Tag Archives: free speech

WHOA: ACLU of Oregon BLASTS Portland mayor for asking Feds to cancel Trump Free Speech Rally

Dude, when even the progressive, Leftist fanatics at the ACLU are telling you something is a bad idea? Just wow. Apparently they feel the same way about the Trump Free Speech Rally as most other sane, rational and thinking Americans do – check out this epic rant: 1. The government cannot revoke or deny a…

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Safe space alert! Op-ed describes how some Yale special snowflakes are reacting to tolerance email

At Yale University there’s been student protest over an email encouraging tolerance of other students’ Halloween costumes: They also condemned an e-mail from the associate master of Silliman College, one of Yales 12 undergraduate residential communities, to Silliman residents that argued that people should not be offended by insensitive Halloween costumes and should instead tolerate…

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Puh-LEEZE! Newsweek hammered for spin on how Berkeley ‘holds the peace’

Ann Coulter’s planned speech at Berkeley was canceled due to “security concerns,” and yesterday the campus protest was mostly nonviolent. Newsweek put it this way: No Coulter, no violence: Berkeley holds the peace amid protests https://t.co/q8rJi8W3ne pic.twitter.com/rnyOGlqiaK — Newsweek (@Newsweek) April 28, 2017 That’s one way to spin it: @Newsweek WOW. Incredible how you can…

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