If You Need Healing, Watch This! – Prayer for Healing 🙏


If you have pain in your body right now are. You battling with an illness I think we. Receive the word the word is going to do the wonders, the word of God. I want you to right now place your hand upon the part of the body without his illness. If you have an emotional problem or a mental problem, or maybe you heard a doctor’s report this week or last few weeks of a terminal illness. If you’re watching us on youtube as well just place your hand there right now Ilya and Ivan are going to come, we’re going gon na pray together. I want us to pray right now and just release our faith. Let’s enlarge! Let 39, s stretch our faith right, now nothing is impossible to god you’ve done, your part, you went to the doctor you took the vitamins you took, the medicine you went to do this stuff right now do your part do, a spiritual part of receiving Spiritual touch from god place your hand there. If you have a problem with your hips, you have a problem with your blood. If you have a problem with your breathing place your hand there, and I want you to say this with me. I want you to say my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. My body is not for sickness and it’s not for disease. I take authority right now in the name of Jesus over every pain and spirit of affliction. In the name of the Lord, I commend you go in Jesus’ name. Come on right now begin to pray for that area, begin to invite the Holy Spirit in that area, invite God’s, miracle in that area, irregular heartbeat commanded to be irregular right now, blood, cancer or tumors or cysts, or growth in your body, begin to speak To it as though it’s a living entity, it will respond command. The mountain to move blindness has to go, deafness has to go one leg shorter than the other one that has to be made straight: chronic migraine headache to be healed in Jesus’ name, asthma, tuberculosis, to be healed right now, in the name of Jesus thyroid problems. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, yes in Jesus’ mighty name, we command that sickness to lead that body. We come against that tumor to be healed in that body in Jesus’ mighty. That body is a temple of the holy spirit Jesus. We know you are willing to drive anything that’s not of their body, not of you in that body in Jesus buddy. We come against that sickness in that body. You pain, lose your grip in that body in Jesus mighty name, arthritis lose your grip in Jesus, mighty name. Cancer leaves that body in Jesus’ mighty name, tumors go in Jesus’ mighty name. We come against every fibromyalgia. We come against every diabetes, every chronic pain in the head, and every back problem be healed in Jesus, Mighty name, bones muscles, and nerves receive life in Jesus, precious, Mighty name, Father restore those eyes, restore those ears, shoulders be healed in Jesus Mighty. Every breathing problem be healed in Jesus preciously in the Mighty name of Jesus. Come on, say with me say my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, say: oh Holy Spirit, my body belongs to you repair every damaged part in my body, remodel. My body restores my body to its original condition. Lord Jesus, you are the Lord of my body and every sickness. Every pain is illegal in my body and right now I command your sickness. I commend your pain out of my body in Jesus’ name, right now: open up your lips and begin to command every sickness, every disease, every pain, how little it is, how big it is subject to your command it’s. Subject to your voice, it’s, subject to your faith, begin to comment. It out begin to command it to leave your body in the mighty name of Jesus Christ in Jesus Mighty Name. Those of you that are watching us right now. Online, whatever sickness, whatever pain, you’re facing distance, is not a barrier. Holy Spirit is working through live stream. Right now put your hand on a part of your body that is hurting and begin to command that pain, to leave begin to command, that sickness to leave begin to command that tumor to disappear in Jesus’ Mighty Name in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, God is healing somebody right now with eyesight issues receive your healing in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. My stomach issues right now have been stomach. Issues right now are being healed in Jesus Mighty Name in Jesus Mighty Name be healed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. God is healing fibromyalgia right now in the mighty name of Jesus, whether you’re here or watching online God is touching. That issue right now receives your healing in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, Father. We thank you for your touch. We thank you for your healing rashes right now. Skin rashes right now are disappearing in Jesus’ name, receive your healing, receive your healing, receive your healing, receive your healing, be healed in Jesus’ Name, be healed in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. We thank you, lord, for your healing. Thank you, lord. Thank you, lord. I also feel that, if somebody has rashes on your, especially on your hands the lord is touching them right now, you will feel like a fire that is touching you touching your arms, and that is the anointing of God. He is removing that whether it was eczema or some other skin infection. The Lord is touching that skin right now in the name of Jesus and there’s another person, you have a problem with your knees. Your knees are weak. There’s constant, sharp pain in your knees even when you bend them there’s like this crack, the Lord is touching your knees right now. He is healing and restoring your knees in the name of Jesus Christ. Lord, I thank you for your grace and your mercy. I thank You that you are restoring our health god. We praise you, we worship you in the name of Jesus


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