Live ALONE- you are ENOUGH

I think life could become very tedious and boring if it was a bed of roses.
There are many thorns that you have to pull out and walk through. That’s what life is about… it’s about the ups and downs.
You are the sum total of those experiences that you’ve worked at. To live on my own and hermitize… become a hermit…
I thought that’s the ideal spiritual situation to be in. But I’ve realised that’s not the answer.
Time has taught me that you can’t live as an island. You need your fellow man. You see yourself as a reflection in your fellow man.
And you learn from your fellow man… good things and bad things. Provided, of course, you mix with the right people. Being alone is one thing.
But being lonely is a totally different kettle of fish. I spent three months in New York so I wasn’t ‘alone alone’…
I was alone amongst a lot of people.
And it’s the loneliest time I’ve ever had.
You can be lonely anywhere on this planet. It’s your state of mind which determines loneliness.
I think loneliness is an emptiness that is frightening and scary.
There’s this empty, dark void and you plod around in it. I think loneliness is about a feeling of being lost. And you are wanting to find a direction and it’s a search for something.
And you’re uncertain what that something is or should be. It’s partly depression as well…
depression and loneliness go hand in hand.
I also know when it’s coming… then I say to myself, ‘Be good to yourself. Be kind to yourself.’ It’s inevitable that your flame is going to dim. Loneliness, I suppose, is part of life.
Everybody experiences loneliness. You learn to live with it. You have to go through it.
Don’t try and escape it. See it through. Face reality and see it for what it is.
Life is not about tricks, it’s about realities. If you take a trick as a solution you’re tricking and kidding yourself.
You’ve got to solve these problems in a real way. You’ve got to face it and look into it. It’s a gentle confrontation.
Become one with it. Embrace it. Work with it.
Or put it on the shelf for a while, stand back and say OK, I’ll recognise you tomorrow.
I’m now in that stage of my life where I’m becoming more and more aware that it’s now towards the end. It’s lovely being on the open sea but I’m becoming aware that there’s land ahead… there’s an end to the journey.
The only certainty in life is death. You arrived naked and you depart naked.
And then you realise that all these material things that you’ve gathered, that’s no fulfilment of spirit and life. It’s a state of mind.
It’s what you’ve acquired in your soul which is wealth. I don’t have an answer to ‘Why am I here?’ I think maybe… to work at this. The Tswanas have a wonderful thing or saying… they say… ‘Jy praat met die hart’… ‘You’re talking with the heart again today.’ It’s all in the heart… it’s not in the head…
that generates a more positive, loving spirit within yourself. The bottom line is love.
And do to others as you’d like them to do to you.
I think that’s one way of reaching a point of happiness.

Source : Youtube