7 Habits That Reveal A Lot About Your Personality


Happy peaceful music bell, dings Narrator, Hey Psych2Goers and welcome back to another video. Before we start, we would like to thank you all for the support you’ve.


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Now let’s begin.


Are you a slow eater? Do you shake your leg when you’re nervous, A habit is an automatic behavioral tendency to do something, And while you may not always be aware of your habits, how they form, and why you have them, they play a crucial role in how you think feel, And act daily, So with that said here are seven habits that reveal a lot about your personality.






The way you walk Did you know that the way you walk can say a lot about you Walking in quick strides may mean that you are highly logical, self, motivated and competitive.


Those who walk with their chest forward shoulders back and head held high are often confident, sociable, charismatic, and attention-seeking, On the other hand, those who walk with light footsteps and duck their heads are usually sensitive, soft-spoken, and polite.


A recent study in 2017 found that convicted criminals and psychopaths often pick their potential victims simply by judging the way they walk and how vulnerable it made them seem Number 2.


The way you shake hands. How do you shake someone’s hand? One research in 2003 found that people with firmer handshakes tend to be more emotionally expressive, extroverted, and optimistic, while those with loser grips were shy neurotic and insecure.


Aside from that, the texture of your hands, the duration of the handshake, and whether or not you make eye contact can also play a part in how others perceive you Number 3.


Your online etiquette People can also tell a lot about you just by reading a single text or email that you’ve sent them.


Did you know that your online etiquette or netiquette refers not only to the tone and content of your messages but also to the length frequency, and speed at which you reply? Introverts tend to be more polite and formal, while extroverts are more friendly and casual.


Good vocabulary shows high intelligence, but a consistent absence of typos may convey perfectionism and high conscientiousness.


Those you send long.


Emails are also noted to be energetic and detail-oriented, but might also be perceived by others as needier and more demanding Number 4.


Your eating habits.


Are you a picky eater? Do you finish your food fast People who are confident and level-headed tend to be slow eaters because they like to take their time to savor their food and they don’t feel self-conscious about eating Fast eaters. On the other hand, are more ambitious goal: oriented, and moody It’s also been found that picky eaters tend to be anxious, controlling, and detail-oriented Number 5.


Your spending habits. Are you an impulsive spender, or do you like to take the time to be sure of your purchases? Impulsive spenders tend to be spontaneous and hedonistic and enjoy living in the moment, while smart spenders are more rational and patient and prefer to look at the bigger picture.


Spending more on luxurious things like spa visits and fancy dinners may mean you like to indulge and treat yourself well, while those who spend more on necessities, such as groceries and utilities, are more practical, responsible, and down to earth Number 6, your nervous tics! Do you have a bad habit of biting your nails or chewing your lip when you’re nervous? Maybe you pick at your skin or tap your foot when you’re feeling on edge Whatever your nervous tic may be.


It shows that you’re feeling restless, uncomfortable, and anxious, And if you find yourself doing them more often than not, then it may mean that you have difficulty controlling your emotions calming yourself down, and overcoming your perfectionism And number 7.


Your handwriting! Do you slant your words to the right or the left? Those who have big handwriting tend to be more outgoing and people-oriented and have a strong desire to be understood, whereas those with small handwriting are often focused introverted, and neat People whose handwriting slants to the left are introspective and reserved, while those with a right Slant are more friendly, sentimental and impulsive.


Those with no slant tend to be logical and pragmatic.


Do you relate to any of the habits we’ve mentioned here? What do your habits say about it? You Tell us in the comments below If you enjoyed this video, please like and share it with others who may find it helpful too.


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Thank you for watching, and we’ll see you in our next video happy peaceful music.

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