Stolen Memes Week An AndrewFinlayson Event July 17th-24th! Mine Is Better! () Don’t you think so socrates?
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Read moreWhen Zoofi was just four months old, he saw snow fall for the first time. Like most young bucks, he had no idea what was happening. In the short months since he’d been born, he’d never seen the strange white puffs falling from the sky before…was it punishment for his mischievous ways, or some kind…
Read moregoogletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTBT_ATF’); }); We all have that one family member who only seems to come around when they want something or need attention. No one likes an unexpected visitor on their doorstep, and speaking from personal experience, I know that no one enjoys a mooch. Sandwich the cat is both of those things. Even…
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