I Am His Inheritance

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When I read Ephesians 1:17-20, I cannot help but grieve the lack of understanding we have on the power of God toward us.

And when I say God, I speak of the great I AM, the glorious father, the one who said let there be light and light was made. The one who put the breath of life in us, the same God who made the stars and the galaxies and the infinite space, and in the midst of His creation set a place for us to live, so that we could live for the praise of His glory.

That same God, the God of the universe, the only one true God, loves me, and He loves me so much that He sent His one and only son to earth, to live like one of us in the limited and frail and corrupted, and perishable body of a human being. So that He could give himself as sacrifice on our stead, and give us life.

But it does not stop there. He chose to make us His inheritance, this is how much value we have to Him; He calls us His glorious inheritance, and He sees riches and triumph and delight in having us come one day and live in His presence, so that He can enjoy us. WOW, that is mind Boggling, I get dizzy just thinking about it.

When Paul prays that the God of all wonders give us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, he is seeking to have us understand all of this, he is seeking to have us know God it all His mystery, in all His profundity, in all His might and love toward us, Because when we do, then we’ll get it, then we’ll see the hope to which He has called us. Which is no hope at all, but the knowledge of a future which is already a reality in our lives if we are willing to live it.

The knowledge that all of His power has been put toward us, that the same power which God exercised to make His creation, to bring us to live, to resurrect our Lord Jesus Christ and sit Him at His right hand, that same power is continuously working in me and in you if you are willing to receive it.

So, what are then my limitations as a person? They are none, they are all set in my mind by a corrupted existence which was not meant to be, and only my mind is self-limiting, and it limits my heart and my hopes and my whole existence, it limits my potentials, my dreams, and even my hopes, and with it, it also limits my eternity.

But the Bible tells me that I am able to renew my mind, Paul says in Romans 12:2 “Be Transformed” meaning that I am able to toss away the old and reset my mind to live the reality of my new life in Christ. And to live according to His power, which is at work in me (Eph 3:20) and that all I need to do is to let my mind fly, dream, believe, and act according to that power; The Bible says that I am a new creation, (2 Cor 5:17); that my old limiting flesh has been crucified with Christ, (Gal 2:20); and that I have been born again with a new incorruptible DNA which is already working in me with the mighty power which God today exercises in me.

And this being true, what is limiting my being? What is limiting my doing? What is limiting my whole existence?

It’s time to break away from fear, and to let our mind get to work in the unlimited power available to it, it’s time to let our new incorruptible life take over, and act on an eternity which pressing in on us as our corruptible flesh decays. It’s time to be the children God made us to be and set aside the limiting corruption of the fall.

The instructions God gives us in His word are not for us to learn but to do, He is not telling us what we can be, He is telling us what we are, who we are, and what to do according to our identity and reality.

So toss aside the false reality you are living in, and LIVE ON!

Rev. Jose A. Luna

A Servant of Christ Jesus

Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10023245