Can A Vegan Mac ‘N’ Cheese Satisfy A Mac ‘N’ Cheese Lover?

[Music] this is some of the best marriages I’ve ever had in my life hands down I’m getting some my serial killer vibes obviously whether you hated rose hello everybody it’s your girl Merle and today I’m gonna be having my friend Hugh on the show cue loves mac and cheese but he’s lactose intolerant so I know he suffers for it I want to prove to Q that there’s a vegan version of mac and cheese that can satiate that need and that want that he has so we’re gonna go out there I’m gonna find the best vegan mac and cheese that we can in LA and then I’m gonna bring them back here and we’re gonna make our own homemade version and he’s gonna see which one he likes so let’s go get cute what are we waiting for tomorrow what is oh well you know I’m always up to something weird to vegan I’m a kind of nervous and every time I do a video with you was something crazy this is actually not gonna be like that I have heard through the grapevine that you love yourself some mac and cheese oh shit yeah definitely’ mac and cheese my mom is the ultimate mac and cheese maker it’s like no one in my city like if somebody’s making mac and cheese for the party my mom is gonna make the mac and cheese in the city I’m telling you this puppy it’s like five cheese’s in there they had some burnt pieces on it oh it’s just so many layers to it that is so good clearly you love mac and cheese the old mountains back in cheese so today I’m gonna take you to a safe vegan Bistro we’re gonna get some mac and cheese Rachel did a research day where she was drove around on the company’s dime he’s testing all the different vegan mac and cheese that la has to offer and she said this one’s the best that’s a pretty high bar set in there I don’t need it to be better than your mom’s I want to be comparable how is that gonna be what do you substitute listen to thank you vegans are the MacGyver’s of the culinary world okay find a way I mean I’m open I feel like a healthier way to eat mac and cheese is always a good thing sorry mom but I mean I got to like the fifth plate you definitely starting to feel like shit what hey hey it’s a good shit love you my mom’s I didn’t mean that I want to know how saige being a bistro started I want it somewhere that everybody is going to have something that they are familiar with and they feel comfortable eating but it doesn’t have any of the animal products in it 80% of our guests are not vegan or vegetarian so I’m very excited about that because I believe it’s a numbers game I’m not about telling everybody they should be vegan there is always going to be vegans and there’s always going to be meat eaters and to me it’s how can we get our global consumption of meat paired down to something that the planet can sustain so almost everything that you’re eating as far as produce was grown within 60 miles of here for me it’s a big disconnect with bills they all I’m a vegan for the animals I don’t care if it’s local or if it’s a family-owned farm to me we have to care about the animals the environment and human beings how do you make your macaroni look so not vegan we use a mixture of a vegan cream cheese diet cheese mix that with nutritional yeast melted together and then poured over the par-cooked noodles and then I put the bread crumbs on top with the follow your heart mozzarella and it gives you that crispy on top and gushy and delicious inside when one little noodle starts to burn that’s how you know it’s ready to come out I knew I could trust you I know this looks like real cheese whoa whoa I completely forgot this is vegan Oh Oh My look at that smells good oh I’m like I’m in shock right now incredibly delicious it’s so creamy remember you talked about layers yes we got the crust we got the goo this is some of the best macaroni cheese I’ve ever had in my life hands down that’s not a question so I’ve set the bar very high I’m regretting that a little bit now but but but I’m gonna scratch okay I like that it’s gonna come out something like this or better people listen to you girl here we are in the kitchen I’m gonna do my best to give you an even better mac and cheese version that you can make at home I want to believe in you I do believe in you but sage was 5 I’m gonna rise to the occasion okay I’m gonna exceed your expectations okay the first thing you’re gonna do is you’re gonna roast yourself a little head of garlic you’re gonna cut the head off of your little garlic guy yeah just like a half an inch sort of add some oil all right we got that puppy all lubed up and now we’re gonna add oh he’s salt Bay in the house goodbye now into the oven you ago just roast this for like 35 to 40 minutes okay fortunately plan ahead we’ve got one done right here this smells amazing like a wish fries all right so you want this to be pork tender is this pork tender damn cheap tender this is the fun part starting from like the bottom use to push it out yeah oh my it’s very satisfying mmm for aria I made a cashew milk to go with his chocolate chip cookies interesting so we’re gonna be doing the same kind of dealio here Tom oh yeah did you just say that we’re gonna use this cashew plus this garlic to make a cheese sauce listen the cashew is a very powerful nut it is fatty it makes things creamy mm-hmm and what about like the yellow cheesy look ah all good time okay see these fatties I soaked these for about four hours so they’re engorged right now liquid which makes them softer Dutch is going to make them blend no wow I really am teaching you everything so let’s put the caches in you can put the garlic in and then we got about three cups of water here and we’re gonna blend it up so it’s nice damn gah so this is looking really good it’s all formed together so this nice kind of milky situation we got yeah I better get to top it off in there I’ll tell you that much you’re gonna put some oil on that pan right there with the panko breadcrumbs you’re all the way in way up freaka out a nice little smoky flavor and then of course our best friend salt so we’re gonna give this a quick little stir yeah every 30 seconds or so will join it up so cute I’ve heard through the grapevine and directly from you directly from your mouth to my ears that you are trying to incorporate a little bit more of a plant-based diet into your life is that true a hundred percent so I feel that once I’ve seen all the celebrities not eating this stuff I knew that was my time that was my time that changed my ways they know something we don’t know so at that point I’m like you know I’m cute followed us in lives yeah you know what they do at the inside words going forward I just don’t want to eat that much for me and I fly this would be a good move just cuz I’m doing it 100% does mean everyone has stood under percent like I think baby steps are just as important you know honestly I felt like I’m killing it right now like if this is what being a chef would be I’m getting some my serial killer vibes also a lot of sleep well my dear thing I get reviewed transfer this to the bowl and in the same beautiful pan we’re going to make our roux we got two different kinds of fats over here we got vegan butter and then a little bit of olive oil then classically some more garlic you never have enough garlic honestly it’s an exciting day I love cooking so we’ll know that that’s being a butter baby a roux is equal parts fat and flour and it’s commonly used to thicken sauces and that’s what we want to do for us here to mix that all up so ultimately what we want is for it to look like the consistency of wet sand we’re pretty close all right we’re getting there do you cook a lot I really do enjoy cooking a mill preparan you see this that would ask and I’m a cook now you’ve done such a great job here I’m gonna add the hash Fremont we made earlier keep stirring that until the roux is combined nicely with our cashew milk so it’s nice and creamy let’s add nutritional yeast which is gonna give it more of that like cheesy flavor that we obviously know and love this is apple cider vinegar I don’t worry when it all comes together it’s like a symphony you can wash your dreadlocks and apple cider vinegar really it gets out everything how does it even there’s a beautiful thing that’s tumeric but that’s gonna give us that yellowy orange cheesy oh you know color that you were asking for this is there to look like it for sure little pepper pepper fresh ground black pepper and we’re gonna add some salt now we’re gonna turn the heat down to low and we’re gonna let this bad-boy simmer and the meantime it’s time for some vegan trivia I’m like what is it time for tell me now hello and welcome to vegan trivia according to a climate report from the ewg cheese produces how many times more co2 emissions than tofu – seven times you know that’s crazy that’s a very crazy fat I think a lot of the time people will equate beef with methi dishes but if you think about it dairy also you’re dealing with cows right you need cows you know there’s the milk call farm basically yeah yeah it all boils down to cow farts yeah change the world one fart at a time at the plug in the show needs now you might notice that our sauce is thickening up quite nicely most definitely if for some reason it gets a little too thick you just add a little bit of water and that’ll loosen that puppy right back up we got some elbow mac and cheese seems only appropriate for an awesome oh this is definitely looking like what McEntee she look like this looks so freakin creamy like we can stop this video right here and say yeah but we’re not gonna do that we’re taking it beyond we didn’t go to try to evenly distribute as much as you can I’m perfectionist alright I saw the way you were stirring earlier let’s do it why wait you know I’m hungry man looky here you got a spinner because you’re a professional I want to get every aspect of this macaroni and cheese it’s game talk I can’t look that’s good is it yes it’s not like a bullet in there’s like something in the middle but let’s macaroni and cheese yeah I taste that garlic in here for sure and I felt like it’s a game changer I think it has everything that you needed a macaroni all we’re missing is that burnt piece the burnt piece I think now all we have left to do is for you to rank it we’ve even prepared your mother’s special recipe of mac and cheese you guys call my mom lovely lady yeah we’re tight now it’s time for the moment of truth mmm yeah the dear sweet mother’s mac and cheese you know this the gold standard of course we’ve got the sage mac and cheese that we had earlier today very solid and then of course we have the homemade one that we just made you’re not gonna eat your mother’s cuz she’s gonna win yes attend it’s your mother yeah that’s attending yeah that took me right back to Thanksgiving let’s move on before I crack yeah sage is great it’ll visually looks a lot more like my mom’s macaroni they cook in a very similar way this one is a much more like cheesy because I used the vegan cheese okay but also vegan cheese is not readily available everyone correct so what I like about what we made today is that everything is natural anybody can make this recipe this is definitely very creamy the crumbles threw me off visually but tastes amazing good god what are you gonna rate it this is a ten this is a 7.5 there’s gonna be eight like I can see this with some collard greens this is my favorite the other thing is ever going to top that of course but I flood this is for a special occasion I cannot eat this every week I can eat this every month I feel like for just every occasion when I want to make macaroni outside of holidays and just you know just a regular weekend type of thing these options are definitely worth trying out it’s way more eco-friendly way more health-conscious I’m a hundred percent down to start going for vegan macaroni and cheese like not a question you did good today [Music] thank you for watching I hope this was fun and informative let us know in the comments below who you want to have on the show next so I can veganize something for them invisible maracas yeah [Music] is my mom here seriously can you bring her around the place nauseous oh sorry that’s that cruel yeah yeah definitely [Music] you

Read More: Fat Chance: Fructose 2.0

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