Comedian reacts to bad TikTok medical advice

right now we are doing the healthiest thing that a human being can possibly do all right this video is blowing up so let's talk about it we are outside in the sun no sunscreen no sunglasses the full spectrum of UV light while grounding in a natural body of water this is freedom this is Independence this is what the pharmaceutical industry does not want you to know this is how you heal not all their pills that you pay money all right let me just say being outside with no sunscreen is definitely not the healthiest thing a human can dog and that's sunlight huh like exposure to sunlight can be good for you there's a lot of data to back that up but it falls off a cliff real quick like after like 10 to 15 minutes it starts to get bad for you like melanoma is real and it's not fun and it's irresponsible to suggest people shouldn't wear sunscreen it just is it's not a mass conspiracy like big sunscreen isn't out to get you like every credible doctor in the world will tell you to wear sunblock and like I get this guy like he wants to connect with nature at all but like standing in a river Barefoot isn't going to cure your diabetes plus are you really connecting with nature if you're holding a phone filming a tick tock all right but anyway here's where the video gets interesting anytime these like woo-woo types push this like oh the system is out to get you narrative I always check to see if they're selling any products because that's a big tell so I go to the influencers website and lo and behold he's pushing let's just say questionable Health supplements like some energy drinks and something called Quantum energy healing what that's straight out of Harry Potter and I do this because you should always be skeptical of people who complain about a problem and then try and sell you the solution like big Pharma is out to get you you can't trust them but like buy My Health Energy Drink instead also something you should look for is how adjacent they are to other conspiracy theory type stuff because people who are susceptible to believing in [ __ ] tend to believe all kinds of [ __ ] and if you scroll just like a few videos down on his page he's like ranting about 5G Towers 5G is a form of EMF and it's even been linked to autism so he's saying 5G towers are dangerous which just isn't true but he's okay because he's protected by that special necklace he's wearing a special necklace which he conveniently sells on his website I mean this is the same thing Alex Jones used to do don't trust those big companies they're out to get you by my [ __ ] instead what is my problem and to be fair Alex Jones was very successful at it he was a [ __ ] multi-millionaire from it because the medical misinformation grift is huge right now because people are desperate for cures and stuff and [ __ ] travels really well and no this is not like a takedown video I'm not trying to take anyone down I mean he's probably a nice guy he's just you know trying to make money selling Quantum energy healing I'm just saying don't take medical advice from influencers on Tick Tock even when they say things like being in the sunshine is the healthiest thing a human being can do even though there's like a kernel of truths to that it quickly leads down a rabbit hole of like big farmers out to get you and 5G towers are dangerous and the clintons are lizard people and the moon is made of cheese I mean if you want Health advice go ask not just a doctor but your specific doctor so that they can give you advice specifically tailored to you I guess we have all learned a lesson today

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