Tag Archives: video

‘Men are horrible’: Is there really a ‘catcalling epidemic?’

http://twitter.com/#!/AJDelgado13/status/527582638790680576 @CathyYoung63 @AJDelgado13 I can't believe that being creeped out or upset by catcalling suddenly means you're one of those crazy progs. — Lucy Steigerwald (@LucyStag) October 29, 2014 It’s one of the most talked about online videos this week. A non-profit called “Hollaback” released it to show the bad behavior of some men toward women…

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‘This is the real world’! Activist schools feminists flipping over Miss Nev. [video]

http://twitter.com/#!/catfanfl/status/476771776559472640 As Twitchy reported, feminists flipped their lids when soon-to-be-crowned Miss USA Nia Sanchez suggested that women learn self-defense in order to help protect themselves from sexual assault. “She’s blaming the victim!” they said. “We should just teach men not to rape!” they said. Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that that’s bull.…

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This Musical Grandma Just Heard A Song She Wrote Sang By Country Star Willie Nelson

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTBT_ATF’); }); Songwriter and grandma Lyndel Rhodes is a star in her own right at the age of 92. Rhodes grew up in a musical family from Perry County, Tennessee. At the age of 13, she joined an after-school club that taught her how to play the harmonica. Ever since then, her songwriting…

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Woman’s ‘powerful,’ ‘must-see’ message goes viral: ‘I am a Ukrainian’ [video]

http://twitter.com/#!/instapundit/status/435968221347192832 As apocalyptic images of deadly Kiev violence circulate, this striking video of a Ukrainian woman explaining the struggle against corrupt government “barbarians” has gone viral. Her message about freedom in Ukraine has over 1 million views. “Please share it,” she says. “Speak to your friends, speak to your family, speak to your government, and…

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‘Grow the hell up’! Obama shredded for ‘stinkburger’ stupidity [video]

http://twitter.com/#!/Matthops82/status/451452537972228098 In case you missed it, our president is a child: http://twitter.com/#!/markknoller/status/451441140554682368 No, really. See for yourself: http://twitter.com/#!/guypbenson/status/451461135796301824 Is this real life? http://twitter.com/#!/TheRickWilson/status/451452458674712578 http://twitter.com/#!/TheBrandonMorse/status/451452900674248706 http://twitter.com/#!/SHannitysHair/status/451455131713040386 http://twitter.com/#!/ShelbyMetter26/status/451456022603776000 The look of love Is in your eyes A look your Stinkburger Can't disguise.— Hugo Stinkburger (@MangyLover) April 02, 2014 http://twitter.com/#!/Doc_0/status/451457160636268545 http://twitter.com/#!/conkc2/status/451452518267359234 http://twitter.com/#!/AmyOtto8/status/451453474257899520 Ha! http://twitter.com/#!/BethanyBowra/status/451452787822710784 http://twitter.com/#!/amylutz4/status/451456460933693440 http://twitter.com/#!/gabrielmalor/status/451440015890206720 http://twitter.com/#!/eriContrarian/status/451451715997286400 He’s…

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Crimson sighed: Everybody wants the Alabama kid crying gif [video, Vine]

http://twitter.com/#!/Shabazz_Jordan/status/406943996728979456 The Internet almost broke after Auburn beat Alabama in tonight’s Iron Bowl game. Twitter’s in near-meltdown as Auburn fans gloat and Crimson Tide fans heave and sigh. There’s also a frenzy as football viewers search for the video of a sad, young fan in the stands expressing the sentiment of ‘Bama fans everywhere: “Why?”…

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This Rubber Band Trick Is Perfect For Helping Sick Kids

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.defineSlot(‘/37886402/VN_PG_DTBT_ATF’, [728, 90], ‘VN_PG_DTBT_ATF_5816ae82ebec9’).addService(googletag.pubads()) googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_MB”, “VN_”); googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_SC”, “VN_ORGN”); googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_TS”, “TS_D”); googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_AT”, “VN_ORGN_PG_D_REV_1.0_ASYNC_DEFAULT”); googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_CC”, “VN_ORGN_D_UNK_118284_A”); googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_PG”, “1”); googletag.enableServices(); googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTBT_ATF_5816ae82ebec9’); }); When kids are sick, it’s the absolute worst. It’s awful to see children in pain or not feeling well, and they totally rely on us to make them feel better. That’s why moms and…

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