Tag Archives: car-accident

15 Heroic Men Flipped Overturned Convertible To Save Someone Trapped Inside

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTAT_ATF’); }); Jonathan Jansen was driving recently in South Carolina when suddenly, things took a turn for the worse. His car flipped upside down. What made that even more horrific was the fact that he was driving a convertible. Stuck in the car and unable to get out, Jansen began to feel hopeless.…

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13 Cars That Were Way, WAY Too Close To Crashing — OMG

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTBT_ATF’); }); We’ve all been there: the almost-crash. And if you’re like me, you obsess over those small moments on the road where the possibility of crashing was just way too close for comfort. Whether you can blame it on the weather, the other driver, or just have to admit you deserve the…

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