Critics take cheap shots at skeet-shooting Sarah Huckabee Sanders

There have been a lot of low points in politics this year, but one of the most underappreciated has to be #Piegate, which revealed a rift between the press and the White House so deep that a photo of a pie managed to become a month-long saga among media types. In case you missed it, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted a photo of a pecan pie that looked a little too perfect to some people to be homemade, inspiring the masses to allege she’d stolen the photo and faked the whole thing for some reason. White House correspondent April Ryan took things up a notch, daring Huckabee Sanders to “show it to us on a table.”

After drawing #Piegate to a close by delivering Ryan a homemade pie, Huckabee Sanders thought she’d post another candid photo, this one of her skeet shooting over Christmas week.

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