Fishy Ken Cuccinelli impersonator trolls aquarium visitors!/lizthatch/status/376071272309854208

Just last month, supporters of Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe dropped a bomb that turned out to be a dud. A poorly composited mock-up of opponent “Ken Cuccinelli’s Virgina,” in which Muslim-looking terrorists run around airports firing missile launchers at will, was branded both racist and downright stupid.

As lame as that stunt was, it was topped today when a Ken Cuccinelli impersonator dropped by the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center. The gag’s sponsor, NextGen Climate Action, probably should have spent a few extra bucks, as the “look-alike’s” glued-on prosthetics immediately caught the attention of aquarium security. Police escorted the fake Cuccinelli off the premises.!/FauquierYRs/status/376054145582497793!/ZeltDC/status/375983583359270912


‘That’s racist’: Check out McAuliffe election group’s cringeworthy Cuccinelli smear [pic]

Terry McAuliffe campaign asks probing question: ‘Why am I emailing you about sodomy?’

Please let this be real: Woman tweets that ‘Terry McAuliffe better f*cking adore’ her fundraiser prep

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