Safe space alert! Op-ed describes how some Yale special snowflakes are reacting to tolerance email

At Yale University there’s been student protest over an email encouraging tolerance of other students’ Halloween costumes:

They also condemned an e-mail from the associate master of Silliman College, one of Yales 12 undergraduate residential communities, to Silliman residents that argued that people should not be offended by insensitive Halloween costumes and should instead tolerate them and talk about them. That message came in response to a plea from Yale officials that the university community take the time to consider their costumes and the impact it may have, citing possible outfits including feathered headdresses, turbans, wearing war paint or modifying skin tone or wearing blackface or redface.

The email about tolerance has ironically mobilized the tolerance police on campus:

In the Yale Herald, an op-ed writer pointed out that some students were taking that particular call for tolerance pretty hard:

Having breakdowns? Maybe next time Yale will provide safe spaces from “offensive” emails, along with somebody to “take care of” them.

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