Was this racist or nah?

so this influencer cried racism and the Internet is just not having it so this woman wanted to shoot a music video and she decided to do so in a target for some reason but like all good influencers she didn’t get permission [Music] okay none of this is surprising like of course you can’t film a full music video with like a dozen background dancers in the middle of a department store I don’t know why anyone would think otherwise but then then one of the dancers drops this gym [Applause] oh yeah sure just you know don’t bother stopping when they ask you to stop I mean this nonsense might work in Target but don’t you dare try that [ __ ] in Waffle House like we’ve all seen people do Tick-Tock dances in stores and it’s just like all right that’s annoying but whatever but listen to how disruptive this group was being yeah of course target employees are going to react but if you followed the story when it came out you know it gets much worse after the group was kicked out the influencer posts Snippets of her video on Tick Tock with the caption calling the Target employee racist now I’m not the [ __ ] Messiah of what is or is it racist so you know forgive my blind spots but I didn’t see any comments or any mentions of race anywhere in the video or even anything that hinted at that I only saw the guy asking them to leave and saying it was a safety concern so of course in reaction to that the internet just starts destroying this woman that employee did nothing wrong you’re misusing the race card your song sounds like Jabba the Hutt took a 💩 directly into my ear canal yeah and they’re obviously very upset because the woman comes across as very entitled but she continued to defend herself you called the police in us before we walked into the building for based off what like obviously based off what we look like there’s no other reason like we’ve all seen flash mobs yeah we’ve also seen a million prank videos set in department stores we’ve seen stores call the police on like one annoying white kid prankster who’s just bothering people and what they’re supposed to let this slide shut the hell up this could have been such an easy situation to remedy if they had just called the store beforehand and asked for permission target has a policy posted online for that very thing or another option is you know shoot the video outside there’s nothing glamorous or music video worthy about the interior of Target anyway after all this backlash I hope she learned her lesson

As found on YouTube


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