This Twitch meetup got out of control

so this influencer caused a literal riot in New York city so this twitch streamer Kai Sanat I hope I’m saying that right invited his fans to an impromptu Meetup in New York City and he was offering to give away a PlayStation 5 some gift cards and some other things to his fans we will be doing a huge giveaway we’ll be giving away ps5s a whole lot of that [ __ ] and then literally thousands of teenagers showed up to Union Square thousands and that’s cool like he’s got a lot of fans but then gets out of control and like when I say out of control I mean out of control okay here they are smashing up a car and here like I can only show you screenshots of this part because I don’t want my video removed for Dangerous content but here they’ve latched on to an SUV that Kai was apparently in as it was driving away like this is crazy like police had to show up in riot gear like damn how bad do people need a PlayStation 5 and so 65 people got arrested one of them being Kai himself according to the news he’s been charged with inciting awry diet and promoting an unlawful Gathering all right so what do I personally think of all this because absolutely no one asked for my opinion well look I’m not picking sides here I don’t watch a ton of twitch like I don’t know this Kai guy personally like he might be great he might be a jerk I don’t know but this looks like one of those scenarios that I could easily see as being an honest mistake like oh I didn’t know I was that popular like I didn’t know that many people would show up like unless you’ve held lots of in-person meetups before I don’t know how you would know how many people are going to show up and like look he’s not going to go to prison for life like he’ll probably just end up paying a fine or something that feels fair to me also guys if it’s not too much to ask if you could just Riot for me every now and then maybe smash up a car to show how much you love me like that would really help my self-esteem

As found on YouTube

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