How To Overcome Loneliness? | Sadhguru


Most, people cannot handle, the freedom they are always trying to bind. Themselves but only talking mouthing, freedom all the time because freedom needs, courage, freedom needs a certain madness they can capture me they can torture me they can do so many things but they. Cannot invade me they all. The boys must learn songs like this. Otherwise, you can’t floor, the girls, despite being surrounded by so many people. We still lack that feeling of belonging to somebody being accepted by somebody being loved by somebody. How should we deal with that discontent and loneliness on one level? Many questions are aimed towards. How can I be free from this and that other level you are asking, how can I bind myself to something or somebody you must decide what is the highest value in your life, freedom or bondage? Please. I would like to hear the word freedom, but if you are free, you feel lost if, if you go into the mountains and you’re free, that is nobody around you. Just, in the space of the mountains, you don’t feel, free you to think you’re lost, so to handle freedom it needs a certain clarity and strength most people cannot handle freedom they are always trying to bind themselves but only talking mouthing Freedom all the time, if you set them free, they will suffer immensely. So this is an evolutionary issue in the sense. Human beings are right. Now, like this, a caged bird. If you keep a bird cage for a long period, and then one day you took off the door of the cage, still the bird won’t fly from inside it. ‘ll protest that it’s not free, but it’ll not fly. The human condition is just that for all other creatures, nature has drawn two lines within which they have to live and die, and that’s what they do, but only for human beings. There’s only the bottom line, there’s no top line and that’s what they’re suffering if their life was also fixed. Like every other creature,’s life, they wouldn’t be stressed, they wouldn’t be anxious. They wouldn’t be struggling with how to handle their intelligence, and that is what you’re seeking. Unknowingly. You may seek it in the form of relationships. You may seek it in the form of a profession. You may seek it in the form of nationality, ethnicity, community god, heaven hell! All you are trying to do is draw an artificial line that does not exist in Music because freedom needs courage. Freedom needs a certain madness. If you’re very sane, you cannot be free because you will go between the two lines of logic to be free. It takes a lot of strength that, if, first of all, what needs to happen, if you want to be free, is you understand that all human experience has a chemical basis it. Hello, Applause, what you call to joy is one kind of chemistry. Misery is another kind of chemistry. Stress is one kind of chemistry, anxiety, another kind of chemistry, agony, one kind of chemistry, ecstasy, another kind of chemistry, at least ecstasy. You know it’s, another kind of chemistry I hear so. Your experience of life has a chemical basis to it. This is the most superficial way of looking at it. There are other dimensions to it, but for your understanding, or in other words, what you call me right now, you’re a chemical soup. The question is: only are you a great soup or a lousy soup? Yes or no right now, if you have a chemistry of blissfulness, if you close your eyes, it’s, fantastic. If you open your eyes, it’s, fantastic. If somebody’s here, it’s, fantastic, nobody’s. Here it’s very fantastic, yes or no, but you have lousy chemistry. If you look at them, if they smile at you, it’s, nice, not fantastic. If they look at you like this, suddenly it’s a problem if these people are happening just the way you want, your chemistry is reasonably balanced. If they do something that you don’t like boom, it goes somewhere else. So essentially, you have not looked at this mechanism. What is the basis of this? How it functions, how i can make it function at its highest level? Right now, let’s say you are blissed out, like me, do you care who is around? Who is not around if they’re around it?’s fantastic, they’re gone fantastic, because your experience of life is no more determined by what you have and what you don’t have, whether it’s people or things or food or this, or that it is not determined by that. Once your way of being is not determined by anything outside of you, then there is no such thing as loneliness, but you will enjoy your aloneness because, whether you like it or you, don’t like it at this young age, it’s a little uh Difficult to understand this, whether you like it or you, don’t like it within this body, you’re, always alone, isn’t it whether you do interaction or intercourse or whatever, whatever, whatever still you’re alone in this body, yes or no hello Applause, if you don’t, learn how to handle this aloneness. You have not learned anything about life. This is the most beautiful thing. The most beautiful thing about life is, nobody can get here. It’s just my space. I said no isn’t this? The most beautiful thing nobody can invite me they can capture me, they can torture me they can do so many things, but they cannot invade me because I have a space that is just my own. Isn’t this? The most wonderful aspect of your life. Don’t suffer that is the most beautiful thing. Oh, but you want to find a little romantically and enjoy that what are those songs, popular songs, pining for somebody without you? I cannot exist. Most of the songs are that way now sing one song, older ones, older horrible singing. I’m horrible. Just tell me the words I will sing, I think I to say them on the microphone Applause. Music Applause sees all the boys must learn. Songs like this. Otherwise, you can’t floor, the girls, but the girls should understand the guy has a need, and he’s doing this. It’s not true, but let’s enjoy the game right now because what we do is just a certain it’s, a certain game. Life is because it comes to an end, but the important thing is: how are you within yourself? If you are here in such a way that you are only driven by your needs, you will live a very meager life, but if you can sit here without any need, but you will do whatever is needed, then you will live a magnificent life. It’s. My wish and my blessing to every one of you must have a fantastic life, make it happen for yourself, Music, Applause, Music. You


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