Category Archives: Budget, Tax & Economy

A Celestial Event That Could Change Humanity’s Future | Sadhguru on Solar Flares

the solar flares have kicked out the next six years there is a extra stimulus and all the energies that work upon this planet whenever these solar flares happen battles happened disastrous events happened segments of society could rise [Music] the solar flare activity in the sun has gone up significantly and it’s going up…

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Experience Stillness, Exuberance & Intoxication #NagaPanchami

this is the ray that is very significant for those who want to penetrate no life beyond their physicality beyond their senses wherever people perceived something Beyond five senses there Naga lived where the five senses fail there the work of the Naga begins how vibrant how exuberant how joyful how wonderful life you are…

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Sadhguru Cooks a Special Dish for Sanjeev Kapoor

[Music] I’m standing next to a very famous chef I have to prove something voila that’s perfection [Music] sits on the side again like this [Music] did you see Sandeep just ruining my account I know and he fixed it also see he may stay back here this is delicious we’ll serve the next one…

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