7 Signs You’re An Ambivert, NOT An Introvert


– [Narrator] Have you
ever felt that introvert or extrovert doesn’t fully describe you? Do you feel that your
introversion fluctuates, depending on the people around you or the time you interact with people? If you don’t fall on either
side of the spectrum, you’re probably an ambivert. So here are seven signs
that you are an ambivert. (upbeat music) Number one, you enjoy socializing, you just need downtime afterward. Do you like parties? How’d you spend your time at a party? Extroverts love being
around people at parties and talking to many people without needing to take
breaks to recharge.


Introverts usually don’t
enjoy parties as much and prefer to stick with a familiar face or a group of friends the entire night. Ambiverts, on the other hand, can channel their inner extrovert and talk with lots of different people and have fun with new and familiar faces, but they may also spend some
downtime with their friends or alone to recharge
before immersing themselves in a crowd once again.


Number two, you’re good
at managing people. Do others turn to you in times of crisis? Depending on the situation
both introverts and extroverts can become good leaders. According to a study published in the Harvard Business Review
on a pizza delivery chain an extroverted leader
with passive employees tended to bring more
success to a business, but lower profits when
employees were more proactive. On the other hand, a
business had better profits when proactive employees were under more introverted management. This is good news for ambiverts, who can show introverted and
extroverted characteristics based on their employees’ needs
and adjust to their team. Number three, you’re easy to get to know. Is it easy for you to
get a conversation going with a stranger? It’s hard for introverts
to open up immediately, right away, unlike extroverts, who can start a
conversation fairly easily.


Ambiverts fall somewhere in between. They don’t mind starting up a conversation with someone they don’t know,
but they also aren’t known for being the center of attention or having an outgoing personality. Ambiverts can easily
guide the conversation and make it an enjoyable
time for both themselves and their new friend. Does that sound like you? Number four, you work well
in solo and group settings. Would you rather work alone on a task or collaborate with others? Introverts tend to enjoy
working in solitude, but they can often have difficulty sharing their thoughts in a group setting. Extroverts on the other hand
work well in group settings, but they may not be as
motivated to perform when they’re by themselves.



Ambiverts fall in the sweet spot, in the middle, and thrive in both settings. They can make great facilitators, helping introverts speak
up in group settings, and they can also be great at channeling their inner focus when working alone. Number five, you’re a good
listener and communicator. Introverts are known to
be excellent listeners, whereas extroverts are great
at articulating their thoughts. Ambiverts take bits of both personalities. They know when to talk and when to listen and they can usually pick
up on what others want or need to hear, making
them great mediators. Number six, you know when to trust people.


Do you think that your gut
feeling is almost always correct? Introverts have a difficult
time open opening up, often distancing themselves from others before fully trusting them. Extroverts are sociable, but
they may also trust others a bit too much at the start. Ambiverts tend to be more discerning and know how to make the
other party feel at ease and also how to provide
the right information at the right moment. And number seven, you’d rather
have your weekends packed. Would you rather have your weekends filled with activities or free from stress? Whereas introverts would
rather do their own thing and relax, ambiverts enjoy
going out occasionally. Staying home for too long, although nice every once
in a while, can drain them. And they’ll often find ways
to socialize on the weekend. Do you relate to any of the signs above? Are there any that we’ve missed? Let us know in the comments below.


If you enjoyed this video, please share it with
those who might benefit. The references and studies used are listed in the description below. That’s all for now,
friends, until next time.

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