This is How You Can Access Consciousness | Neurologist Steven Laureys & Sadhguru

foreign we should try to find some and reconnect to the spirituality [Music] anesthesia has nothing to do with consciousness even where there is no body [Music] you have the necessary instrument to experience this this will become an access point [Music] the scientific knowledge and the technology and modern medicine has really incredibly improved our quality of life and our life expectancy but at the same time I think we should try to um find some and reconnect to the spirituality or the pure experience as you say would you agree with that that it’s this kind of balance so it is like this if you take a motorcycle mechanic is very good with the motorcycles let’s say but now you ask him to fix a computer well he can use his screwdriver and open the cover beyond that he does not think about it all right this is just like this objective Sciences are like this it is always one plus one is two that’s the only way objectivity can work you cannot say one plus play one plus one is 11 also forget about a million all right you cannot say that because this is the nature of objective objectivity and our objectivity is coming from our intellectual process intellectual process is coming from memory so memory cannot be fudged if you fudge the memory it’s a mess I remember this is one and this is one and now I put these two things together and say this is two now this has a memory basis if I fetch this then my intellect becomes useless all right so intellect is handling one aspect of our life which essentially we call it a self-preservation for our self-preservation our intellect is vital without it we cannot function right now all the things that you said it has improved our life expectancy it and enhanced our uh life in so many ways no it is not enhance the quality of our life at all it is only enhance the comfort and convenience levels in the world and definitely life expectancy all this is definitely self-preservation isn’t it its survival process so when it comes to self-preserve self-preservation our intellect is vital without this one functioning you cannot survive in this world all the five senses are functioning they are feeding the data into your intellect and from there you’re using it how efficiently you use it will determine how efficiently you survive so your life expectancy enhance means your efficiency of survival has increased that’s all it is so you are more healthy than what people were in the past I don’t think so but suppose we are it simply means your survival process is little more efficient so leaving the survival process now you’re talking about Consciousness means see the English word Consciousness is very Loosely used if you say somebody is in anesthesia if they come back you say oh he’s come back to his Consciousness see everything that you do with your anesthesia has nothing to do with Consciousness it has something to do with body and various functions of the body you are shutting down certain aspects of the bodily functions one of them is transmission of pain which is the main interest when somebody is going to surgery you don’t want to stop their heart you don’t want to stop their brain you would like to see the transmission of pain stops whatever is being cut is being cut whatever damage or fixing is that is happening is happening whatever parts of the body may be being removed and what is not vital Maybe being pulled out all that is happening only transmission of pain is not happening this has got nothing to do with losing Consciousness and gaining Consciousness there’s no such thing because there are no alternate words we use the same words language is a different aspect language is also a product of our intellect so it can only talk in opposites without polarities there is no language without polarities your intellect cannot function but when you talk about Consciousness you are not talking about two polarities there is no a Consciousness and B Consciousness there is no positive Consciousness and negative Consciousness there’s just one as we sit here this is my body that is your body distinctly established right now it is 100 like this I don’t know what you’re drinking I can’t see but whatever you’re drinking what’s in the cup is not you the moment you drink it after sometime it becomes you is happening right now so though what you think is your body and what I think is my body is just a piece of this planet right now it is distinctly clear this is my body that is your body 100 percent this is my mind and that is your mind this is my these are my emotions and those are your emotions these are my experiences those are your experiences but there is no such thing as my Consciousness and your consciousness this is a living Consciousness we blew our own bubble I’m sure you have uh that little wonderful boy who came on the screen I’m sure he’s blowing so Bubbles at you sometime so if you blow a sub bubble this is my bubble that’s your bubble poop it went then there is no such thing as my bubble and your bubble there is no such thing as my air and your air Consciousness is just like this right now you have blown your bubble I have blown my bubble this is me that is you but when this goes poop there is no such thing as my Consciousness and your Consciousness it is just that it is only the human creature on this planet who has the neurological capability and sophistication of mechanism that if they love it they can access this dimension of Consciousness no other creature is really capable of accessing it this doesn’t mean there is no consciousness in them without that the life process wouldn’t happen there is consciousness even where there is no body all right only thing is you need a certain sophisticated instrument to access that which is the human mechanism this is why we consider being human is a great privilege because you have access to dimensions beyond your physical boundaries that is the fundamental significance of Being Human so let us not misunderstand the instrument and what we see if you take a telescope and see you saw another galaxy but the Galaxy is not produced by the telescope the Galaxy is there the telescope only gave you an excess similarly your body your brain whatever I don’t want to identify different things from your hair to your toes everything is body as far as I’m concerned including your brain it is just another dimension of the body so this body if we keep it in a certain way if we do not contaminate it with too many ideas philosophies identities if you keep it in a certain level of openness this will become an access point to what we are referring to as Consciousness or the basis of the life that we are you have the necessary instruments to experience it not the instruments in your lab you as a person you have the necessary instrument to experience this will you allow it or not is the only question as I said in the beginning it all depends on how you are identified if your identifications are limited you have lost the ability to experience it if your identity is you know not identified with anything you kept Yourself Loose like that then there is a possibility of experiencing it [Music] thank you [Music]

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