I hate people who stand in parking spaces

you're gonna hit my child no I want to park so what the hell are these two people fighting about well this guy goes to park his car and there's a woman standing in the parking space with a stroller allegedly he waited for five minutes for her to move and then he started recording please move I need to park here please you're gonna hit my child no I wanna Park what the park you owned in the parking spot myself there's no one here please do all right so her husband actually shows up later but first let me just say people who stand in parking spots to hold them are the worst but then to do it with a baby and like use that baby as some kind of human shield you're gonna hit my child no lady no one wants to hit your baby get your baby out of the street specifically the part of the street that is dedicated for people to put their cars correct me if I'm wrong but if you have a baby with you I assume you'd want to avoid as much confrontation as possible like oh sure man just take the spot whatever just don't wake my baby up in fact I get props to the guy he was actually really polite and respectful I mean he's a much better person than I am like my anger would have gotten me in trouble so fast I would have laid on that horn oh I would have laid on that horn give that poor baby a lifetime of anxiety so anyway eventually her husband shows up you can't really hear what she says to the husband but I'm assuming he tells her to move thank you I appreciate it yours of course of course she said I got your plate number like lady who cares the guy didn't do anything wrong she just wanted to get that one last jab in to feel better about the argument she just lost people are exhausting

As found on YouTube

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