The Personal Assistant: Abbey’s story
My name is Abbey Sergeant and I work at the Shire of Katanning. I was lucky enough to pick up
a traineeship where I studied Community Services
as a Youth Development Officer. JULIE BROWN: I knew her as a great girl,
brilliant organiser, someone who would get in there
and get things done but perhaps a little bit less confident
than she needed to be.
And when she came into the traineeship
here at the Shire, she just blossomed so well. She had an opportunity
to show her potential with her organisation and her sight
and her drive and her passion
for the youth of this town. The benefits of my traineeship
at the Shire of Katanning were amazing and more than what I expected. There really is a skill shortage within
the local government industry. It's really important
that we get good quality people and one of the best ways of doing that is actually to bring them
into your organisation, allow them the opportunity
to learn and develop. My apprenticeship has helped me
make changes. I developed and delivered a program
called the Graffiti Art Workshops. It allowed the kids to come in
and do some artwork. I would be able to create a network
and rapport with them and also the police would too.
She's progressed up very rapidly
through our organisation and she's now the personal assistant
to the CEO which is obviously a fairly important
role within our organisation. ABBEY: Winning the Australian
Trainee of the Year was great. It opened many doors for me,
both on a personal and a work basis. I've met so many people that I wouldn't
otherwise have the chance to meet. It now has offered me the opportunity
to go out and tell my story..