Don’t do this at the movie theater…

now I'm not normally one to criticize a woman's dress but [Music] horses madam what what they don't leave much to the imagination okay I don't care if people are out in public with half a butt cheek hanging out we see people in bathing suits all the time my only concern is that if you look at the footage she appears to be at a movie theater which means her bare skin is gonna touch those filthy movie seats ma'am you can't just raw dog those seats she's gonna get up after the movie and have popcorn and gummy bears all stuck to her ass that is why you don't go to the theater dress like if Chun Lee had an only fans like can you imagine how many strangers have farted in that seat disgusting also I hope this was set up and she knows the person filming her otherwise there's just some Rando following her around with a camera just staring at her like.

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