Some people are just terrible

these police officers pissed off the whole internet so a man in Dallas Texas was trying to use the restroom at a pizza shop and two off-duty officers wouldn’t let him so the man ended up holding it so long that he urinated on himself and when other officers showed up they were heard laughing and mocking the man yeah [Music] okay yeah so obviously that’s awful but here’s the twist so it turns out the man they were laughing at was a military vet who had an injury from his tour in Afghanistan the injury was to his lower extremities causing him bathroom issues hence why his need to use the restroom was an emergency so yeah the officers were mocking a military bet with a war injury and the fact that she appears to take so much joy in it is just awful like if you were at a restaurant and you saw like I don’t know a waiter doing this you’d be furious much less an officer of the law so here’s what ultimately happened to the

As found on YouTube

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Every part of the body is in a state of vibration…

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