knows that because he got kicked out of school for dubious behavior. I said, you know that right?
I was like what difference will it make if you go to to hell as a pothead or if you go to hell
without smoking pot? I said, if I were you and   I would go to hell, I would smoke all that I can,
so at least when I’m there I know why I’m there.   Now this again, just this is not a conversation
you should have with everybody, but this is just,   I’m just telling you, what the youth pastor said to
a young man.


He looked at me, his pupils were like,   he said, you’re kidding me right, I said, no. I’m
just, with the truth I said, you don’t want to follow Jesus. You’re practicing sin, just,
I’m like, live it up you’re going there,   you’ll probably get there faster though, at least
when you’re there, you’ll know why you are there.   That night he gave his life to
Christ. Praise God. [Applause] If you become straight, this doesn’t add to your
salvation. We are saved by the grace of Jesus, not by our cisgender heterosexual lifestyle. We are
saved by Jesus and we first come to Jesus, the way we are. Someone’s like man, I’m gonna break
up with my boyfriend first, or my girlfriend if you’re in a lesbian relationship, and then I’m
going to come to Jesus. You don’t take a shower before you take a shower. You go straight to
where you are. Jesus expects you the way you are, broken, bruised up, and confused, and He wants
to wash you with his blood.


He wants to wash your shame, wash your guilt, He wants to wash
you. The Bible says He wants to sanctify you, which means, He wants to set you apart for Himself, it’s
not about Jesus taking you away from something   as much as taking you into something, His love
His righteousness, His peace, and His Holy Spirit.   He wants to justify you, meaning He wants to
make you as just as you’ve never seen before.   A few things that I want to give to those people
who are struggling with homosexuality. If you became a Christian, submit your sexuality to God.
James 4:7 tells us, to submit to God and resist the devil, and he will flee from us.


You can’t come
against the spirit of homosexuality until you submit your biology to Jesus. Submit all of your life to
God. Submit your mind and your thoughts and your body, your feelings, your trauma, your hurt, they
abuse everything, say, Jesus, I’m surrendering my whole life to you, and then you rise from the
submission to God, and you say devil get behind me.   That tendency, those thoughts, those voices, I rebuke
you in Jesus’ name. The second thing that we must do   is we must flee lust. 2 Timothy Chapter 2
Verse 22, says to flee youthful lust, which means flee relationships that trigger homosexual
tendencies, desires, or not maybe homosexual things,   but pornography, lust, immorality, flee those
things. Part of discipleship is being engaged in your sexual purity by running away from demonic things. If you have apps where you may constantly find people. Delete those apps, if
those apps lead you away from Christ. If you find yourself scrolling through things that cause
you to fall into sexual immorality, flee from that stuff. If you’re walking in the mall and Victoria
who has no secrets, keeps looking at you, turn your head around, keep on walking straight, and do not
need to do spiritual warfare that God will clothe her with garments of righteousness, just keep on
walking, flee youthful lust.


Some people say, well,   I just need to fight it. Yes, there’s a time
to fight, but there’s a time to flee. When a   porn image showed up on your computer, shut that
computer down, power it down, plug it in the cord, and go to a different room. Run from that
stuff. Joseph didn’t try to convert Potiphar’s wife, he fled from her. Some of you may be engaged
in immoral relationships, and you’re like, no but I’m gonna save them, try to convert, you know, I’m
just gonna get him saved first. Save your soul first. Get out. Run from that. Oh! But they will
think I’m some kind of a hater. Listen, it’s more important that you save your soul than you save
the relationship first, let God save that person.   Take your thoughts captive as those thoughts
come in and say you’re homosexual, you’re a   lesbian, that’s who you are, you’re a porn addict,
you’re a pervert, all of these.


Those thoughts are not to be trusted. Christians are
taught to train their thoughts, not to trust them.   Not everything that comes into your head is from
God. Not everything should be embraced and accepted.   We do warfare with our thoughts, we don’t come
in as slaves, and say, oh yeah, that thought came in, that I’m ugly, worthless no good, I should take
a gun and blow my brains, I guess what I’m gonna do is follow my thoughts. We follow God. We don’t
believe in Oprah’s religion where you follow your heart. We believe in the religion of the Bible that
the heart is wicked meaning, your thoughts can’t be trusted, submit them, literally make them prisoners
of you, take them captive, don’t live in the captive of your mind, don’t make your mind your master,
you’ll make your mind your servant.


Amen. Forgive those who hurt you. A lot of people who
are homosexual, even the transgender community have been heard sometimes seduced, experienced the breakdown
of a family, had either a domineering father or mother, abused and trauma. And come to Jesus, and let Him
know what happened to you. Talk to somebody,   seek a counselor, maybe a therapist
so that, that trauma can be addressed.   When you get hurt, you gotta dress the wound.


know that. If somebody gets shot, if their wound is not addressed becomes an infection, and then it
spreads and the person can die, not from the shot,   but from the fact that that womb was never
addressed. Don’t think the time will heal. Time doesn’t heal, Jesus does. It takes time to heal, but
time is not a great healer, God is the great healer.   Seek Deliverance. Lastly, maybe you’re seeing
that you repented, you experience God’s love,   you believe the truth, you’re not who the world
says you are, you’re not who other people say you are, you are who God says you are, but you
keep having these lingering thoughts, lingering urges, and desires, come for prayer today.


Come for
prayer to our church. Go to your small group. Ask for prayer because there is healing, there is
hope, there is freedom, and there is deliverance.   This is not a hate message. This is a freedom
message, a deliverance message, there is hope and there is healing. I’ve seen homosexuals set
free, but also seen depression in their eyes,   when some knew that it was wrong, tried their
best, and said, I couldn’t get free,   so then they came to that realization because
I can’t overcome it, I will let it overcome me.   It’s just the way I am, and because the culture
affirms it, they said, I give up, and I quit. Yes, in yourself, you can’t overcome it, but when you come
to Jesus, there is hope, there is healing, there is freedom, and there is deliverance. And such
were some of you, but you were washed, you were sanctified, you were delivered. If you are addicted
to pornography, there is hope for you. there is healing for you. If you’re addicted to some other
ways that you are expressing yourself that are demonic and ungodly, I know you’re feeling shame,
you’re feeling guilt.


The Holy Spirit’s conviction brings hope, brings light, and brings deliverance.
The Holy Spirit doesn’t conform and doesn’t say oh yeah just stay in that sin because you’re still
loved. He says, no let me bring you to the light,   where you can experience freedom, so you don’t
have to live in shame, you don’t have to live in your guilt, but live in God’s light, God’s freedom, and God’s Deliverance. Hey, thanks for watching this sermon. If this was a blessing to you, would you
let me know in the comments below? What stood out to you from this message? What are you taking home
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