Tag Archives: Vox

Puh-LEEZE! Vox’s spin on Pence marriage ‘even stupider’ than Mollie Hemingway predicted

Had to double check that this wasn't photo shopped. Can confirm it's an actual take in real life. https://t.co/yUsTMqRxGe — Philip Klein (@philipaklein) March 31, 2017 By now almost everybody’s seen reports of VP Mike Pence’s marital philosophy and the backfired attempts to mock the story, but get a load of Vox’s hot take: I…

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Vox: ‘Obsession’ about Ottawa shooter detail reveals a lot about … us!

http://twitter.com/#!/JammieWF/status/525304362290003969 Are you ready for a triple-shot of Voxsplaining about the attack at Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Canada yesterday that left a soldier dead? Our obsession with the Ottawa shooter's religion reveals more about us than about him http://t.co/fEaCnVrCuz — Vox (@voxdotcom) October 23, 2014 Our obsession with the Ottawa shooter's religion reveals more about…

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SO close! Matt Yglesias briefly un-triggered by Trump fans before re-triggering himself

Vox’s Matt Yglesias was was apparently on the verge of an epiphany today: Was walking on the Mall today with Jose when I saw a bunch of older white dudes in Make America Great Again caps heading our way. — Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) May 29, 2017 I was kind of dreading the moment our paths…

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Go with that! Vox’s advice for saving the planet is ‘a winning message’ (for Republicans)

Vox is really on a roll today. First off there was this Voxsplainer about what does NOT stop racism, and now this gem about how to slow the advance of climate change: The best way to reduce your personal carbon emissions: don't be rich https://t.co/p35Dgk357d — Vox (@voxdotcom) July 24, 2017 Please convince the DNC…

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