Have A Conversation With God About Healing Your Grief

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“This is what the Lord asks of you: only this, to act justly, to love tenderly, and to walk humbly with your God.”

~ Micah 6:8

Conversations with God are wide-ranging and definitely diverse. Are your prayers one-dimensional focusing on asking for a precise blessing or blessings, hoping God is hearing your prayer? Have you considered better understanding the will and the mind of God? Walk humbly with your God. Perhaps you have not intimately had an experience of partnering your thoughts and feelings with God – Following are four essential considerations to begin this inspirational and empowering journey.

1- Don’t Expect an Apostle Paul Experience

When you pray in your quiet place – On “Your Damascus Praying Journey” you should not suppose you will receive an immediate vision, like Paul did, of clarity to your prayer thoughts. Praying on top of “Your Mount Sinai,” you will not receive 10 healing commandments written on stone tablets like Moses. Seldom are prayers to your God answered that way. Don’t expect immediate results as you learn to commune with God so that it is a two-way communication. This takes determination, diligence, and patience. Answers and inspiration from God come quietly to your soul, your heart, and your mind, quietly, and delicately – not always immediately. Learning to recognize and listen to what may seem like quiet whispers of inspiration from God is an essential focus worthy of mindful attention.

2- Don’t Give Up

Don’t give up because you experience uncertainty about your prayers being heard, let alone being answered – keep trying – with humble determination. Answers to your prayers come in God’s time not yours. Your answers from God will likely come as a quiet whispering. Don’t begin your prayers with disbelief, that they will never be answered. Don’t be a doubter but have quiet hopeful confidence your communication will progress. The voice from your God will be delicate and soft – but a wonderful sacred experience and blessing to you.

3- Don’t Be Discouraged

Don’t be discouraged if your closeness and answers to prayers evade and escape your most sincere efforts. Fine-tuning and adapting your communion with your God so that it is a personal dialog, direct two-way communication can give you immense inspiration and comfort to stop grieving and start healing. Keep praying, keep trying, and with your continued hard work, hearing the voice of God in your own way in His time is possible.

4- Let Me Share

Praying to your God can be comforting, inspirational and empowering. In your own way commune with your God. As you experience immense pain and sorrowful emotions, praying often and intently can be your anchor of hope, peace, and strength. Inspiration, empowerment, and peaceful feelings are important as you mourn and grieve. Trying to solve your life problems alone is challenging. Seek the power that only comes from God.

My belief in a Supreme Being has given me added strength. I testify of a God who loves me and knows me by name and watches over me in good times and bad. I express my gratitude for that belief. My heart has been comforted by those things which I believe. Even though I don’t understand the why of my grief, my discouragement has been met, and conquered by my beliefs nurtured and harvested. For this understanding and blessing, I express my humble gratefulness. I invite you to seek comfort, peace and strength through communion with your God often, again and again, with extra sincerity and energy like you have never done before, as you seek new purpose and peace. I know God loves me and you.


Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10085617