Cómo DESARMAR a un/a NARCISISTA y que te tenga MIEDO🥶


Hi there! how are you? Welcome to a new chapter in life drive. Some people ask me: “How do you protect yourself from narcissists and psychopaths and make them walk away?” it means, that they are afraid of you, that they fear to approach you. Today we are going to talk about that. Fear, as you may have already noticed, is one of the emotions they use against you, that is, they manipulate you from fear, either by threats of abandonment, or other direct or indirect threats, and also by making you pass ashamed, for revealing your issues, or defame you, or because you notice that they have a kind of ” fan club ” that are the flying monkeys, or that everyone believes them, then they can say anything, any lie and they will make them look very bad, then victims tend to feel quite afraid of narcissistic and psychopathic people, especially when they discover what this type of personality is, and understand the dangers of being exposed to these people.


They usually make them feel that they are going to be left alone (the victims) and no one is going to help them, because they also isolate them completely socially, they isolate them from their loved ones, and their moral support, and they make them feel useless, that you are not going to being able to do anything alone, that’s why you are also afraid of losing that person. Fear is always very present in an abusive relationship or even the fear that she will harm herself because many times these types of threats are also present. The other two states are obligation and fault. The obligation is this feeling that you have to be “obliged” to take care of that person, to return all the favors they did for you. Being there with that person makes you feel that he is the only one who helps you, the only one who loves you, and also, the only one who can put up with you, because they make you feel that you are crazy, a sick person, an unbalanced person, and that he cannot take care of himself.


They make you feel like you’re obligated to give back a little bit of all that “mercy.” Not to mention the people who are outside of that relationship, of the whole society that blames us, and makes us feel that we cannot abandon that person, that we cannot move away, and that we have to take charge, because “the tango is danced in pairs ” And all this confusion that is generated as a result of not making the difference between a toxic relationship and an abusive relationship. Then there is guilt, which this channel is about that: overcoming the false guilt that we have after an abusive relationship with a narcissistic or psychopathic person, which is also one of the strongest, heaviest, and most costly backpacks.


Get free. It is a guilt that not only that person has left you, but everyone else, society in general, is always blaming the victims and pointing out them for being weak, for being irresponsible for their own life, for having chosen wrongly. And then the flying monkeys, who are your family, your friends, the people around you … they often point at you and shame you for everything you lived through. From this dark triad, narcissistic and psychopathic people will never perceive, feel, or experience what is “obligation” which is taking responsibility for something. They are not even responsible for their things, much less are they going to be responsible for something external. Fewer than less feel guilt, because we already know that in its structure, the void reaches the feeling of guilt. It does not exist, like love, happiness, and other much higher emotional states. Guilt does not exist and that is why it is also an open door, Pandora’s box to do all the damage that they do in people’s lives, without feeling any remorse about it. Curiously, fear is something they feel, as I already explained to you in another video.


They will not be afraid of the same things, or situations as you, because you have an empathic structure and they have a perverse type structure, so it is different. They do feel fear; Their fears revolve around: that you take off the mask, for example, and that they are exposed for what they are, with their intentions, with the dangers that being with people like that represents for the victims, and knowing and being able to predict at some point what can happen. From now on, it is no longer a question of believing that that person can change, for example. Once you realize that you are with a structural narcissistic person, or structural psychopath, that changed things a lot because you understand that that person does not change because they do not want to. There they drop one of the great lies they always used to keep the victims hooked. Another of his fears has to do with your empowerment as an empathic person, that you understand your real power, with all the resources you have and the possibilities that this implies to defend yourself in life, from other people who also have this type of personality.


, and learn to identify them, run on time and defend yourself, protect yourself, and set limits. Another fear has to do with not believing anything. When you identify a person who has these qualities, you take everything with a grain of salt, you cannot believe what someone who has a narcissistic or psychopathic personality is telling you. Taking seriously what they are telling you is very difficult, that is, they betray trust. We have to learn to read between the lines. Sometimes they say things as they are, but in a slightly twisted and perverse way, this issue is quite complex, perhaps we will talk about it in another video. Understanding these points: What can we do to make a narcissistic or psychopathic person afraid of us? manage your emotions very well. And I know that I am a bit repetitive with this, but believe me that people like that are always going to be trying to provoke you, to get your reactions, make you scream, get you out of boxes …


In short, what they achieve with this is to take the control of your body, your mind, and your emotions, and what we have to achieve is to regain that control. When we are in control they don’t like it at all. It is worrying for a narcissistic person, to see how nothing happens to you with their provocations. Of course, it is very difficult, because if it is about people who know you a lot, they will go for your deepest, most intimate pains, and that is why self-knowledge is so important. Because then nothing can harm you anymore, because you know your pains, and it is very difficult for them to try to use them against you. Learn absolutely everything you can about abusive relationships and narcissistic and psychopathic personalities, because this is going to help you learn to read them for what they are.


Ignorance, ignorance, and lack of education are what have exposed us all, to be victims of these people, because we did not know who we were messing with. We can become victims of other types of scams, and they lie to our face basically, and not realize it, but, in this way, we can lower the level of damage that could be done to us if we are not with our feet on the land as it should be.



One has to go out into the street knowing that these people exist and that these are the forms of harm they have and they can be much worse. That is why we cannot be relating to them as if they were empathetic people, who tell you things to your face, or who have good intentions, or at least have no ulterior motives. You have to learn to identify them and walk away; And no matter who it weighs, that’s what you have to do. Because if you learn about these personalities, you learn about their forms of communication, about how they act, at some point, you begin to realize that they all act the same, no longer even similar, that is, all the same as if they came out of a factory. It can be a bit tedious and traumatic at first when one is a victim of one of them, but in the long run, it is vital knowledge, it is a life tool, and it is no longer a choice or something that you should learn for pleasure, but rather we must learn to relate understanding that there are disingenuous people, misconduct with us, they want to take advantage, they want to steal your resources, who want to destroy.


We do not understand it because we are going to want to read it from an empathic lens, but once you have the correct information, you will see that it will be a little easier for you to bear that reality. Claim your powers as an empath, and I mean your intuition, for example, that they have brought us down. We have been led to believe that intuition is the same as hypervigilance. The mind out there plays against us and makes us imagine things that are not, but intuition is something else, and not everyone has it well worked out. As an empathic person, you will always have the potential to work your intuition and use it to your advantage, so that life goes a little better, choosing who to trust and who not.


Another important resource is discernment. The “system” has attacked us a lot on that side, it has put in our heads a lot of erroneous social paradigms that directly turn off our discernment, and every time we want to make constructive criticism of those paradigms, they attack us, because they are taken as if they were real. For example, the “mirror law” is widely used to turn the blame directly and make the person believe that everything they are experiencing is 100% their fault and that if that person hurts them, it is their fault. , It is for something internal … and no, it is not always like that. Another very popular idea is that we “choose parents before they are born.” Sure you understand what I mean and why it is so dangerous to be spreading that, but still, many people will argue with you using these twisted ideas, some even out of ignorance. But even so, even if there are ten people against you, you never stop standing on your feet and using your discernment.


Another important tool is the instincts, they are those sensations that we have in the body, which alert us that something is wrong with someone or something. It can be a stomach ache, it can be a headache, or you feel a little nervous about something, you become alert; at some point, those are our instincts giving us signals. All this together has to do with personal development to be strong for life. We need to be strong for life, that nothing knocks us down, no matter how sensitive we are, no matter how much something personally affects us, or something in the world, that we can always stand firm beyond the blows of life, and of some people. May you always get ahead, claim that power we have, rebuild yourself every day, start over and over again, and not stop. Of course, this takes time, and it is not an overnight job; But believe me, it is going to be the scariest thing that narcissistic psychopathic people are going to give to you because they will no longer be able to control you, they no longer have any power over you, because you empower yourself, because the power over your life, over your mind, your emotions, on your body, you have it, and not them.


They can’t do anything anymore, because you already know what it’s about … you don’t fall into these tricks anymore, and all this annoys them because they interrupt their objectives: Destroy you, get fuel from you, and use you, among others. If their objectives are not met with you or with other people, they will not like it at all, and they will feel that it is like a kind of “threat” because you can unmask them in front of other people, then they will have less chance of continuing. destroying. For this reason, these channels are a threat, because we are talking precisely about manipulation and how to get out of the manipulation game.


As they do not like to waste energy, and also, when they know that they can go looking for someone else to bother them, they prefer to walk away. And this may not be fear in itself, but a practical question: They do not want to lose their energy, they are a little more reserved, in that sense, they prefer to be sure that the person they are using, that they are mistreating, is going to last for a long time, and that it will not be a threat (in the sense that it can take off the masks in front of other people) That you feel strong with yourself, that you know what it is all about, that you do not fall into their games: that’s what a narcissistic psychopathic person fears the most.


If you liked this video, give me a like, and leave me a comment if you have any questions, and I will be happy to read them all. Sorry if I can’t always answer, luckily we are growing a lot as a community, and that makes me happy and excited, and I appreciate the time you spend on me. Share this video with someone who might like it and subscribe if you are not subscribed yet because we are uploading two videos per week. If you did not download the list of red flags, I am going to leave you a link below, in the description and the first comment posted. See you next time, bye!.

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