They arrest people for this

so this woman in Florida was arrested while buying flowers from a street vendor police in Bonita Springs caught her giving money to a flower woman on the side of the road and they arrested her 25 will you send this to me my phone number is 813 and of course the video blows up and the internet is pissed this is ridiculous oh come on now we can’t even buy flowers anymore first of all this happened in Bonita Springs Florida so shout out to Florida so apparently in that area it’s not actually a crime to buy from a street vendor but it is a crime to stop your car to do so here’s the craziest part though she wasn’t actually arrested for any of those things she wasn’t charged with buying flowers or obstructing traffic she was charged with resisting an officer without violence and failing to obey the police so after the video blew up and everyone got mad the Bonita Springs Sheriff’s Office had to defend themselves they posted a long reply about it on their Facebook page basically explaining the arrested woman refused to move her car out of traffic when they asked her to do so if that’s true it feels like I don’t know maybe the woman should have been fined and not arrested sort of an extreme reaction

As found on YouTube

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