Meme-tastic! ‘That moment’ when FLOTUS’ furious selfie face scores [pics]!/captainstefanie/status/410657998525059072
Ask and ye shall receive! Again.!/PragueArtist/status/410473311588474880
Wiping tears!
Another one enters the mix:!/valkri13/status/410928819915067392
Our sides are aching. Period!
What else can one do to escape the embarrassment that is President Funeral Selfie?!/Carolina_Girl3/status/410539670489952257
Oh the shame.
‘I literally LOL’d!’ What was Jimmy Fallon’s Furious FLOTUS, funeral selfie prediction?
‘Ask and ye shall receive!’ Pat Sajak zings Obama’s selfie; Replies hammer it home [pic]
Have your selfie a merry little Christmas: A postcard from the White House [Photoshop]
Surprise! Guess what ‘subtext’ Oliver Willis sees in hilarious NY Post Obama-jabbing cover
‘HAHA!’ How did ‘headline crush’ NY Post blast President Funeral Selfie, FLOTUS? [pic]
Heh: How will President Selfie react to Time’s Person of the Year choice? [pics]
New angle on Obama’s memorial selfie adds to the drama
Dennis Miller: ‘Obama IS a selfie’
Forget the death glare: Check out what furious FLOTUS did to Obama [pics]
‘The Internet has everything’: Guys, don’t forget this presidential selfie! [pic]
Funeral selfies? Obama’s selfie face, FLOTUS’ furious face at #MandelaMemorial [pics]