Just When You Thought The Mantis Shrimp Couldn’t Get Crazier, This Happens

The mantis shrimp, if you’re not familiar, is one of the deadliest ocean creatures in its weight class. Your average adult is around 10 inches long and has claws that really pack a punch. Some species of mantis shrimp smash prey with claws that can literally strike with the force of a bullet fired at close range.

Other species of mantis shrimp, however, are “spearers.” This means that they wait for unsuspecting fish to swim over their burrows and then, WHAM! They strike out with their claws and grab their prey. It’s a lot more brutal than it sounds.

(via Reddit)

Nature is intense, and so is the guy who owns this mantis shrimp. Think about it. He’s buying all of these expensive tropical fish so that he can put them inside the tank with his mantis shrimp. That’s twisted.

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/mantis-shrimp-spear/