Author Archives: Ralph

‘What do we want? Freedom!’: 10 pics from anti-Communist protests in Venezuela!/MilamBill/status/434005255303741441 Hugo Chavez’s authoritarian successor in Venezuela, Nicholas Maduro, has attempted to block news of anti-Communist student protests that swelled this week and crescendoed in Caracas over the weekend. But information and truth can’t be barricaded. Social media users have been spreading word and photos on Twitter. They’re urging the rest of the world to…

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Protesters in Cleveland ‘just came up and hit our camera’

Demonstrators protesting the decision not to indict the police officers involved in the shooting death of 12-year-old Tamir Rice forgot to follow the lead set by the University of Missouri and post “No Media Safe Space” signs around Cleveland. Dani Carlson of WOIO-TV has been following the protest march that began this afternoon and notes…

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Tips On How To Improve Yourself With Personal Development

Sometimes our lives feel very chaotic and need to be ordered better. If you feel like that’s how your life is, then these personal development tips are here to assist you. They can be applied to pretty much anyone that needs to better themselves, so read on for more. One step to take is to…

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