Tag Archives: life

This Rubber Band Trick Is Perfect For Helping Sick Kids

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.defineSlot(‘/37886402/VN_PG_DTBT_ATF’, [728, 90], ‘VN_PG_DTBT_ATF_5816ae82ebec9’).addService(googletag.pubads()) googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_MB”, “VN_”); googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_SC”, “VN_ORGN”); googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_TS”, “TS_D”); googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_AT”, “VN_ORGN_PG_D_REV_1.0_ASYNC_DEFAULT”); googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_CC”, “VN_ORGN_D_UNK_118284_A”); googletag.pubads().setTargeting(“NOVA_PG”, “1”); googletag.enableServices(); googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTBT_ATF_5816ae82ebec9’); }); When kids are sick, it’s the absolute worst. It’s awful to see children in pain or not feeling well, and they totally rely on us to make them feel better. That’s why moms and…

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This Hilariously Evil Little Girl Tries To Convince Her Dad To Sell Her Brother

My brother and I definitely had our ups and downs while we were growing up, but I was never quite as inventive in my ploys to undermine him as this hilarious little girl. She actually presents a pretty solid case for getting rid of her little bro after she and her dad agree that he’s…

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When It’s Time To Say Goodbye To Daddy, This Toddler Doesn’t Want To See Him Go

When we first have kids, it’s always a joy to see how excited they get when we come home. There’s just something adorable about listening to toddlers freak out about mommy and daddy returning after a long day. But despite the tearful goodbyes, we also kind of enjoy leaving. It gives our kiddos the chance…

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5 Disturbing Experiments From The Past That Were Conducted On Children

It’s no secret that atrocities have been committed throughout history in the name of science. And experiments carried out on children are among the worst. Psychology has always been difficult to study, since recruiting human participants is a necessary evil in the field. The five experiments in this video throw scientific horrors from the past…

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Crew Members From The Show ‘River Monsters’ Saw Something Nuts While Filming One Day

It’s safe to say that most “reality shows” are, in fact, out of touch with reality, right? Well, maybe not. One day, crew members working on the reality show “River Monsters” were filming near a remote island off the coast of Australia. They were looking for one particular monster, as they tend to do, but…

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