Tag Archives: youtube shorts

Worst robbery attempt ever

so this robbery attempt is my favorite robbery attempt [Music] ion everybody Give Me Everything where's the money so this is at a nail salon in Atlanta Georgia by the way so shout out to Georgia now supposedly he has a pew pew in the bag but we never see it but this has got…

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Why do people climb Mt Everest?

why do people do this now I've done videos on climbing Mount Everest before talking about the lines people have to wait in and the cost of it all and the trash at the top but I want you to look at this video blowing up okay good job I'm sorry but climbing Mount Everest…

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She trashed a whole airport

what is it about airports that turn people into absolute lunatics so apparently This Woman's reservation wasn't in the system and when the person at the counter informed her of that she didn't take it well [Music] by the way this happened in Mexico City Mexico so shout out to Mexico see and you all…

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DoorDash fired him for saying this

I can't believe this guy said this so as you can see here this is a doordash delivery driver delivering a pizza in Texas there you go thank you um I just want to say it's a nice house for a five dollar tip okay a five dollar tip on a 20 tab is totally…

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You won’t believe this Starbucks freakout

well this guy sucks Tick Tock please find this person [Music] clean up [Music] they and their two friends have been harassing different Starbucks locations throughout the fidi district in net WoW this went from Starbucks to Waffle House real quick first of all why does this guy look like that guy from that Meme…

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Would you pay this much $$ for a steak?

hold up the Salt Bay guy from the meme has a chain of restaurants and they cost how much when you pay 31 000 to sea salt by but don't eat meat [Music] 5 500 US Dollars eighty five hundred dollars to eat at a meme restaurant what next is disaster girl gonna open a…

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Worst parents in Pakistan?

I'm not telling anyone how to be a parent but yeah this seems like a really bad idea now allegedly this video is from Pakistan and it looks like the car was full so they put the kids in the back like all the way in the back now I understand different countries have different…

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