It’s illegal to film this
they're miners I hope you hear that YouTube they're mine fixed to break your [ __ ] camera so what happened here so it looks like there was some sort of car accident and this guy was trying to get footage of it I'm just recording this thing you're not going to you're not going to this is our family and you don't have you don't have permission if you guys haven't issued officers right over there I'll get the officer we have the right to say anything miners two kids on the minor and you put his face anywhere I will sue you and you will never have anything all right let me just interrupt to say Karen here is immediately wrong it is not illegal to film people in a public place especially in what appears to be a public street it's only illegal if you have a reasonable expectation of privacy which on a public Street you don't have he is a miner those two children are miners they're my miners you better remember that in the state of Texas it is against the law for somebody of a minor without their permission without a parental permission they're minors they're minors okay they're minors you know it's funny every time she says they're minors I just imagine a bunch of coal miners standing next to a car accident and I love how she says it's illegal to film us without our permission as they pull out phones and film him also she says I'm gonna sue you and you're never gonna have anything again I will sue you and you will never have anything yeah that's just not how lawsuits work even if you lose they don't like garnish all of your assets for life so there's a lot to hate about this video but I gotta say the ending is so satisfying even minor yes they're in public there's no expectation of privacy I need y'all hey hey hey hey let me deal with it you guys are fine to film you guys go over there you're taking my attention away from dealing with your kids and your family because he's doing what he's allowed to do all right alone let them film let me get back to doing my job please I love it the cops just like stop wasting my time with this bullsh she like busted out her kindergarten teacher voice and everything you guys go over there all right and then it seems like the woman was so embarrassed she like walked off into the woods legit like that Homer Simpson disappearing into the bush meme the social media has been a thing for like 20 years now how do people still not know you are allowed to film in public if someone is filming you in public and you don't like it the most you can do is ask them nicely to stop and hope they do because unfortunately if they don't stop there's not a lot you can do about it