Tag Archives: Laura Ingraham

Laura Ingraham: Time to print the Clinton/Bush 2016 bumper stickers

http://twitter.com/#!/IngrahamAngle/status/453287189716422657 Maybe there’s been just a bit too much reaching across the aisle being done lately by the GOP. http://twitter.com/#!/billis820/status/453287491110699009 http://twitter.com/#!/DanME/status/453287749211398144 At least it’s not a Hillary Clinton/Michelle Obama ticket, right? http://twitter.com/#!/IngrahamAngle/status/453289378367168514 Bipartisan love is in the air; after all, Jeb Bush suggested that illegal immigration is an act of love. http://twitter.com/#!/Kmahlerjr/status/453292329454284800 http://twitter.com/#!/IngrahamAngle/status/453292040693219328   Read more:…

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Texas police chief in ‘critical condition’ after being shot

Very sad situation. Here are some more details from WFAA: A Central Texas police chief working an off-duty security job at a bar in Temple has been shot and critically wounded during a struggle with a customer. Temple police say Darrell Allen, the chief in Marlin, has been undergoing surgery at Baylor Scott and White…

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Ingraham: Will GOP homer or strikeout on Obama’s amnesty ‘slow pitch’

http://twitter.com/#!/princessjill7/status/508285409646755842 The White House has said that President Obama will delay taking any executive action on immigration until after the November elections. Laura Ingraham wonders how the Republicans will play it: http://twitter.com/#!/IngrahamAngle/status/508284927067316224 Will the Republicans take advantage of Obama saying he’s going to delay an action the White House obviously believes will be politically unpopular…

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Laura Ingraham has question for ‘double amnesty, extra hot’ Obama [video]

http://twitter.com/#!/IngrahamAngle/status/476348032586235904 Snicker. Starbucks and nurses, apparently. http://twitter.com/#!/tnacgal/status/476386342855647233 Yes we did. You see, this happened: http://twitter.com/#!/markknoller/status/476391239668224000 SEIU, natch. http://twitter.com/#!/markknoller/status/476396584968929280 Oh well. Case closed. The amnesty science is settled! But not so fast … Laura Ingraham has a question for the president regarding illegal immigrant children (since of course some illegal immigrants have been punished with a…

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