He got fired for this

this is the best news story I've seen all week this morning a Colorado school bus driver under Fire facing 30 counts of child abuse accused of intentionally stopping his school bus short according to the school and court records to teach the elementary school kids on his bus a lesson about staying in their seats now I'm not saying I would do this I'm not saying it's a good idea I'm saying it's kind of hilarious I mean all 30 kids hit their head at the same time so this guy got fired for this and that means every bus driver I had as a kid should have also been fired because they used to do this to us all the time going like 50.

I mean come on 30 counts of child abuse for tapping the brakes at nine miles an hour firing him is a little dramatic like he deserves a write-up or a demerit or something at best.

As found on YouTube

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