Introducing the New Promo Pulse – 2021 Tech #Wow


Introducing promo pulse – a
revolution in video advertising. For over two years the
research lab has been secretly working on this project in association with
the NAD nanotechnology center in Boston.  Using integrative AI technology and
machine learning, Promo Pulse can now,   for the first time, make your ads exert
vibrations and pulses onto your viewers’ phones.  Extensive research has shown that by applying
precisely targeted vibrations at certain key points of an ad, you can trigger an emotional
response in viewers like never before.
Now, that we’ve entered the final testing
phase, you can experience the future today.


Just place your hand over your screen right
now and feel the pulsing sensation in action. Did you feel it?  Promote your business without
limits only with Promo Pulse Launching on April 1st 1st.

As found on YouTube

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