What you’re about to watch is incredibly important to us. This video is the documentary tour Vlog of everything we did on our 33-day, USA, tour plus the dates in the UK, which is why we’re right here.


Right now, in Scotland, we just finished the 28th show and the investigations, all of which were filmed yeah for this channel yeah, and guys.


I know that you’re used to just mainly paranormal and we goof off a little bit, but I think you’ve missed us being silly.


You’re gonna enjoy the show.


The live shows were always meant to be something entertaining fun wild goofy, but at the same time meant to bring together a community and create a safe space for people to share their paranormal experiences, and the stories we heard on this tour are, unlike anything, I Ever truly thought was possible, people opening up about experiences they had they never, told anyone in their lives like we were, the first people they ever told those stories to and it’s just.


It’s, so cool that we were able to have so much fun with the audience and playing games and interacting and ultimately, what I think to make really fun entertaining videos to watch but at the same time keep things serious and informative and open Minded and help you know kind of open up this paranormal community that we so truly love so much yeah seriously.


Unlike everyone that came out to the tour and everyone that’s going to be watching the show Once it’s posted like we love you guys so much.


We put our hearts into this and we hope that you guys recognize that and can see that when you’re watching it, it was so much fun.


Dude yeah get ready for some intense stories like some sad stories, some great stories, and get ready for some really fun games.


Where we said some things that I never thought we would say on camera, yeah yeah, there’s a lot of those moments. Yeah yeah, there’s a lot.


We now have enough paranormal investigation videos to post weekly on this channel until July 2023.


That’s, how far ahead we are.


We still have Sally house and Stanley Hotel and a bunch of other videos in the states, plus all the tour videos plus ancient Ramen here in the UK, and we’re about to hop on a flight to Boston.


To film some more over there, and then we’re filming in November, so we are going to have enough videos for the next seven.


Eight months plus we now have 25 podcasts live, show haunted homies episodes that will also be dropping weekly, which means you have two videos a week.


It’s happening.


I promise you, the guy, holding the camera right now is editing them, so he’s there.


We have the editing problem solved.


We have everything in place and I’m just so excited to share these videos with all of you. I truly am, I know me too yeah are you excited? Are you excited truly by the way I read every comment so write something anyway?


There’s a card about to run Marty over and then we actually will have editing.


Oh, you’re.


Actually about to get hit yeah, you’re actually about to get hit.


So let’s uh! Okay, enjoy the video okay? All right! We’re about to check out our new house for the next five weeks that Elton built uh yeah good luck, Jenny! She’s, Got ta sleep on the bottom bunk welcome to my crib.


There was a special bed built for me because I’m gonna try it out for you guys there you go wow and Corey is your bottom that works.


That works for my little bed right here.


We got the fan, Prime position just to be like you know, get nice, and he just falls asleep like that.


Every night there’s a lot of room.


So, look at all this for not knowing what we did. These are pretty good.


Oh, you did well thanks, and the support system.


It goes all the way here, so it’s like it won’t shift the left way and it won’t shut up yeah, it’s, good dude.


You can do some messes here, okay, that’s pretty clean yeah.


We have the worst bed to get in and out of well, so this is our home for the next five weeks.


So this is, for me very big house: it’s like oh okay, so we’re doing all our merch for the tour.


I just need two more boxes of excel.


Well, here,’s, two more boxes, we’re.


Joking about it.


We like forced me to do this, yeah I mean the time like you put a sharp object to my throat. We know what you look like with your shirt off and if I have ever forced you to do anything, work harder in the gym yeah.


The second one you got it, we hold my gum yeah thanks.


Oh my god, did you really, and what about your husband? What does he believe my dad’s, an attorney so that’s kind of ironic?


I was just seeing them when she was single.


Oh, my God yeah, but the second story.


I’m just reading the last sentence – and it just says so that’s whack tonight is our official first night of the overnight paranormal tour.


Not really like it.


I’m a happenstance like she’s out.


You’re actually like lineage to this home.


We’re gonna try and go sand flooding in our merch buckets. My name is Jerry Chu, and this is the white sand.


Doom sled, I don’t think it’s gonna work.


I could keep it up, but I can’t like go forward.


Whoa, dude.


That sounds like a personal problem.


I didn’t.


Imagine him saying it that same way to a lady.


Keep it up, but I just can’t go.


I can’t go foreign y 39.


All got your Spirit Box and I used to have one of these. I had to turn on my own and now you just press a button and that’s it for you.


Let’s go get us.


Some demons come on kids’ backs and my dad had to walk eight miles in the snow.


To find the spirit is the castle? Oh yeah.


Can I Workshop an idea for you all?


I want to try and find a house that has absolutely no history.


I want to try and find 13 different people that all need exorcisms perform the exorcism in the house and then from there we seal it with wax the how the house, the Fire, Marshal.’s, like you, can’t do that.


Let’s go dang and then they’re gonna like watch the video like really this.


Are you screaming at your little dad like it was a? It was a skit.


Why are you always screaming Elton like what is like what, where’s Uncle Alton dad I make love to the food. Do you know what I mean I translate it into the food, so when people eat it, we need to feel it?


You know what I mean.


Let’s go driving the motor home, doing merch, and making dinner God? What do I need? Ginger for God, damn let’s keep you around.


This is gonna, to be a good night.


I was murdered.


Did you get murdered because you were blamed for something you didn’t do anything from 8 pm until 3, 25 minutes deep and nothing has worked, even though I’ve used this for two years.


Yes, because I took the wrong USB cable that’s right.


Welcome to the overnight life, show with Corey, Shearer, and Elton castle in the evening that has been yeah even though it’s been sucked.


Thank you, but first, we have a surprise.


Three of you have a difficult hello. Oh, my God, everybody cry when I pulled up to uh Pythian because you know how it was in an Uber.


We got to the gate and the lady’s like what’s your name and I was like no.


I was like I’m.


I was like I’m part of the tour I was like um.


You know it’s like it’s me and Elton’s tour and she’s like okay.


Well, what’s your name – and I was like you – weren’t on my list, and then she’s looking through the paper and she’s like I, don’t see your name on here and I’m like no.


This is my tour.


I feel like looking at the website.


It’s my face right there.


I love this place, hello, hello. I sent the text there.’s water coming out from the RV in the back of the back.


Oh, why did you change the voice of what the doll says every time we turn on the doll?


It says you’re gonna die a Tickle Me Elmo.


It’s like a tickle me tickle, my dick tickles me, Jesus Christ.


What is happening flies away that’s all he had to say.


I will send you to Earth to send one message: yeah it’s, a big one more.


This is so funny.


Whoever wrote this you’re kind of up, but also hilarious.


Or would you rather be haunted by Devin Lundy that’s his girlfriend? He already is I’ll choose Devin, I think you’re gonna have to be like.


Devin would be like why do you want me to just disappear when I die it’s deleting the recording something that I brought from Estonia, which is illegal to bring into the United States the Kinder Egg yeah oh yeah. These are great, oh because kids were eating the toys.


Weren’t they is that what this is yeah? Oh, they put toys inside of an edible object and children were swallowing them yep.


So they were following that: uh, the little egg, the plastic egg, yeah yeah yeah.


Oh, that’s so funny that’s amazing.


Should we save them? Let’s eat the whole thing you’re supposed to and then then you get did you just put the whole thing in your mouth? There’s.


No, how did you do that? So yeah? Oh eating this! It’s a Smurf.


This is the perfect side for a kid to swallow, too.


Dude, no don’t do that don’t turn into a jack o lantern cackle vampire thing you do wait for hold on everyone.


I just you to know.


I’m gonna reprogram our REM pod to do that noise. Now it’s.


No! Is there anyone here? No, I don’t get paid for it.


I get paid in time in the house that’s not a job.


This guy’s working a great business.


Oh, like Corbin, Corbin’s favorites! No, you have to understand.


We’ve had this guy as a teacher since eighth grade and he moved grades with us every time.


Oh, don’t say that he does have an alter ego, but I don’t have to call him that way.


There are still two little heads that are peeking over that’s: crazy.


It’s just lighting up on green as if something’s touching it is it working man, four four, no, no way we’re using our PA system for the live show as a stepping stool to clean the book.


Someone plays some music while I’m doing it. Sorry dude they look like a thrift store, flip flops, damn Kyle, you are seven foot tall and you’re gonna.


Take that right now: hey bro! Where’d you get that black one? Oh my goodness! He yesterday Walmart – and it was a six-pack taste your deal, so he named it around.


You target we haven’t had anyone join us for the podcast, yet that is like not only an owner of a location but also he is an investigator Adam Kimmel.


Please, coming in, I need to hide 30 people right now in a room, not all right.


Everyone, we’re, going to sit down 30 people in a room right?


All right, just listen, connect with the space – Oh my God! So do they know to this day? No to this day, we’re just like hey uh, so he used to do Vines and he sings happy birthday.


So clearly we’re all criminals.


Okay, now that that’s out – yes, everybody does that it was just like dude, also didn’t know my jock.


It unhinged like that.


Yes, you did Adam you watching dude is that is that a creek or did that come from you? Oh, you know they recorded for 43 straight minutes and it’s 302, So it might have killed all the lights on like 301, oh uh, you can only put so much poop in this thing and it’s been a few days four days, maybe plus Sink water shower water; it’s starting to get smelly, so we’re gon an attempt to do this. None of us have ever done this before and Allison’s.


Not here yay, we’re gonna try it by ourselves ready Daddy’s.


Here: okay, okay, there is nothing to plug in no don’t close it all right, daddy it we’re doing it holds the two levers, oh god, dude! Oh, if that gets on me that’s worse, it is.


I did we’re good.


We’re good Ness about your cologne, yeah, oh sergeant, and let’s make it French for no reason what does that mean holy water dude? I was like dude this guy’s, speaking French yeah, that’s good.


I didn’t want to make a sage perfume commercial, now, just walking down the halls of like Indiana State sanatorium, just through Rusty’s medical beds, Corey’s scared to go to that room by himself.


I can do that, but then, when we lock you in the basement now you’re scared.


Oh, how does it feel Jacob? Does anyone do you ever smoke Sage? What like do you ever just like act, like you mean like? Can you do that? I don’t know try it.


I hear you guys Wiz Khalifa or something, not me, if that’s the secret to living long, all the time your Skin’s been protected, but your lungs and your liver are just dying until you uh have a little Sage Circle, just everyone passing It around it’s like Yo dude.


You got ta hit this, I’m. Talking to God, we got new games, oh put a Hot Pocket in there like Cory’s crying.


I’m like trying to catch a capture of it.


No, there are our ghosts that love to trade batteries and batteries boom, God, no more batteries put the battery to walls magic again, because don’t forget your sunglasses to go into this spooky dark, haunted house last night.


This dude just kept talking to me even in Estonian.


I was like.


Oh, I’m.


Sorry, I’m just so tired.


Let me remind you, we end this at 5 am and I’m.


Like hey, excuse me, just got two camps here: rigged up um but after the show just make sure they’re all ready, yeah, both of them.


Originally, it was about flip flow phones, so guys took one flip phone, and uh yeah exactly it works as well. Hello! Hello! Can you hear me what’s up Mom? We show this light and then Kyle comes and says.


Now we dive to go for a red light and we start shooting pornographic moments with the red light, the only everything gets sexier and they’re.


Very sexy footage.


Yeah, thanks for this serious rundown of how you guys uh work, the shoots I’m ready for are.


We actually are acting.


Okay, we had this guy right.


His name is Rick right brought a kid named Bob, but he is the smartest kid I ever met in my life.


He had an IQ of 180.


He literally, like didn’t even take the test seriously that’s a great story to tell he said he had a gift.


He had a gift from God where he could talk to the dead in a dream which was a little fishy. When I heard about it, apparently he could predict when people are gonna die.


Rick was telling me all these stories about all the people that he saw death and was able to talk to him.


What not, then he peeked over to this building right here.


Let me tell you something about this building.


This is The West Wing.


I don’t know what’s going on in there.


I don’t know what happened, but apparently, there’s a lot of unrest.


Souls in that West Wing.


I’m not ready to go.


They’re gonna go see what’s up and they’re gonna film. For me to see I’m just gonna see through the camera uh yeah.


Taking this thing is one of our cars.


Um, I just can’t, wait, no, it’s.


Ours and the lights are on and no one’s what it’s ours.


It’s our truck and there’s no going on hey.


Is that you guys setting up the alarm music box? Wait you’re not setting off the alarm.


What the and so the curtain then opens halfway.


I’m watching the curtain just dragging and opening halfway.


I’m like wait.


Is it Marty I know Marty was up like 20-30 minutes ago and I’m like but no Marty, doesn’t sound like Corbin and I was like okay, let me just close it? So I closed the curtain.


All the way 20 minutes go by Corbin’s voice again says loud as you check out this view.


The entire curtain just drags and opens all the way, and then it’s daytime outside yeah might be that you had the dream.


My friend no I was awake.


I was texting my girl, while it was happening, and I was like hey babe.


I was like this ghost is literally with me right now movie.


We’ve been joking about this since day one, but it feels like we’re in like a Paranormal Activity movie but like like road trip style earlier, I heard someone pitch the idea of we should leave up one of our night vision, GoPros yeah.


I’m, like let’s not do that because everyone’s going to quit tomorrow.


The whole tour is done.


Walker, okay, yeah! Oh, this one says skinwalker. The audience is repeatedly telling us.


We’re not supposed to say that out loud.


It’s spelled s as in skinwalker.


Our house was struck by lightning.


That sounds like a threat.


You’re getting into an argument with your husband.


Don’t make me fart.


Oh wow, wow bro holy wait.


I just put a brick there.


No look! So we’re talking about you, foreign, every other tour. Stop has been like in a spooky place where hundreds of people have died because now we have Barney Donald Duck.


This is gonna, to be the weirdest show.


We’re gonna do ever without any doubt.


I share a bed with ginger my girlfriend and I’m just elbowing her every night, it wasn’t there a night that you fell off of the bunk bed.


Yeah yeah, I mean maybe Jerry’s, just like he always wanted to be a NASCAR driver.


Nascar drivers just only turn left.


This dude is in Formula One yeah, something like that.


Well, you’re gonna try and trap me, and I’m about to.


It was allegedly the spirit of a seven-year.


It was posing as a spirit of a seven-year-old to get into the house and get into the family. So you don’t try that again it says my classroom.


Okay, you don’t try that with me lost the tour guide and then I came back here yeah.


Oh, we’re dealing with you tonight, God damn you lost your tour guys.


I left the tour guide and came here.


What do you want to say to the people who didn’t come back? I hope to meet you one day.


Oh, that’s, nice.


Thank you.


You guys have spent hours.


This will be 18 hours.


Why spend a lot of hours? Why tell me I love ghosts? We love ghost-hunting herself.


We also love Corey and Elton so yeah they.


We looked up to them that’s.


How white do we start our Channel yeah, oh okay, okay, hold on! Is there any alcohol in there literally asking the right person. Okay, we’re gonna start with them, taking a shot every time the rim Pond goes off flickered.


Oh all, right that’s, another one crazy! Even if you guys opened up the Ouija board yeah, like you power the Spirit Box, it’s, probably one of the most precise Spirit Box answers, like I’ve seen in a very very long time.


If you watched our Warren series, then you are very well aware of who he is.


He learned firsthand from Ed and Lorraine Warren.


He carries on their legacy.


He is the one who Moved Annabelle in that Series.


So Dan, would you please come on up? Sir? Oh, the music, oh yeah, where’s the music, where’s the music?


You had us cue of that music and all you gave us – were two little hands: flipped waves Davis was this that’s all we got, we refused to leave her room.


We continued crying and freaking out.


There was more, there was more crying and more freaking out um, but I was never abused by like an older, older, adult yeah, but there was some kind of drama that I’m.


Sorry, if she’s in the hospital right now and not doing well so um welcome to the room and join the meeting yeah.


Oh, I think we are ready to take orders.


Oh yeah, what’s up, everyone? Hey! I’m telling you right now! I look honest with you: we’re gonna have the best sex.


Ever oh, okay, okay, oh bye, Corey! It was nice! No idea! There,’s, no! No way.


Two different people wrote this.


No, I am dead right now beforehand. Can you tell us what you’re looking for in a partner, uh commitment, uh loyalty willing to murder children for me? Hey.


Let me just tell you this.


I am the guy for you.


I live to wait.




Sorry, I am constantly biting off the heads of babies.


I read that wrong, but we can start with the hands if you want an appetizer wait.


No, no! Your grandmother!’s, not a doctor.


She’s an assassin.


What the in the mountains, and then they burned Ouija boards and they rolled down a hill and crack their head open and your cat walks around at your house wow that well well. Thank you for that roller coaster, seriously.


Out of myself, childhood was, I beast and then Beth grave revoked adultery Soldier.


I clear adultery again: Halloween, oh hello, everyone, apparently we’re in Niagara Falls.


I don’t know Niagara Falls how are you feeling after two weeks of the tour, I didn’t even think we started yet hiding in the bathroom, because I’m scared of you guys to wait for what this will look like, good dude.


Imagine we start, but does this look good too? It smells fine to hold up y 39.


All let’s.


Do this the right way.


What’s up everybody Welcome to the after-hour overnight cruise show! This is what we do that’s.


What do we do? The boys are ghost hunting, garlic, bread, and what do you want to call your pasta? Ginger’s, world-famous, Primo, Ultimo, chicken, Montreal, pasta dish it honestly, it’s delicious, but I don’t know about the name, though keep on cooking.


Here I don’t know what you guys are talking about. This is like six in the morning what is going on over here?


I’m kind of like the demonic stuff because you know yeah yeah party’s over sorry about that all right.


We’re, set to spend two days here at Pennhurst Asylum.


We got the boys hooking it up over here and when I say we’re spending two days at Pennhurst, I mean she’s, spending two days at Pennhurst I’m, going to Vegas.


I’m not Rife you’re, sending to hell a total fuckboy or Ed and Lorraine Warren, but I feel like they would do good there.


You know that’s there and if you were in hell, what would you do um? I’m good at this by the right way, I’m trying good luck.


Whoever follows this.


I haven’t had this much practice sending people to help, but it’s kind of fun, watermelon sugar high.


When she’s around you, you’ll feel like you’ve walked through a spider web.


Okay, can I say something: why would you why are you scaring me? I don’t know if you all notice that, but there were like four times I kept going like this to my face. While reading that story I felt like there was a spider web on my face.


That is cool don’t.


Do that? Stop like every single device went out one by one for one, and I was like: oh, it took the energy out of every device.


I have the REM.


Pod immediately went off, they’re just taking all their power and they’re.


Like look, I can still take this one too, that’s the last one for last working one out, oh yeah.


Thank you.


Thank you because it Move Along, go, go, get get, runs, Paranormal Files and he also has a podcast called murder in America.




Would you please come on up here Colin get up here, calling right away? Okay, let’s get over Corey every baby that we use, that we give a knife, we steal them. We have zero production costs, oh think about it.


He has to manufacture Poltergeist plungers in a factory that likes to use the plunger on your poop.


No one has it: oh, you do back there, one dude in the back, damn it I like to just and he Lifted Me in the air like we were in the movie Dirty Dancing, but she told me I needed to be a big girl.


I play you.


Well, which is it very realistic, very, very well, good good! Do you? Do you normally go big girl? Oh all, the time right in the mirror just go work.


Big girl Drive it’s, my daily demon, it’s, funny that you say great grandpa because my great grandpa accidentally shot and killed.


My grandmother, I’m sorry to say that again, one more time like people connect the dots with my family.


So my mom wasn’t just killed by anyone.


She was killed by my dad.


Three devices at once are going off right now: Grandpa’s, music box, and the box. They’re doing that to play music with us.


Whatever Sierra has a lot of passion yeah, I don’t know if it’s anger or she wants to get them foreign.


Thank you.


We’re gonna have to remaster dude Corey.


This is the first time in my life I can dunk and I stop the whole show.


I stopped everyone.


Everyone’s, just waiting for the yeah.


We’re both straight edge, your mom and I yep – never drink, Never Smoke, never done anything y 39.


All should date, okay, never mind um, so say that again into the mic.


I said I’m not gonna sit down because I don’t need the whole audience. Seeing my badge hi badge funny thing is: my nickname is Vegeta, so oh wow, Nick what yep my stepdad gave me.


The nickname, Vegeta I’m, starting to think that your one-and-a-half-year-old brother learned the word from you.


Wait can I say something I was gonna write yeah.


I’m the demon I’m.


Talking about.


Oh, I was gonna say.


Prove it.


Oh, my God yeah he said one of the dudes got your phone.


What hahaha can you give us a hint where your body is buried under the pavement right here there are four: a road away make it home now some may not believe it, and I won’t say: Yes, let go of it.


Dude, do you feel the grip on that yeah? We did we both used it. I literally because I saw on Kyle, was just like dude, like what do you think’s gonna, dude that’s like the worst thing.


So this is yours? What first time and you go like this – I don’t know if you want it, where your arm is locked out here, yeah and that way, you know when your arms locked out that you’re gonna be perfectly in line, and it’s big motion yourself, Kyle’s swinging.


We have made it to another city.


What’s the city called my friend Cincinnati welcome to Verizon.


We have two days off, so this is the hotel room.


Is it yes, it is haunted by a dog.


This is where we put our bags.


These are the beds dude there’s a handprint on the bed.


Wait what are the odds of there being handprints in your beds, dude what the Marty something followed us?


Can you please give us a knock if you’re in here? What was that, if there’s a ghost in here, can you please say something and turn on a light: dude think if no way what the going on? What the is that Marty we got ta get out of here. You were uh sleep talking last night and it was an Estonian, and so I want to make sure you weren’t casting a spell on me, so I wrote it down in my notes.


You said on any language stuff, no okay, so you were possessed.


Okay, so you were speaking in a language that we don’t know of okay gotcha.


I got scared again.


The investigation where both of us were just like.


Is there anyone over here? What the? What the? What is that, dude, it’s, just it’s terrible! Is that the most intense story, though, as I’ve, read and like it is very sad.


The car had met parallel with a fence and it came through the front of the car and the back passenger.


I opened my eyes and my life changed yeah.


I remember when we got that story, Waverly uh.


It was probably about two weeks ago, or so we read that and we’re, like yeah uh. We were about 30 minutes halfway to Waverly and when we were driving the car just stopped it’s, saying something very in there.


It’s getting better.


Like while we’re looking at it, are you okay? I’m, like I’m, fine crowd surfing.


He’s crowd-surfing.


Ladies and gentlemen, coming up in red car number, 32 Evan Boogie.


What was that? Well, you can sit here.


What dude are you that much better? Are you that much better than us, so you’re, like I,m gonna sit up here the number of times that Corey goes?


Is there a bathroom nearby and I’m, like yeah the motorhome and he goes Nah? I can’t do that yeah.


That might be the worst one.



Okay, I’m gonna go to the top of the Great Pyramid strip. My clothes off and just flash it around go in and out of the pyramid in and out of the pyramid go aliens are real.


You’re all crazy.


They were right to the Earth is flat.


It’s so bright.






What are you looking to find tonight? I don’t know you’re for the ride, the adventure and it’s dark, and I can’t see.


Wait, I heard I thought I heard someone.


I heard something.


Oh, my God wow does. We think that what we were talking about earlier was with us.


Do you think that was something new we don’t know because Felton came down and was like? Hey did y’all do this?


We are out here at Eloise.


Wait! Wait.


We’re just walking what’s happening over here.


So you’re loading in chairs.




Are you carrying all these at once? I got ta go 15.


No! You’re! Not 15.


Your last record was 12 from what I remember. I know Riley just carried 14, so I’m trying to break his record up the stairs all right.


Okay, I can’t wait to watch this.


Damn not foreign! I’m excited you’re being on this side of the camera yeah I don’t know, oh God, do I look at the lenses?


Do I look at you? Everybody always looks at you, but I kind of want to look at the lens, but now that’s weird, I’m making this weird.


I’m still just because it’s going to be a celebrity.


I’m not a celebrity.


I’m a camera guy.


I’m a celebrity camera guy.


That just sounds weird six, five, four, three two one damn that was great, give it up for Evan, but, six, five, four, three, two one go: we both started crying and at this point, we just grabbed each other as tight as you could ever imagine.


I think that’s, the first prank I’ve ever pulled off in part of a live audience. Jenny did the Ghost Hunt last night.


She ditched us and I felt so sad without her.


I was so bored.


The boys were boring.


They went to sleep.


Gary went to sleep so early foreign, so whatever costume you wear that night, you become for the rest of his life.


Okay, wait that’s a great thing because that means when Halloween comes around.


If you want to dress up, you become that thing yeah.


What about the people that dress up as astronauts? Okay and we can solve world hunger, and you know all these poverty issues and everything else in the world, and so what? If I’m, you know what I mean like that’s, like you know what I mean that’s it, but like look, I’m making amends look.


I was a bad person. Okay, I’m, not gonna argue that we want to bring someone on stage who has helped shape the overnight Channel and helped us kind of improve as paranormal investigators.


So please give a big warm welcome to Patty Negri everyone and Daddy.


Doing that thing right now and she’s doing it, she’s, moving.


I’m, like oh, no, she’s about to rock someone’s world.


This whole story is spinning in my head.


It’s really hard to come up with, but you have seen her before you just didn’t know yeah whether you saw the exact her.


I think it is a spirit.


I think you’re.


You are pretty intuitive because I knew you had good big dream life right?


I don’t try to sleep as much, because all my dreams have just been kind of weird. A lot of my dreams come true now, so I try to avoid that yeah.


I specifically just been with boyfriends, though, finding out how they cheat on me, though it’s just that one other dream other nightmares.


Well, we got ta sign, Annie Don’t.


We you want to sign, Annie.


No, no don’t do it.


Yes, no! You’re fueling her up.


She’s gonna walk.


Now tonight I’m sorry, okay, oh my God.


What tonight’s the night? The next clip you see is gonna be the evidence window, oh my God! Oh my God, all right! Well, I think the adventures of Ginger and Jenny went pretty well tonight.


We heard some freaky noises. We got scared shitless.


We found this thing that was cool and that thing, because Sleepy’s, I guess good night guys.


Why is it right? What is that you, I’ve never seen that before dude.


I didn’t even want to talk about it because it was not believable.


He and I you know, I feel like it’s like not even worth talking about it,’s because, like it’s, just not, you know what’s so weird about you saying that because we have a whole live show about getting people to Feel more comfortable talking about their ghost stories, and here you are with a group of people that believe in it and you’re not willing to talk well.


Do you want to know everyone’s reaction when I said what I saw, what was it this and so that’s? Why, when that happened? I was like it’s that’s why I just walked away, and I didn’t even want to say anything because it’s like.


Are they even what happened? I have a little girl.


She was right here just staring at me and she was all white see-through and then she faded away today.


Yes, like an hour ago, yeah dude, we’re 28 days straight up this right now like it’s possible, we’re just getting beat down, yeah and extra Veil up with, however much you do lifted her and again guess what open The bill guess what we didn’t do tonight.


We did yes, we did. We did I didn’t.


Do it well, you, like it foreign, and I could not sleep today, because this guy is driving like nuts, like Mika kaki and Mika machine, Mikhail Suma, Lewis, Hamilton very good, very drive, safe, my friend, but get safe for people to see live.


Show thanks to this.


Guy, okay, we’re trying to figure out how we could crawl up through the dungeon, but uh we couldn’t figure it out, though, so our motorhome smells terrible right now, which is why we’re in shorts, because all of our pants smell, Like Patty, would you please join us up here? Please you slept in the motorhome with us.


I did and drove six hours with us.


I did you can confirm the motorhome smells horrible.


It’s not fresh, right?


We’ll come up with something else.


Maybe we can attach something to him tonight: oh yeah yeah yeah, something worse than a cute little girl.


What oh yeah, 4 10 in the morning. Everyone’s like being super quiet.


We’re using like the Thousand box and we’re chilling and there’s one dude who just does this puts his hands up and he goes.


You may take all of my energy and do as you please.


I Am Your Vessel and use me and I’m like he hasn’t spoken all night.


That was like the first time.


He spoke holy water and some Florida water because that’s cleansing Florida water.


Oh Florida, water, wait! What? Oh, you don’t know Florida water Corey.


What would you do differently the next door? Buy socks, yeah, dude, look at these sweat stains dude, oh no yeah! I got ta, I’m gonna be straight up.


I will right now the most lit crowd.


We’ve had the whole tour. Now, do you guys say yo-yo here or not, all right? Let me get a Yee on three yeah on three one, two three: what does that mean? It means ghost.


Where are you sucking my balls? Come up, you know the nude beach, and she like grabs her visor and like flicks it up and we’re like what and she’s like.


This is a school vehicle.


There are cameras and microphones in here, so they can see that I brought you here to notice how the story has changed since she began.


It went from oh, we just typed in the nude beach so we planned this out for 10 weeks.


I’m starting to think you did this on purpose to get her fired.


Oh let’s go! Oh! I’m on the money right now.


We were a kid into the ceiling come on up over here.


Oh, my God, oh my God, red blood, hey Corey, play the game.


Dude! Oh, my God show number 21. I’m ready, but this show can go to bars.


You know you know what I mean the show’s lit the show.’s mature.


I’m just curious if it’s in a chapel.


I’m just scared about what you’re gonna talk about in a chapel look.


We know the history of this place.


Worst, things have been done here than what I’m going to talk about.


Three of you have a divot box.


As you bring the cross too.


You want left or right.


I’ll be left. Okay, I’ll go left too, but sit wherever you want and go for it, hello! Welcome to church dude.


We have a chipotle sauce worth of holy water right here, dude, okay, bro Lily.


When the show’s over, we need to do like Gatorade.


Like dunk worth of holy water on our head guys, I’m trying so hard not to cuss right now, like I would have said like she said she’s, gonna, be there sleeping.


She wants to role, plays a scenario of an intruder, and I was just like I don’t know if I’m gonna get shot right now and the parents are home and the parents are downstairs watching TV uh.


Our shows are going to eventually involve paranormal stories that have been submitted, but this is just so much fun yeah.


This is good and I was telling him that I was showing him some of the Haunted parts of the church because I knew like everything that had gone on in that church.


One thing led to another: I took his virginity in the church library.


This is something that I think you would find in a movie or a TV show.


I slammed my hand on a table, but it ended up going through it smacking the utensils and vibrating everything on it. I think it was like a week before or a few days before I had my incident.


They were signed and talking about getting ready to sign the papers to me, yo-yo dude everything’s going on.


We got some evil like a little bite mark.


I’m trying to find Elton and Corey.


I don’t know where they went.


The RV’s over there, foreign Corey Ellison.


Are you guys in here yeah? Sorry? Oh, I thought you’d, be wearing a costume yeah.


I think this dress.


I think it’s very flattering.


He said I looked frumpy my friend to accentuate his waist yeah. You could get that hourglass figure a few times.


I think that’s fake it fits you.


Well, okay, damn I thought Mary had a little lamb turns out Mary got a fat hog.


What up boy? I love it.


Oh, my goodness! It’s gonna lie she kind of looks thick with the two faces.


When I first saw it, man, I didn’t know this dress came with a wagon.


Oh, what I think just because he looks like that.


I got an apple like that.


I can do whatever he wants Jenny.


We have a couple of check-ins here. Why is this our smallest show and the most amount of like effort, but this is gonna, to be a good episode? Okay, um! I want everyone to know.


This was not uh.


My request is, uh Corey chose to wear this.


Yes, I did that.


Every time guys play the game that’s exactly what happens. No dude no dudes are ever like that.


Oh, would you rather save a puppy or a kitten? No, it’s.


How many dicks? Would you swallow every time dude it’s when you walk outside for 30 seconds, every single time you fart, you know people fart in their sleep.


How did he just go from it?’s? Okay, to show your peter at the Super Bowl, but burping up.


Dude you’re gonna burp for 30 seconds.


That is not fair. You’re the one who chooses what card I get.


I know, but it’s you shouldn’t be winning.


How is that not fair, how did burping for 30 seconds lose to getting naked just a little like a tip slip, dude, nothing too crazy?


I’m wearing a dress and a bonnet, and I’m pissed Marty.


Why do you keep showing your dick to Corey? I told him when I was on Tick.


Tock live and you’re standing next to me and you’re flapping your dick from side to side which, by the way impressive.


But why look at him, you need to answer him.


Oh, he’s, changing the subject seriously the woman Marty wow.


So why? Oh, it’s really fun.


I just came from a shower. You just came in a shower and then you showed it.


I’m from Estonia.


I don’t know this language.


Let me explain what happened fully, so this is my shout-out to Erica Ashley David Noah uh Rebecca here’s Marty.


Next to me right next to me.


Everyone knows golden hour lighting right now, y 39.


All look pretty like honestly.


If any of you need a new default picture for Instagram, take a selfie right now and someone always ends up eating someone else’s order.


It just happens every time and that someone is always Kyle, so he destroys the burger, and then Jenny comes walking in and she’s like where’s my burger and Kyle’s just eating it, and that insult to injury offers her the 10.


That’s remaining – you say your dad’s, car was on fire and a horse kicked you into a fire pit. Basically yeah.


When was the last time you tried uh burning someone alive?


That pause means you’re thinking, and it’s more recently than we all thought it would be a lot of the times we’ve seen these creators do these things, but it’s fabricated, but the kids that are watching it.


The people that are watching like this are so cool.


You know, but they don’t realize that what they just watched is essentially a movie, and it’s just all this like planned out.


But then you guys go home and you do it for real, and then you end up with the ramifications of a lie.


We’ve had on a tour that has had these like you can do whatever you want to me.


Don’t realize I don’t think it is a real thing.


I’ve seen people leave our investigations like mortified holy dude.


This doesn’t happen to you, right? She’s just running wow, okay, kill the music.


Before I even sit down.


Damn dude press plays real quick just so he can sit down.


Please let him sit down.


I mean dude.


Every time we open the veil, you have a really good opera voice.


Yeah, that was pretty good right thanks.


I got ta talk about what happened last night.


Every night we open the veil, we raise the energies, we loosen everyone up, it’s a huge part of how we start, and then everyone knocks and introduces themselves and not only introduces themselves but States their intention and one dude goes.


I want to see some ghost titties twin paranormal everyone. I’m, sorry guys um, we’re not that type of people.


Nothing will get held back by this beautiful luscious lollipop, so God damn I don’t like it.


You don’t even think about the semen, okay, the sweat that this horse has to sweat out to win a race.


I’m telling you this tastes so good.


Do you hear it yeah foreign? Do you guys have any final words to say any messages?


Looks like we’re hiring in April for a job uh.


We’re going on tour in April uh.


There’s one uh One requirement of the job.


Don’t do that to us, yeah and you’re pretty much hired.


We started. We started 32 and a half 33 days ago.


This is show number 25 Wow and what’s cool is.


If you look carefully, you can see Alcatraz the place that kind of motivated the entire starch everything we did.


Paranormal yeah yeah, one of the key items on the actual Bucket List file, was to stay overnight at Alcatraz and, like that motivation to stay in that little rock right, their kind of created everything that we’ve done.


Since then, a big influence – you know, like you, said, like it,’s, the final night of the tour like that’s, it’s, emotional.


I’m like I’m glad y 39.


All are here with us seriously and I can talk to all the animals.


Oh, we can go to my Zoo every day.


If you want to talk to a bird, we’re gonna go talk to a bird okay?


What do you think is like great stress, reliever sex, you think sure you don’t even need to have the sex you. Don’t need to get sweaty.


You don’t even need to take your clothes off, because I can give you an instant orgasm.


Just by looking at you ready check this out.


You stressed right now: oh it worked that’s.


What I thought nice, so uh, Ginger and Jerry – can you guys can come up here come on? I’m curious to come up here.


Come on.


I forgot about this.


What is this? This is one of the screws to one of the chairs because everything’s breaking so one of these chairs is what you have to know you don’t.


I have this.


Oh, my gosh wait is that why I’m sitting on this yeah? Okay, to recap, like literally since the day, one on tour, tail lights, weren’t working, we’ve, had five tires pop uh, we’ve had our side view, mirror go down to one bolt with some like 12-year-old and an ambulance showed up And fixed it yeah that’s ridiculous. A 12-year-old showed up in his dad’s, the ambulance just hopped in our motorhome, and went you got a fuse out and then fix everything way s one-two: three, we’re done.


We’re done hand, Kyle.


I’m, holding something I’m calm down good morning sunshine.


We’re here.


Oh, we did it, dude.


We did it barely made it.


This thing was gonna blow up in five more minutes.


The truck would have died.


I told you they’d come back, see you in three days I’m, going to sleep.


Dude, see you again. We’re getting the ghost tattoo.


I’m ready the first one to go baby first, very first tattoo.


I ain’t got nothing, nothing got ta, take it all off.


Ered everybody’s getting the truth: it’s a Delta and yeah and Riley and Kyle yeah, and he was back to us.


I wasn’t on the tour, but my husband was but um but like by association.


I just want to say I was the first one with the ghost tattoo Lena.


You have to downplay your accents that’s.


What I’m doing has been doing for the whole time, so I always have been part of the spooky gang.


This is weird.


It should be like flipped, oh no Jerry. Can I tattoo you? Yes, what do you mean yeah like right, like yeah, I went to Art School, it’s, okay.


What does that mean? I know what is here, can I eat? While I get tattooed, Kyle? Where are you getting yours? I don’t know I don’t think I’m going to yeah it’s, not bad.


This is pretty cool Marty.


Please, please! I’m.


Sorry! I’m.


Sorry, I’m.


Sorry, I’m sorry dude.




Sorry I didn’t do to your dog foreign.


This is my new best friend. Are you coming on to the tour as well? She’s, doing three of the shows.


Elsa didn’t tell you to shout out your Tick Tock.


I don’t have Tick.


Tock for uh have a good day.


I told her.


I was like I’ll see you on the one way back yeah she’s.


Like I’m, not flying back.


I was like you’re, not dude.


This is a shiny, ass RV brand new, but they were like.


There is not a single scratch on this thing. If you damage anything well, no, oh, no, they won’t.


Luckily they’re driving it back.


The first Jerry and Jenny yeah don’t even ask about Riley Marley’s not supposed to be on camera, that’s why it is yeah.


You’re doing the fuckboy thing, which one did you have the yellow wait that is hot.


Oh here you go, you should have said it now.


He’s not eating it foreign.


I can’t help the nurse.


Are you gonna? Do the voice right in the beginning, hello, they love it.


Okay, Elton thinks that y 39.


All hate me for always doing that voice. Teach us to curse words earlier.


Just so you all know we learned wanker wait.


Is that a bad bad word? Oh, how bad of a bad word! Is it? Oh? Not? Oh, so you’re saying everyone that thinks it’s.


A bad word is just being a wanker right, give a round of applause for Josh and Dan.


Everyone come on up.


I remember being the little spoon one night.


I remember being the little spoon one night and then flapping her the next night.


Oh, Dad, we’re moving.


We’re moving.


Yes, we have to keep it on the left side of the road. It’s.


So weird that there I wanted to go that side, so bad foreign, but I just assumed it was kilometers the entire time yeah didn’t someone yell something at us?


Yeah, they called us a tosser.


Is that normal yeah everyone,’s like yeah tosser, come up here. Get up here, Corbin get up here Corbin.


Where are you? We gave him no warning kind of Chef, not kind of.


I could be whatever you want me to be because I got three wishes.


Yeah, but you told me, you’re a chef, yes, but then, if I’m, not a good Chef, you can wish for a better chef and then I could be a better Chef.


Well, you could just be a better Chef already.


Oh my God.


This is who you’re dating. Oh my God, once I got to the right spot, I pulled the piece of paper back out and followed the instructions.


I closed my eyes and yelled ooh Nami Nami emo.


Are you messing with me that’s it’s what it says I yelled this five times?


I thought to myself.


There is nothing on this piece of paper and Corey made all of this up foreign of literally thinking that we’re talking to the spirit that opened the door and all of a sudden the door starts shaking and we’re like holy.


No, it went on for two minutes Elton until they finally opened it and scared us now they were good at it.


You don’t understand and we had one girl because she was the one talking I’m, like keep going it’s, responding to you keep going and she’s like using all of your energy open the door now and the door flies open.


Corbin jumps on me.


I jump on Corbin and Marty almost jumps on me too.


We thought it was the best evidence we ever got yeah we did we did not yeah. We were like what the yo me Corbin and Marty became one person.


Hmm, are you ready for London?


Are you nervous? Oh, I didn’t know you got nervous yeah they’re doing improv.


Do you it look like I know, improv, I’m, a parkour guy?


I could I’d rather do that than tackle a baby toddler, a toddler can take it.


Let me walk you through your life, but all of your major events.


You have to turn into Tick.


Tock dances uh, you’re born Tick, Tock, dance number! One I still want to tackle a toddler that looks terrible, a life of doing that: okay, yeah dude, that was pretty bad, hey yo! I’m sorry about three: I got an oral fixation.


I guess let’s go one two three! I feel like that.’s ground up, intestines stop! Is it like a wait? What I have a weird feeling, it’s, a pig’s, colon stop! No, because she doesn’t choose who dies. No, but she’s, not it doesn’t choose, but you’ve also never written a name.


So you don’t know the power of it. It’s very well, look I could die this.


Is it wait? Is this the end of the tour vlog? Oh, person, prank foreign, but it’s so nice that we’re doing this after the tour.


I know this would have been like our first public appearance.


We’d be terrified.


Oh, we’d be, but now we’re just like damn yeah, you know it.’s got fun.


Welcome any overnight.


We should have given him that to play underneath the video I don’t even know what video it is.


I see how Kyle messed this up.


Oh, my goodness ready three, two one.


Three, two one: okay! I was gonna take a minute. Oh wow, oh wow, excuse my people.


You should just go high.


Five and eleven go get yours.


Evan’s gonna high-five, everyone Corey’s five hours of pictures are about 1500 people.


We did how good job I was expecting.


Like 300 people, 1500 1500, five plus hours of pictures.


It was yeah yeah because we started at 2 30 on the DOT 15 Cool way down.




Take pictures in April that’s, what we tell everyone, I’m eating pizza right now, getting ready for the haunted, homies episodes y 39.


I am so excited for y 39. All to see how you still have energy huh? How do you still have energy? I’m gonna take pizza and we’re talking about haunted homies seriously, guys we poured our hearts and soul.


Like you said in the haunted, homies and like, I cannot wait for you guys to see it so comment down below.


If you’re excited, we got ta, get ready for the shoot tonight.


Okay, let’s go, baby.


Let’s back up the gear.


We gotta, get ready all right, love you guys so much.



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