Break the Cycle of Addiction – Ram Dass

[Music] like Elizabeth Spring Tao  who was born here yesterday   we come into the world we come from being fully  at home and feeling that release that comes we  
have a little shadow of it when we come home at  the end of the day those of you that have a home   and put your feet up or relax or have a cup of tea  or whatever that is that feeling of coming home or   coming to a safe space or feeling back at peace  or at one and when we get separated from that  
which and that’s separation I want to keep  reiterating is created by the mind that’s what   the basic issue of the ignorance that is the root  of suffering that the Buddha keeps pointing out   basic root of suffering is thought the clinging of  the Mind things which separate one from all of it  
now once that separation has occurred there is  incredible pain we can call it being thrown out   of the Garden of Eden we call it original sin  whatever you want to call that I mean there are   different metaphors within different systems but  there is incredible pain and in some profound way  
all of our actions henceforth are an attempt  to return to that being for me under maharaji’s   blanket or in the heart of God or in the hand  or being the one coming back into the one   and we develop a whole set of techniques that  we say make us feel good make us give us a  
feeling for the moment of yeah ah and some  of those give us that moment so intensely   and the rest of our life is so so much pain of  our separateness and so devoid of that feeling   that once we find one of those things for example  it might be a moment of sexual orgasm it might  
be a moment of Surfing when you transcend the  dualism between you and nature it could be when   you’re doing something like cooking the way you  turn into just the joy of the process it could be   it could be any number of things it could be  any number of things that when that occurs  
and it works it reinforces the behavior and you  start to do that behavior more and more because   it feels good it takes away the pain of the  separateness and the use of drugs the use of   material possessions the use of relationships  all of it when you get busy and get obsessed  
with relationships and wanting to get closer  and closer to somebody it is trying to get to   the place where you come back into that Oneness it  is it’s that yearning and you can feel it permeate   the universe of people’s consciousness so when  you look at addictions from that point of view  
you see that it’s not like evil it is just  an attempt to get back the problem is that   most behaviors that get you back is like  what maharaji said about drugs he said it   will allow you to be in the presence of  Christ but you can only stay two hours  
he said it would be better to become Christ than  visit him and that’s what you find out with most   addictive things that they give you a short  rush but they don’t allow you to remain at home   they just allow you the taste of it and then the  minute you get thrown out because you weren’t  
wearing the wedding garment the minute you go back  to heaven but you can’t stay because you didn’t   come in it’s the right way you end up feeling like  I did something wrong I’m bad and then that starts   a reaction of mind so that you get you come down  then you feel guilt I must be bad I should have  
done something else why didn’t I do the practices  that would have allowed me to stay there rather   than the thing that’s short-term because you  see your predicament what happens is that the   the opportunity for the immediate gratification  it’s like What’s called the in the psychology the  
choice of the the little candy bar now or the  big candy bar later and with little children   they’ll always grab for the little candy bar now  because they want what they can get now they don’t   they don’t have any delay of gratification  and spiritual practices compared to having  
sex or compared to taking Coke or something is  more like delayed gratification versus immediate   gratification so when you start to stand back and  see your predicament and see what you’re doing   there is a way from a spiritual  perspective in which you  
begin with that slight bit of  awareness to extricate yourself from the chain of reactivity that we’re talking  about the chain of reactivity that goes from   I’m feeling this hunger and then I’ll go for the  gratification and then ah and then the coming down  
and then oh [ __ ] and then I should have done  it the other way and then I’m bad and there’s   a whole chain of thoughts that go on every one  of those is just keeping the whole process going   and as you develop the spaciousness you start to  look at where you can intervene in the process  
of the sequence that goes on as the  awareness gets deeper you intervene   at different places in the sequence for  example the yearning the hunger starts and like for me for example I can I’ve had  strong addictions to food so that when I am  
feeling unloved I’ll eat and I’ll get fat  it’s a pattern and then I’ll hate myself   loathing because of my body and so on and I’ll  go through it now I understand the psychodynamics   of that at one level but let’s take it from  this point of view of the mind for a moment
the first place I began to intervene was when  menendra of my meditation teacher said ramdas   don’t you see that it’s just old Karma running off  and I began to break in at the point that after I   had eaten too much to reduce my anxiety because my  mother fed me food when I was upset and I learned  
that pattern and all that stuff I start to instead  of going into I’m no good and revulsion and all   the sequence I break the chain at that point and  then I just go back into my spiritual practices   okay instead of carrying out that whole sequence  I I shortcut there as the witness gets stronger  
you start to go back in the chain further and  further until as the dis the separateness is   starting to come and the feeling of hunger  and as you’re about to eat you start to   notice the fact that you’re about to do  that and you your mind anticipates the  
whole sequence and you in a sense begin to see  The Emptiness of the form you’re about to take and for generally when people come to me with  addictions I’m inclined to say start doing   spiritual practices start doing the studies that  will allow you to see yourself in a new way that  
will allow you to understand what that hunger is  you’re feeding in a new way to just get a little   different perspective on it don’t worry about the  addiction it will fall away when it will fall away   and when you do it again just notice it and the  one the line I always used how poignant I am  
how poignant The Human Condition You know I’m so  gentle with myself and what I have watched is the   patterns of my obsessions and addictions have  changed over time there’s no doubt about that   and yet I didn’t deal with them directly head  on for the most part because what you see is  
and this is something that I’m sure I I create  a lot of waves in many people including people   that I love very dearly that I’m close to I see  that a lot of the programs to deal with addiction   end up creating a new addiction to being not  addicted that is as bad as the addiction itself  
that I mean when you meet somebody that  says I haven’t smoked in three years two   months ten days and four hours you realize  that their mind is as stuck as their mind   was stuck in smoking maybe they won’t die of  cancer but they’ll probably die of uptightness  
I mean I I’m being a little facetious but in  general I’m saying that dealing with things   that are which you’re caught in the minute you  start to stop them you invest them in a way and   so my suggestion is that you just keep cultivating  the practices and every time you don’t see when I  
if I get up in the morning and I got up and  I decided to stay in the dream state and not   get up to do my sitting that could start a whole  sequence of you’re no good you’ll never get to God   but in the time I’m saying you’re no good you  never get to God I could have been doing mantra  
and when I realized and I began to sit  in meditation and watch the sequence of   my behavior I saw that all my recriminations  didn’t help anything particularly they weren’t   really functional except trying to make me feel  comfortable with myself and the better thing  
would be the minute I notice that I’ve lost it or  I’ve gotten caught or I’m stuck or I just started   to do something just pick up a holy book do a  mantra think of maharaji whatever sing a song   I mean I’ll start driving to town and I’m going to  give a lecture and I start to get uptight okay oh  
my god do I know what I’m going to talk about  you know and it’s all it’s a neurotic pattern   I know it from years back it’s my I mean I can  give you a whole psychodynamic storyline about   what that’s about I look at it I think ah there  it is at that moment I started SRI Guru charanas
and six minutes later I’m in a different  space than I was before now you could say   from a psychological that’s denial and you  should work with that but the fact is that   thus far what’s happening is it’s getting less  and less and I’m able to hang in here now with  
very little of that old anxiety that used  to be crippling it used to be crippling I’ve   worked with some of it but psychologically but  a lot of it is just it’s become uninteresting   just become an interesting and I just flip gears  immediately I flip gears because the minute you  
get lost in identification with your personality  to the exclusion of identification with your soul right that’s what’s happened you’ve lost  it you’ve lost it and there are a thousand   times each day you lose it and if you get  caught in your soul to the exclusion of  
your personality you lost it equally as much  and that’s the balance of us as human beings hello I’m Mark animator of after school I hope you  enjoyed this inspiring message from ramdas who is   one of my favorite speakers to illustrate the love  serve remember Foundation carries on the teachings  
of ramdas through online courses Retreats books  meditation music and more you can support ramdas’s   Timeless teachings and spiritual practices  through a donation at thank you [Music]

Source : Youtube