2 Minerals You Must Take For Optimal Diabetes Control!


hello everyone today we are talking about magnesium deficiency so if you have diabetes high blood pressure rhythm problems cardiovascular disease osteoporosis fragile bones irritability anxiety seizures if you have any of these stay tuned because we will talk about how magnesium can help you with all of these problems right now guys i’m dr ahmed ergin i’m an endocrinologist and a diabetes expert today we are talking about the importance of magnesium deficiency so the magnesium is involved in many processes especially the muscle function the nerve function and in your insulin metabolism people who drink alcohol people who are on diuretics which we call them water pills or people who have chronic diarrhea may become magnesium deficient way quicker than the others now what’s interesting is although magnesium is commonly found in a lot of foods like the dairy the meat the green leafy vegetables the nuts all the good stuff well as we all know in american diet we these are not super common and a lot of people are magnesium deficient as a result you know most people end up having the side effects of magnesium deficiency which is insulin resistance and diabetes but also irritability anxiety again your muscles and your nerves affect or cause a lot of problems for example if your nerves are irritable you are going to have like symptoms like twitching you will be irritable your muscles will cause fatigue and tiredness even muscle twitching your digestion is not going to be good your heart will be very excitable so as a result you will have arrhythmia or rhythm problems and the worst is seizures because if you’re overly excited because of magnesium deficiency in your nerves then it can even lead to seizures especially if you have a tendency for it your endothelium your your blood vessels are lined with nerves and muscles and if it is not appropriately functioning you will end up with high blood pressure and as a result cardiovascular disease as well now the next question is how much magnesium do you really need right well the magnesium of course if you’re having enough magnesium in your diet that is great if you do not you’re looking around 400 milligrams of magnesium if you go up to 800 or more you can but it’s going to give you the runs you may end up with diarrhea now if you are constipated actually that may not be a bad idea to do so to take more magnesium now when you test your magnesium in your blood it may not show low there are some tests out there that actually test intracellular magnesium levels although they are more expensive but if your doctor or yourself are very suspicious of it i would suggest testing the magnesium in the cells because the blood levels do not go down until you are really really depleted with magnesium so as a result you know if your magnesium is like 1.8 you know 1.9 anything less than 2 i would be very highly suspicious that you actually have significant magnesium deficiency and remember that if you have symptoms sometimes you know you need to proactively go ahead and treat because unless you’re overeating treating with magnesium magnesium supplementation is not necessarily harmful unless you’re having side effects such as diarrhea hello everyone did you know that one in 10 americans are a chromium deficient and when you look at the diabetic population that is far far above that probably every three to four diabetic or chromium deficient now what is chromium to begin with all right guys chromium is a mineral it is an important mineral it is it works in the glucose metabolism so basically if you don’t have the chromium your insulin will not function well and you will develop insulin resistance now we are kind of diffusion and chromium in america most of the time and the reason are the reasons are multiple now number one our soil and water is not really rich in crummy so the foods are not rich in chromium and the trivalent form of the chromium is not well absorbed or you’re only absorbing one percent of what you’re getting in your diet so that’s why there are supplements out there that are chromium picolinate when you chelate the chromium with picolinate then the absorption becomes a lot easier so as a result you don’t need a lot of chromium to be able to replace your deficiency chromium is also very important in making protein cholesterol and fat in the body so before i move further i want to remind you something that we have a quiz at the end of this video go down to the description below and take the quiz and take the chance to win a chapter from my diabetes book which is called the ultimate diabetes book we are giving away the electronic forms the ebooks a chapter every time it could be any chapter in the book so increase your chances of winning the entire book by taking the quiz let’s move on so the chromium is extremely important like we said and you may not be able to get in the diet but the the diet that are rich in chromium is this so the beef the chicken the turkey the beans the whole grains the broccoli eggs and green beans are rich in chromium which you should be consuming anyways with diabetes but like i said sometimes you know absorption may not be may not be as good the other problem is that when you are diabetic you need a lot more chromium because of your needs so and if you are eating a lot of carbs which is another problem because the more chromium uh is being lost the more carbohydrate you’re eating because you’re basically trying to metabolize those carbohydrates like athletes who are you know working out a lot they will need carbohydrates and they will need to metabolize those so they definitely need more chromium but if you’re not an athlete you know you shouldn’t be eating too much carbohydrate because if you do then you’re going to be losing the chromium and you will end up needing to replace it so guys i hope this video is helpful to you please remember to share give a thumbs up and remember to take the quiz because this is the end of the video and then you will have the chance to win a chapter from my diabetes book the ultimate diabetes book you can win any chapter and remember to stay tuned for the next video hey guys i hope you are enjoying this channel so far and i hope you subscribed already if you didn’t do it and if you did watch this video right there i think that will help you too


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