Tag Archives: potus

‘Incorrect promise’: Vacationing POTUS too busy to sign up for O-care himself

http://twitter.com/#!/jpodhoretz/status/415200217731194880 Remember when Valerie Jarrett promised that President Obama would be signing up for Obamacare today? Shockah! That promise came with an important disclaimer: “To be taken with a squillion grains of salt.” You see, it was just a “symbolic” gesture: http://twitter.com/#!/RBPundit/status/415199917519302657 Via Politico: In what an official acknowledged is a “symbolic” move since the…

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#BackToFutureDay tweet to Michael J. Fox earns Obama the title ‘President Neil Tyson’

Unless you’ve been stuck on a desert island you know that today is #BackToFutureDay, and President Obama decided to blow some minds: Whoa. Your move, Neil deGrasse Tyson! Read more: http://twitchy.com/2015/10/21/backtofutureday-tweet-to-michael-j-fox-earns-obama-the-title-president-neil-tyson/

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