Testimony of Apostle Kathryn Krick | Part one


and instead of looking like how
religious Christians look like oh   they’re bad they’re sinning they need to surrender
in those messages that are like you need to stop   sinning and you know instead of that I would
I saw people differently I saw people like they   just need their spiritual eyes opened up they just
need one encounter with the power of god that’s it none of that condemnation none of that judging and
that’s Jesus’s eyes that’s Jesus’s heart amen so   my biggest passion and prayer from that day was
lord I want other people to encounter your power   and I knew how rare it was I was an open
Christian, I wasn’t like a skeptical Christian I was an open child-like heart Christian
my whole life and even then it took me   25 years I was 25 when I encountered
the power of god it took me 25 years to   have my eyes open up and see that
Jesus moves in power today   so I knew there were so many people out there who
haven’t encountered this Jesus a true Jesus there are so many the power of god is rare and I
did not know how god how directly god was going   to answer my prayer that other people
could encounter the power of god when I prayed   that it was not meaning god used me to put your power
in me but that was my prayer and I was pursuing   being a pop EDM Christian singer-songwriter
at the time I had been searching for so long   what my calling was like the fifth thing
I was trying from being a musical theater   person on stage um to event planning to wed
planning to act to finally I thought I found my calling I said this is it I’m called to
Being a Christian pop idiom singer-songwriter I didn’t know I could write music but the melody
and words just came easily um and I put out music   videos and it just went was put together so
professionally and it just went worked so well I was like finally, I found my calling everyone’s
telling me you’re gonna make it all my friends   and family so much encouragement so much support
you’re gonna make it I said yes I found my calling   and so I’m pursuing that I put out two music
videos already in singles and one day nine   months after I encounter the power of god
I attend a prophetic healing conference   and I’m expectant there’s a prophet ministering
and it was a prophet before whom I first   encountered the power of god so I’m expected
and I go there and the prophet prophesies to me   you’re called to be an apostle of Jesus
christ and you’re called to reach the nations   and upon hearing that I was completely
shocked public speaking and preaching   was my biggest fear and weakness I had
no desire to preach no desire to minister I would watch many sermons many preachers and
not one time was I like maybe I could do that   not one time and public speaking was truly
my biggest fear um leading groups of people   was my biggest fear and weakness as well in
the college I would have um we would have um you know   presentations I would present in front of
10 people something simple and I would go   like brain dead I was I felt so nervous more than
anything to just speak in front of 10 people and I was never one to step up and lead a group
project of even four people I just sat back   so now god was calling me in my my
biggest weakness and you can look at me now   and maybe think is she telling the truth you can
ask my past friends Jesus has done a mighty   work hallelujah because it was my biggest
fear and weakness and so when I received that   word I was shocked I was like how can this
be possible and I was also like what about music   can you prophesy about my music I mean this was my
dream I was so excited about and I was believing   in you know how we think about our dreams right
I was picturing it um so I was like man what   about music what happened to that I thought that
for sure was my calling but at that moment when I received that prophecy god just reminded
me of Moses and how GOD called Moses to be a   prophet a mouthpiece and a leader of millions
of people and he says I can’t speak I stutter   and GOD says I will give you the
words to speak I made your mouth I’ll give you the words to speak and it’s going
to be god’s power that works in him not Moses   it’s going to be god’s power giving him the
ability so he can get the most glory god reminded   me of that at that moment and he just reminded
I like this is how I work Catherine   this is the bible you don’t see this much today
but in every story, we read we read in the bible   people feel not qualified they feel like how on
earth can I do this but god says I choose you   don’t worry I’m going to give you the ability I’m
going to give you the power and I’m going to get   the glory through this I get the glory when I use
the weak and foolish things to confound the wise so you know I had completely surrendered
to god and meant it with my heart   nine months before that and so when I you
no god is so amazing he prepares you   to receive your calling he prepares you for this
and I look back on my life and I see how   before I had encountered the power of
GOD I was not ready to receive my calling I needed to surrender to receive my calling so that I see I see how GOD I knew god called me
out to la to pursue acting but that wasn’t the end goal that was god’s
a beautiful way to get me out there to lead me out there to position me to meet
he encounters him and then can surrender   so then he could release this prophecy to me and
I could accept it I was able to quickly accept this prophecy this calling from god
quickly that day I accepted it I didn’t take   time to think about it I knew god was speaking I knew it was god’s speaking and I meant that
surrender nine months prior I meant that with my   heart all I wanted was to obey god and be in his
will I want his plans, not mine I really meant it   and so even though I was kind of
confused I was shocked I was like   how on earth will this happen
how will I be able to do this   even though I was grieving already this music
a dream because I knew I would have to put it aside I obeyed I accepted the call I was able to
accept the call because I had surrendered when your heart is god whatever your will
is I want it you will be in god’s will and many of you may be wondering am i
really in god’s will what’s my purpose god is so amazing he will never lead you astray
he knows exactly where you are right now he knows   exactly what he needs to do who he needs to send
you the doors he needs to open up how to position   you to get you where he wants you to be all you
need to do is surrender and seek him   and really with your heart GOD I just want
your will every day I just want your will I just want to touch your heart and when that is
your heart you don’t have to do anything else god will do the rest god will lead you
perfectly open doors send people if he   needs to prophesy to speak a word give you
a dream gives you a vision he will do the rest   hallelujah so I received the call and   then I entered the most uncomfortable season
of my life because it’s comfortable it was   comfortable for me to sing I felt I’m good at this
I’m good at this yeah I feel comfortable here but I learned what paul had said
how I boasted my weaknesses   GOD gets more of the glory god can move more
powerfully and be strengthened in me more when I am weak god can be revealed more and so now
I was forced to rely on god like never before   god called me to start a fivefold church start a
Church on top of all this uncomfortable preaching   that I felt so inadequate for now he’s
calling me to start a church   remember leading a group is my
biggest fear and weakness as well   so now shortly after
he’s calling me to start a church   and I started by going to the mountaintop
a mountaintop in la Mulholland drive and  I went out there I bought a piano which we
still use a battery-operated piano I bought   and I didn’t even have money all I had  was
able to get a credit card at guitar center and I bought the battery-operated piano and a battery
operated speaker and microphone and music stand   and I went out to the mountain and I
led worship and I preached in both the first   time I think there was one person that
came I would make announcements on Facebook groups   Christian Facebook groups about our worship nights
and on the mountain and some people would come   maybe like 10 tops but usually just two or
three a little handful and um you know when I went out there it was terrifying it was
terrifying I was like what on earth will I speak will people be touched I battled the these
insecurities so much will people be blessed I don’t see myself as a preacher I don’t see
as a minister, I don’t see myself this   way but god called me I had to push away all
those lies of the enemy and just focus on this   god called me god told me to do this and god will
be faithful god will give me the words to speak   god will be with me god will touch the people

and so I went up there trembling inside people   couldn’t notice but I spoke god gave me the words
I was a baby but still, god gave me the words amen   and I remember the next week I was like what will
I preach on now I preach all I know how to preach   what more can I preach and I would
go up there I would be dreading it   but god would come through and god would
give me the words and he would touch people   and this went on for week after week this
the feeling so uncomfortable this feeling of   what will preach next I constantly honestly
for a long time for years, I felt inadequate I felt so insecure I felt not good enough
I felt like not a good enough preacher   for years but feelings many times are not true god’s word is the truth that is the truth   and so you know I GOD taught me what is true
confidence is confidence isn’t feeling confident true confidence is pushing away the devil’s
lies that are giving you these feelings   that contradict what god has said and choosing to believe god’s word and obeying
god’s the word and stepping forward anyway despite   how you feel that’s true confidence it’s not
your feeling so many times people don’t step   up because they think these feelings are the truth
so I think I’m not confident the devil’s a liar and whatever you’re called to do the devil will
send those lies that you’re not good enough   because he’s terrified of the calling on your
the life he’s terrified of what you will do for god   so you got to be aware you got to
be aware of the devil’s schemes so then GOD called me to go into a
church building um we had for about almost four   years there would be between like three people
that would be in church to like around 15 or so   usually more like 10 or 12 every Sunday
and honestly probably up until about   a year ago or so those feelings of not being
good enough those feelings that I’m not a   good enough preacher that people won’t be touched
remained every Sunday I would dread every Saturday   because I had to prepare
what I was going to speak on   and I was like oh boy here comes Sunday
the most uncomfortable day for me   right but god would be faithful every
the single week he would give me words to speak   he would come through and he would touch people
and Jean-Charles gentile hears on the camera   she’s amazing she’s truly like you know how
David had Jonathan it was a spiritual friendship   the spirit was not like a physical it was this
supernatural love and it was this um they both their biggest love was to obey god and
pleased him and god put them together   with this united vision and
Jonathan could see David’s call and believed   David’s call for his life GOD’s call on David’s
life and recognize that he was called to support him and do the work of god together
amen and so god gave me gentiles this amazing   like Jonathan my like Jonathan and so she’s been
here in the ministry since um almost the beginning   almost the beginning of the first year she came and
um she’s just been the most amazing blessing and   every Sunday I would feel these
inadequate feelings these insecurities   and there’s just like 15 people and you
know when there’s just a small group of   people you’re not seeing a lot of like
yeah amen right it’s just kind of quiet   you know blank faces right it’s just the nature
of it when it’s a small group of people right   and so the whole time I’m preaching I would just
be like feeling these lot hearing these lies   you’re not good enough you’re not good enough
you’re not a good enough preacher and I would   just push through and keep preaching the word
of god with passion and I would just focus on   these god’s people that need to hear this
word and god’s gonna speak through me and they   need to hear this word and this is the truth I’m not
preaching just to preach amen you know when god   would give me words I would compare myself before
to other preachers but god would speak to me just   be yourself you know speak from your heart speak
what I’ve taught you don’t try to be like somebody   else don’t try to you know be entertaining
don’t try to be funny if that’s not you   don’t try to make these big um you know metaphors
right alliterations right all the different you   know preaching styles I would look at just be
you and just speak from your heart and so I would just I would what I would preach was just
my heart not me trying to preach a good sermon   and that’s what apostle paul says I come
to you not with wise and persuasive words but with a demonstration of the power of god so
that your faith would not rest on my fancy words   my fancy preaching my good sermon how much
I can tell you how good real how real god is   by my words your faith
wouldn’t rest on those words   oh that was a good word you know but
your faith would rests on the power of god so when we don’t try to be impressive
be fancy look cool right but when we   speak from the heart what god’s really
spoke to us and taught us don’t try to make it   extra and fancy but just speak the simple truth
that god’s given us the simple revelation simple then god’s power can move through you then you can receive this anointing and upon your
words they’re simple but now anointing is touching   people because your words carry power apostle
paul’s words carried a power that was touching   people and they were being transformed they were
leaving transformed I remember I went to so many   Sunday services my whole life I hardly
ever missed a Sunday and I wouldn’t leave changed almost every time I had to remind myself oh yes
God loves me and I wasn’t moving beyond that it’s like I had to hear that milk word again
like I didn’t believe god loves me for years   and I wasn’t changing I wasn’t growing because
there wasn’t anointed anointing where I was going but how it’s supposed to be as as as ministers
we carry the power of god not just by releasing   the miracles but the words released now
carry anointing and it’s feeding your spirit man   your spirit man is being fed and is coming alive more
now is being transformed so even when you go to   the word of god you’re getting new revelations you
never did before because your spirit man has grown   you leave here you leave the church where you
received anointing the anointed word and you’re   more spiritual just from
receiving that anointing just from your spirit   man being fed so you’re desiring to go to the
word of god you’re desiring to spend time with god it’s not supposed to be so hard to be more
like Jesus to transform more into his image   the anointing his anointing is his yoke
is light it says so when there’s the anointing   there’s this ease as long as you’re seeking god
and surrendering there’s this ease it’s not such   a struggle no more yokes are waiting for you down
and your spirit man is being fed and coming alive so I would preach week after week
I would hear all these insecurities during the whole service and would
end there’s only like 15 people in the service   pretty much every week and do you know like hardly
anyone would tell me afterward like that blessed   me like thank you for the word that like I was
touched by the word but Jean Tallwood almost pretty much every single week
it was only one person and god used her to strengthen me so much never underestimate the
power of encouraging your brothers and sisters   you don’t know how much they need to hear
that simple word she had no clue and she   was just speaking from the heart she was just
like that was awesome I was blessed you know   and it was god moving through her
and distinguishing all those lies of the enemy amen so for years it was just
hearing one person say I’m blessed   and dealing with those lies every time then um about three years ago god called me
to and I don’t know if there are ten minutes   is that the time or ten minutes left i
didn’t look 15 minutes left okay cool   um about three years ago god spoke
to me the way that these prophecies   will come to pass and revival’s gonna
break out and more people will receive   through your ministry and miracles will happen
I need you to need to make one-minute videos   and put them on all social media platforms and
people are going to be touched by these videos   and you need to keep doing this you need to
keep making these videos diligent don’t   stop keep doing it until you see it’s like
the walls of Jericho coming down you need to go   around the walls again and again and again and
again until those walls come down um and so I taught myself how to edit I didn’t know how to
edit and I would spend so many hours every day   sometimes 13 hours days editing these videos and I
got they got hardly any views um for years for   years I had just like 1 000 followers on Instagram
and on YouTube, there would be like seven views and I would deal with those enemies’ lies of
see you’re not a good enough preacher see   people aren’t being touched by your videos what
you’re doing isn’t working it’s been three years   what you’re doing isn’t working i
would I would hear those lies again   and again but I kept believing the word
of god that was spoken over my life I kept reminding myself of that word
believing that what god had said would   come to pass and the way it would come to pass is
if I would just be obedient it was up to me now   to walk around those walls of Jericho every day
for years and you know when they were walking   around the walls of Jericho you know what
it seemed foolish you know god this is how   they were going to inherit the promised land
this is how they were going to defeat these   huge armies that were bigger and more powerful
than them, that was what god said he says the army   that’s bigger than you is going to be defeated
when you just walk around a bunch of times and   then my power will come through it’ll be my power
that defeats the enemies but you got to do this   and it makes no sense in the physical realm in
the in the carnal mind to walk around a wall and   make like music and noise right like think about
it would make more sense to train yourself um   like how to shoot arrows better right to defeat
the armies inside or lift weights or something   that seems like a better use of your time right
but how is walking around a wall several times   making noise gonna make you to defeat your this
huge army it doesn’t make sense in the physical   realm and you know what else there was not there
was not progress it appeared in the physical realm   in the physical realm they did not see
bricks coming off the wall upon each timer on the wall they
weren’t seen okay cool like   some bricks are falling down this time this is
this is working what we’re doing was blind faith it was this makes no sense
in the physical realm, I’m just obeying god   and I believe that as I obey him he’s going to
come through in his power and do the impossible amen and so that’s what it was like
in my life I wasn’t seeing the progress I wasn’t seeing more views each day
I wasn’t seeing more views each year   in the church there would it would
decrease people would come and people would go I thought in my mind man what GOD called me
to I don’t know how this is going to happen   but I believe it’s going to happen and you
know what I think that there’s probably going to progress each year I think maybe there will
be you know 10 people in the church this year   maybe they’ll be 15 at least next year maybe
20 may be the next year there can be at least   30 maybe I wasn’t even thinking big yet but I’m
thinking there’s going to at least progress there was no progress in the physical realm it
would decrease there would I remember in the first year there were like 20
people and then people would leave and I went   through spiritual warfare like I never had in my
entire life because I was now walking in anointing you know David Joseph as soon as both of
them it was revealed they were anointed the   calling of GOD upon their life was spoken
and revealed to them and released publicly   and they’re walking in it that is when they
encountered crazy supernatural warfare like   never before that is when the devil sees uh oh I’m
terrified of the calling on their life even though   it’s just day one and they’re not doing anything
powerful yet the devil knows the spiritual realm   he knows he knows better than most of us most
of most people are more in the carnal way we don’t   see how powerful we are through christ we don’t
see our potential what god really where god has taken us if we’ll just obey but the devil
sees and so when he sees someone’s heart   that is that that has a usable heart
that god can trust anointing with   the devil can see when you have an obedient
surrendered heart so the devil could see   Joseph and David he could see where they
were going so he came at them both of them   in crazy crazy evil ways I mean this is the spiritual
warfare they faced was so much more intense   than other people who weren’t anointed right
or who didn’t have big callings on their lives   right I mean joseph his
brothers put him in a pit to die that that’s you don’t hear that on the news today
I mean that’s evil that’s the devil   trying so hard because he’s terrified of the
anointing he ends up in a prison for and he   was innocent later on he ends up in a prison for David
he’s nothing but a blessing to saul he’s his anointing making demons flee and
relieving saul he’s making saul’s army prosper   his kingdom prosper he’s nothing but a blessing
to saul but saul is full of jealousy and now he’s   trying to kill him to the extreme of killing him sending
all of his huge armies to try to kill David   you don’t hear about that on the news that’s
some intense supernatural evil very kind of   evil warfare coming his way it’s intense it’s
not natural this is supernatural kind of uh uh   attacks right you see and this was before
David and Joseph were doing anything big   anything big just from the beginning they were
getting this crazy warfare and it looked like they   were going backward in the physical realm look at
joseph gets this dream and he’s thinking okay I can’t wait to till the dream is going
to come to pass I’m going to go forward and make progress next thing you know he’s in
a pit looks like he’s going further away   from the promise right it looks like he’s going
backward in the physical realm later on he’s a   slave looks like he’s going backward then
he’s in the prison in the prison looks like   he’s going backward not closer to the promise
in the physical realm but in the spiritual realm   oh he was getting closer and closer each day
he was getting closer and closer each day   why because to carry an anointing to walk in this
big call you need to be refined by the fire   you have to go through that process   you have to allow the testing to occur Jesus as
soon as he was about to go into ministry first   he had to go into the wilderness led by the
holy spirit to be tempted by the devil   this is how it works devil is so angry and wants to
stop you god will allow the attacks seeing what   you can handle knowing what you can handle him
will allow it to be this refining fire testing amen GOD never forsook Joseph or David
God was with them everywhere god knew they were getting closer because their heart is
being transformed more into the image of GOD   their faith was growing through all of those
trials the only way their faith could grow   is for it to be tested is
to go through those trials   and so I mean the bigger the calling on your
life the bigger the refining fire the bigger   the process it might not necessarily be the
longer the process but if it’s going to be   a shorter process it’s going to be very intense
very intense and so that is what I experienced   that is what I experienced when I um
stepped into this anointing I started seeing this   the bible come alive like joseph like
David seeing I mean jealousy seeing   jealousy like I never saw in my life before seeing
the devil uses people coming at me with hatred   like I never experienced in my life before
seeing betrayals seeing lies made up about   me seeing gossip rumors being made and spread
and people believing lies about me like never   before in my life but I kept reminding myself of
the word of god I kept reminding myself of joseph   and David and I said I see what’s going on wow
the devil is terrified of the calling on my life this is what’s necessary I have to go through
this battle just like David did just like joseph   all I care about is pleasing you god all i
care about is being in your will and I know  that to get where you call
me to be I have to go through this   just as you had to lead
Jesus through the wilderness I know I have to do this so I would go through and
I would remind myself I’m pleasing god right now   this is not easy this is difficult I did not
expect this but I’m in god’s will I’m pleasing him   this is where he’s leading me so he can
refine my heart god do whatever you need to do   you’ve called me to something big god do
whatever you need to do to transform my heart   to make me a usable vessel of you that can walk an
anointing amen I see the times up I don’t know how   strict the time is um we can just continue where
we left off though um who should I ask about this   is it you hi I see the time’s up should i
just pause for now I can continue for a moment   what’d you say oh praise god hallelujah
okay yeah we can continue with the rest of my testimony in the next session amen but
but yeah I just wanted to end with um man it was I never faced spiritual warfare like that in my
life but what kept me strong was renewing my mind   with the word of god with the prophecy over my
life and the with the written word of god   and seeing man I never saw this kind of warfare
in my life, before so wow this is what’s going   on I’m encouraged that the devil is trying
this hard I’m encouraged amen and it made me   closer to god than ever because I had to lean
on him like never before I needed his comfort and it’s like I would feel alone
like only he knew what I was going through   and as a leader, I wouldn’t know god
didn’t call me to vent and to complain   and you know he called me to be a leader to be
strong and so I started entering this place of   growing closer to god more than ever before where
it’s like only you know god what I’m going through   and I would hear god say to me you’re I’m
proud of you I’m proud of you for standing   strong I’m proud of you for going through this and
I didn’t hear an audible voice honestly when I say   I heard god telling me this it was simply
renewing my mind with what he’s spoken to me and   his heart you know I knew this is his heart he’s
proud of me for obeying him he sees what I’m going   through it says David was a man after god’s own
heart because he just wanted to please god   he was willing to go through battles just to
be in god’s will just to please him and so I knew   that was my god so I knew he was saying you’re a
woman after my own heart right now thank you for pleasing me thank you for obeying
thank you for going through this I would   remind myself this is what god’s speaking and
through these hard times, I experienced the most   intimacy with god than ever before and so you know
this refining fire yes it’s uncomfortable   it’s shocking like you start seeing how evil
the devil is and you’re like wow the devil   can work through people like this
you know you know like making up lies like I never experienced people make up lies about me
before like weird stuff like that you know it’s   so it’s heartbreaking you know but it’s beautiful
you know every season with god is beautiful   the valleys and the mountains are beautiful because true life is intimacy with
Jesus that’s what brings the   most peace joy and contentment intimacy is
touching your father’s heart is pleasing him   that’s it so it doesn’t matter on the mountain
or the valley if I’m a pleasing GOD I’m happy amen so GOD taught me true contentment
all through that hard season, I never was without peace I never was without
peace or contentment and god taught me that what paul spoke I learned how
to be content no matter the circumstances I’ve learned I learned through this god taught
me this is how your this is how you be content to remind yourself all that matters is pleasing
GOD that’s it I just want to be in god’s will   so if it’s god’s will for me to be in
this place right now that’s uncomfortable I’m content because that’s my biggest desire in
this whole world amen hallelujah this has been   amazing we can wrap right now for this session and
I’m so looking forward to the next one hallelujah amen okay so right now it is 10 11 a.m with 44
seconds and counting and so what we’re going to   do we’re going to take a 15-minute break when
I encourage you to bathrooms are out this door   to my left your right and then
just be back by let’s say 10 30.


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