Jazz legend Arturo Sandoval won’t tolerate any ‘anti-USA comments’
People who had to escape tyranny in order to gain their freedom here often have little tolerance for America haters. Trumpet virtuoso Arturo Sandoval escaped Castro’s Cuba to become an American and he has a warning for people on his social media pages.
— sandovalarturo1 (@sandovalarturo1) October 16, 2014
@sandovalarturo1 @glbobadilla21 fDe acuerdo totalmente contigo, ahora te admiro más.
— Deble (@deblethumas) October 16, 2014
^^^ She agrees.
Jazz great Arturo Sandoval calls Cuban government ‘the worst gangsters’
Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/10/16/jazz-legend-arturo-sandoval-wont-tolerate-any-anti-usa-comments/