Category Archives: Hobbies & Personal Activities

I can’t believe she said this

alright so this video has been blowing up I'm telling you and there's the reason why I'm getting the mother Believe it or they cannot believe not believe that I am telling you right now that [ __ ] that [ __ ] back there is not real and you can sit on this plane…

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Why do people climb Mt Everest?

why do people do this now I've done videos on climbing Mount Everest before talking about the lines people have to wait in and the cost of it all and the trash at the top but I want you to look at this video blowing up okay good job I'm sorry but climbing Mount Everest…

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She filed a lawsuit over this video (and won)

there was a lawsuit over this video you remember this like classic viral video from a few years ago this 74 year old woman tripped and fell on a hike and she had to be airlifted out but I guess they didn't use like a secondary chord or something because she just spins out of…

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She trashed a whole airport

what is it about airports that turn people into absolute lunatics so apparently This Woman's reservation wasn't in the system and when the person at the counter informed her of that she didn't take it well [Music] by the way this happened in Mexico City Mexico so shout out to Mexico see and you all…

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He cheated on his wife

this is the kind of drama I need in my life so this preacher allegedly went to a prostitute and then they did their thing and then he refused to pay her 15 minutes 125. you know the drill how many times Joe this time this time really you think your wife's gonna see this…

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DoorDash fired him for saying this

I can't believe this guy said this so as you can see here this is a doordash delivery driver delivering a pizza in Texas there you go thank you um I just want to say it's a nice house for a five dollar tip okay a five dollar tip on a 20 tab is totally…

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You won’t believe this Starbucks freakout

well this guy sucks Tick Tock please find this person [Music] clean up [Music] they and their two friends have been harassing different Starbucks locations throughout the fidi district in net WoW this went from Starbucks to Waffle House real quick first of all why does this guy look like that guy from that Meme…

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