Cetirizine: The Origin Story| ZyrTalk allergy Education by ZYRTEC®

[Music] Once Upon a Time in the days of your allergy symptoms abounding runny nose watery eyes nasty sneezes oh my what in 1995 while I was rocking high tops and wearing wind suits the FDA was busy at work approving prescription cetirizine as it had shown to be safe and effective when used as directed Flash Forward to 2007 and the FDA approved cetirizine for over-the-counter use meaning you no longer needed a prescription to buy it but what is it and how does it work when the body detects a perceived external threat like pollen dust or any common allergen it releases histamines histamines buying to cell receptors and Trigger responses like runny nose watery eyes and sneezing this is the body's natural mechanism to expel that perceived threat but that's a bit of an overreaction so this is where antihistamines like cetirizine come into play as the name suggests antihistamines black histamine receptors and prevent or reduce allergy symptoms so tierzine's cool because it doesn't need to be metabolized in order to be active it acts fast at hour one even at low doses today cetirizine comes in tablets capsules liquids orally dissolving tablets but who knows what the future holds [Music]

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